HV Update 1-31-25
A message from your principal, Mrs. Stager
The mural project is complete and it's nothing short of spectacular! Thank you so much to the HSA and the numerous parent volunteers who gave so much time. We really had some parent rockstars coming in here to make sure the project was completed on time. It's absolutely stunning so be sure to check it out next time you are in the building for a school event!
The first graders enjoyed a very special Dory Fantasmagory Bookwormy Night! Thank you to Mrs. Munro and HSA volunteers for a memorable evening. The third graders worked hard on their Immigration Day projects and enjoyed learning about different countries and cultures today. Thank you to the teachers, parents, and students for a memorable experience!
We are finally flipping the calendar to February! There will be an early dismissal day on Tuesday, February 4th for staff professional development. School will be dismissed at 12:40 P.M. and no lunch will be served. Please review dismissal plans with your child and notify the teachers or main office of any changes to the regular schedule.
Hillview News
Science Fair Reminders!
Please review the following information if you are participating in the Science Fair. Mr. Belardo sent home hard copies today with all participants.
A Message from our Nurse.....
February is Heart Health Month!
We all want to see our kids grow and develop into healthy adults- Here are some tips to help make that happen:
1. Help your kids eat healthy and send healthy snacks to school.
2. Help your child be more physically active! Play silly games to get moving. Limiting screen time can help too!
3. Kids need plenty of sleep, 9-12 hours per night!
Mark your calendar! National Wear Red Day is Friday, February 7th!
Regarding illness, please adhere to the following guidelines:
- Keep your child home if he/she does not feel well enough to participate in normal activities, even if fever-free.
- Keep your child home until fever-free for 24 hours without the need to take fever-reducing medication (fever is defined 100.4 and above).
- If nausea/vomiting- keep your child home until at least 24 hours after the last episode of vomiting.
- If your child has strep throat- keep your child home until at least 12 hours have passed since the start of antibiotic treatment and fever-free for 24 hours without the need to take fever-reducing medication and feeling well enough to participate in normal activities.
- If your child is Covid-19 positive, keep home and call your school nurse for the latest guidelines.
- When reporting an absence, please report symptoms and any official diagnoses.
- Obtain a doctor's note if your child is sick for 3 or more days.
- Remind your child about practicing good hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette
Danielle Ciccaglione, MS, BSN, RN
Certified School Nurse
Hillview Elementary School
973 616-6080 ext. 5004
Valentine's Day
Yes, it's not quite February, yet there are already Valentines displays out in stores. Here is Valentine's Day information for your planning purposes.
On Valentine's Day, the teachers will facilitate classroom celebrations and will work with class parents to coordinate. We kindly ask that if you choose to send in Valentines, one is sent for each student in the class. Please do not send in Valentines that contain food, goody bags, or party favors. They will not be distributed. Amazon has a wide selection of paper Valentines. Teachers are working with class parents to provide allergy friendly snacks during the celebrations. We appreciate your cooperation!
HSA Happenings
Mural Project Complete!!
The new mural is complete!!
A HUGE THANK YOU to all of the volunteers for coming to assist, whether it was to prep, paint, assist with students, touch up, clear coat, or pack up, it wouldn’t have been able to be completed without your help! It looks great and is a great addition to Hillview. Thank you again to all of our volunteers!
And, congratulations to Natalia Vasilic for winning our raffle! We raffled off a Panthers blanket and each volunteer had a chance to win and Natalia was the lucky winner! Thank you again! 💙💛
Half Day Snack Sale
Please see information below on the next half day snack sale. Use this link to order!
K.I.S.S. Dance
Please click on the link below to register
Grand Slam Discount Day!
Spring is coming and so is our 3rd Annual GRAND SLAM DISCOUNT DAY.
REGISTRATION TODAY, PAY LATER. This event is not limited to Hillview families and is open to everyone so share with friends and family!
Only 50 tickets are available for each level, so pre-register today using the link below.
Money is not due until April 1st (Tickets can be paid for prior to 4/1 via venmo @Hillview-HSA or via Cash/Check to Hillview HSA; If payment is not received by end of day 4/1, tickets will automatically be released to the waitlist on 4/2. Unfortunately, we will not be able to hold tickets beyond 4/1)
Ticket Bundle Includes $15 Meal Voucher and a Yankees Back Pack
Soiree News
The committee is hard at work securing some amazing prizes for this year's event. We have 200 guests already registered for Jocks & Julep's. If you have not yet purchased your ticket or have friends/family that would like to attend, registration is still open. Click link to register today - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdHsWik2LTS7FOWPOzcZswf7AIgeOFgOYUu3Si-2bnJ_PrXjQ/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0
Additionally, Sponsorships are now open and there are some exciting opportunities still available. If you would like more information on sponsorship, either of the event or even considering sponsoring a specific prize as a family or business, please reach out to the committee chairs at HillviewSoiree@gmail.com. Thank you to the sponsors who have already committed. We look forward to working with you. Sponsorships will be open until January 31st. Event sponsors can also fill out this form and one of the chairs will be in contact with you - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc6vKbWf-B4r3WZVgbfLfNHZMQXzIhQYGp1xKsqDt7ziKq7tA/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0
Do you own a small business, but not sure what your role could be? Even as a small business, a contribution would be greatly appreciated! Own a landscaping company? Possibly donate a fall cleanup or have a cookie business - maybe donate a certificate for 25 custom made cookies to compliment someone's event they host. The possibilities are endless and we would love to discuss them with you! Please reach out for more information.
Soiree Sponsorships
Dear Hillview Families,
Soiree Sponsorships are now open! Please see the flyer for our sponsorship levels below. The success of our fundraising efforts depends on the kindness and generosity of families, businesses, merchants, and corporate sponsors within and surrounding our community. We (HSA) are a non-profit organization, and all donations are tax deductible. Hillview loves its sponsors and will promote them all year long with our Preferred Vendor list on our Panther Pages, in our directory and our socials!
Proceeds from the Soiree are used to enrich students’ lives through special programs & assemblies, educational support materials, and class trips, in addition to so much more! If you/your business would like to be a Soiree Sponsor or even sponsor a specific prize as a family, please reach out to Dina English at HillviewSoiree@gmail.com or fill out the interest sheet at link below and we will contact you.
Adult Soiree - Don't Miss Out!
Dear Hillview Families & Friends,
The Hillview HSA is excited to open ticket sales for our 4th Annual Soiree, Jocks & Juleps!
Please complete the google form below to get your tickets today. Looking forward to seeing you all there!
Any questions contact: HillviewSoiree@gmail.com
HSA February Newsletter
Please review the newsletter below.
District News
Portrait of a Graduate Survey
Our district is engaged in a Portrait of a Graduate project that involves input from staff, alumni, families, community members and students. The end goal is to align our efforts and embed key competencies that students will need for success in the future. A key component is to garner feedback from various groups in the school community as to what these broad competencies for future success should be. As parents, you are an essential part of this feedback and we invite you to take this important survey that should take 10-15 minutes to complete. Some question numbers may appear out of order; this is for data collection purposes. Simply answer the questions as they appear in the survey. Thank you and we look forward to sharing our progress with you!
Coding Event
The following event is for all elementary students at HV, SJG, and NB in grades 1-5.
District Calendar 2024-25
Hillview Elementary School
Email: allison.stager@pequannock.org
Website: https://hv.pequannock.org/
Location: 209 Boulevard, Pompton Plains, NJ, USA
Phone: 973-616-6080