UPDATES July 2024
The content of this newsletter is generated by the Superintendent of Schools and is designed to help keep our community informed on the developments associated with our Wildwood School Building Project.
Greetings Wilmington Friends & Neighbors,
As the Superintendent of Schools and the Chair of the Wildwood School Building Committee I am writing to provide you with an update on the elementary school building project that is currently underway in our community.
Since the end of school in June, our project team has been hard at work preparing information to help guide and inform the work of the building committee since they will make their decision at the end of August to select one preferred project option to move forward.
During our most recent building committee meeting held on July 23, our project team presented updated information related to the project including:
- Updated cost estimates regarding the various school design options currently being considered.
- Projected estimates for local homeowner tax increases for the various project options along with an estimated MSBA reimbursement.
- Results from the project outreach campaign held during the Wilmington Fun on the 4th event.
I welcome you to review the July 23 meeting information below (links for meeting recording and presentation).
The immediate next steps in this process that will help pave the way towards a new elementary school for the district include the following:
- Public Community Forum, Wednesday, August 7 - this will be the fourth public forum we have held and will provide an opportunity for any member of the community to come and learn more about the project options, cost estimates, etc. The Forum is being held virtually in order to increase accessibility and will be recorded for those unable to join that evening.
- Next School Building Committee Meeting, Tuesday, August 20 - the building committee will be asked to select one preferred project option to move forward to the MSBA.
- Once submitted to the MSBA, the project option will undergo further analysis and development before it is presented to the residents of the Town for their further consideration (est. during the spring of 2025).
If you haven’t had the opportunity to follow the developments associated with this project, it's not too late. All past meeting presentations, reports, and recordings can be found on the project website link below. This project represents an important crossroads for the future of our school community and members of the building committee welcome your feedback, comments, and questions.
Glenn Brand, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools & Chair, Wildwood School Building Committee
Catch-up on this weeks meeting
- Recording of the 7/23/2024 Wildwood School Building Committee meeting
- Presentation shared during the meeting
Please join us for a Wildwood/MSBA Community Forum
Date/Time: Wednesday, 8/7/2024, at 7pm
Location: Zoom Webinar
To review the history of and stay up to date on the Wildwood Building Project, please visit the check out the website, Wildwood Building Project page for information on all reports, presentations and project information.
For a summary of frequent asked questions submitted by our community along with corresponding answers, please visit the project FAQ page.
Upcoming meeting dates include:
- 8/20/2024
- 9/17/2024
- 10/8/2024
- 11/12/2024
- 12/10/2024
For current SY meeting documents, please visit the Meeting Dates & Documents page. For past SY meeting documents and recordings, please visit the Archived Meeting Agendas & Minutes.