September Update
Thank you so much to all of our Vimy families for a smooth and wonderful start-up. We know that settling in for the year can include some challenges, and now we are finding ourselves all in our places with bright shiny faces!
September brings us back into routines and traditions. The first full-school tradition is participation in the Terry Fox Run. Students will be completing the loop in the community and invited to contribute to raise money to support cancer research through the Terry Fox Research Institute. The Vimy Ridge Academy Team Page is a place for our families to make their donations in lieu of sending cash to school. We will be making donation boxes available for cash for each class over the week of September 9 through 13.
Join our School (Parent) Council
Thank you so much to those parents who supported our Grade 7 BBQ! This as an efficient team of sous-chefs and chefs that served approximately 220 hungry teens! We are so grateful for your time and energy to make it a big success!
Parking Solutions
Many families are still finding the optimal places to pick up and drop-off around our community. Please remember the parking on the south side of the building belongs to the Bonnie Doon Leisure Centre patrons. We strive to be good neighbours and work collaboratively with the City of Edmonton Pool Administrators to ensure we can exist within the shared spaces.
Some successful solutions include the following:
- Hockey, Baseball, Ringette, Lacrosse and Golf use the drive through between the school and the pool moving east to west (these students have storage facilities to drop off their gear in the mornings for the day).
- Dance and OHA use the entrance on the north west corner
- BJJ, Elite, Sport Fit, Outdoor Pursuits, Soccer, and Sport Fit use the north front doors and the northwest corner entrances.
- The parking lot by the Edmonton Public Library and Bonnie Doon Mall are spacious enough for parents waiting to meet students at the end of the day.
Student Bicycles
We have worked diligently with students to encourage them to park and lock their bikes up inside our private courtyard in the school. Sadly, we have dealt with a few bike thefts this year when personal bicycles are locked and left at public bike racks at the Bonnie Doon Pool or the northwest corner parking lot of our school. With continued beautiful weather, please remind your student they can bring their bike into the school for safekeeping.
All the information you need about after-school athletics teams at the Junior High or Senior High levels can be found on the Raiders Athletics Website
Upcoming Dates:
September 19 — School Council AGM
September 9 — 13 Terry Fox Run
September 26 — JH Option Change Q1B
September 30 — National Day of Truth and Reconciliation ~ No Classes
October 1-4 — Turkey Trot in PE Classes
October 9 — Picture Retakes
October 10 — Parent-Teacher Conferences
October 11 — PD Day—No Classes
October 14 — Thanksgiving ~ No Classes
October 22 — Horizon Conference Gr. 9
November 1 — PD Day—No classes
November 7— Progress Report #1
November 7 — Core Assembly Blk 4 JH/ Blk 5 HS, Locker Clean Up
November 8—17 Fall Break — No Classes
Follow the Action
SchoolZone is the main source for school information. We also invite you to follow us on Social Media, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook for celebrations and announcements, @vimyacademy. There is also a Facebook group for parents called the Vimy Ridge Academy Parent Resource Page which is hosted by our Parent Council.
As always, please reach out with any questions or concerns, we are here to help!
Assistant Principal Blair Faulkner (Last Names A-L)
Assistant Principal Georgia Mader (Last Names M-Z)
Jillian Marino