Pony Express
No School on Monday, October 14th
Principal Update
Mustang Families,
We hope students enjoyed another long weekend and are excited to kick off this week! A reminder that Monday, October 14, is a student holiday in honor of Indigenous Peoples Day.
If you would like to learn more about this observance, please review these resources:
Five Ideas for Celebrating Indigenous Peoples’ Day. This Smithsonian magazine article explains the importance of Indigenous People’s Day and provides thoughtful suggestions for how to celebrate this holiday.
This New York Times article provides the history of Indigenous Peoples’ Day and speaks to current issues facing indigenous people.
This NPR story explains what Indigenous Peoples’ Day means to Native Americans.
This week marks the end of the first nine weeks! Please take a moment to check your child's grades in the parent portal: portal.austinisd.org. Encourage them to submit any missing assignments and to coordinate with their teachers to correct or make up any missed exams. It’s important for students to finish strong as we wrap up this grading period!
Also, we’d like to remind everyone to submit absence notes to the front office promptly. Absences can add up quickly! Did you know that missing two or more days each month means a student could miss more than 10% of the school year? This can lead to students receiving an "NC" (No Credit) on their transcripts, even if they pass the class. Attendance truly matters! Please check your child’s attendance regularly in the parent portal: portal.austinisd.org.
Thank you for your continued support in helping your students achieve their best this year!
Let’s make it a great week to be an O. Henry Mustang!
☮️, ❤️, and 🐴’s,
Marlo Malott
Happening This Week
School Calendar
Monday 10/14-- No School
Tuesday, 10/15--C Day
- 5th period STIR time- always have a book with you
- 6:00---B Team Football vs Gorzycki 7th @OHMS, 8th @GMS
Wednesday,10/16--A day
- 4:00-5:15 - Soccer Tryouts
Volleyball City Championship Games
6:00 7th grade vs Gorzycki
7:00 8th grade vs Lamar
8th grade match tickets: https://gofan.co/event/1972249?schoolId=TX76640
Only one ticket purchase is necessary.
- A Team Football A- vs Kealing at House Park
6:00 7th Gr, 8th Gr at 7:15
Band Playing at FB Game
Thursday, 10/17-- B Day
4:00-5:15 - Soccer Tryouts
- 6:00 Fall Concert- Guitar and Choir in Cafe
Friday, 10/18-- C Day
- 5th period-SEL Mustang News
- 6:00 Band at Burger Center for AHS Game
Mustangs! Fill the Stands For Our Championship Games!
Attendance Reminders/Updates
**90% rule what does it mean?**
**90% rule what does it mean?**
If a student drops below 90% in a course, an "NC" is entered instead of a grade. The grade may be passing – but the student did not attend at least 90% of the time. Please contact your student’s Assistant Principal to see what corrective steps must be taken.
Notices are going out to families this week whose students are dropping below 90% attendance and we will be required to attend "Attendance Matters" workshop:
Parent Notifications
Looking to personalize your parent middle school experience? Here is an easily accessible way to make modifications to how you receive alerts for your child.
Art In Action
Athletics News
Cross Country District Meet
Congratulations to the cross country team! They competed in the district meet last Thursday at Decker Lake.
A special congratulations goes out to Jude Wilson, who won 1st place in the event with a time of 11:25. Peter Hadlock placed 3rd, and Sully Hoge placed 10th. The boys' team placed 3rd overall. Helen Canally was O. Henry's top scoring girl. The girls' team placed 7th overall. Way to go Mustangs!
Boys Soccer
Coach Gray A Team scott.gray@austinisd.org
Coach Hibbard B Team leslie.hibbard@austinisd.org
If your 7th or 8th grade Boy is interested in playing soccer this fall, please fill out the following survey. (Link below if it is easier)
Soccer Tryout Information
You must have a completed AISD physical in order to try out for Soccer. The entire physical packet must be completed, with signatures, in order to be valid. The physical must be turned in by the first day of tryouts.
Pre-Tryout Practice will be held after school from 4:00 to 5:15 on the following dates: October 8th, 9th, and 10th.
Tryouts will be 4:00 pm - 5:15 pm on October 15th, 16th and 17th.
Please wear cleats and shin-guards to every practice.
Regular Practice Schedule
Monday, 4:00 - 5:15
Wednesday, 4:00 - 5:15
Thursday- 4:00 - 5:15
Saturday - 9:00am A Team Game - 10:30am B Team Game
This is subject to change - more info will come as we get closer.
Our Game schedule is shown in the survey above. If your child participates in club soccer and has game/practice conflicts, please reach out to me. We can work out a plan to make sure they can still participate.
Counseling Corner
Week of October 14th
One-on-One Mini Meetings
Counselors are working diligently to meet with each individual student one-on-one during Mini Meetings. These meetings are designed to create a relationship with the student and his/her counselor, as well as to see if there are any needs the student may need in order to help them be successful in school and at home.
Important Dates
October - National Bullying Prevention Awareness Month
October - Domestic Violence Awareness Month
October 14th - Indigenous People’s Day (Student Holiday; Staff Professional Development)
October 28th - 31st - Red Ribbon Week (Theme: Life is a Movie, Film Drug Free) More info soon!
Attention 8th Grade Students!
8th Grade Students,
LASA and McCallum High Schools will be visiting our school in October and November. McCallum High School was here this past Friday October 11th in the Library. If you missed the McCallum presentation, please check out the Flyers attached regarding the upcoming events, auditions, and application process. LASA High School will be here November 8th in the Library. LASA will be presenting to only the 8th grade students interested in their high school. Here below is a link to click on and fill out if you are interested in the LASA presentation.
Thank you,
FCA Huddles
Fine Arts News
Band News
Friday, October 18 - AHS Middle School Band Night at Burger Stadium
We hope you can join us for an exciting evening of music, fun, and football on Friday, October 18. All 7th/8th Grade Wind Ensemble and Symphonic band members will perform (in the stands) at the Austin High vs. Akins HS football game.
The game is at Burger Stadium (3200 Jones Road, 78745). Austin High is the visiting team so we will meet on the Highway 290 side of the stadium. Students need to arrive at Burger Stadium by 6:20 PM wearing their red O. Henry band t-shirt with black or blue long pants or jeans. Band students must bring their own instrument, pep music, lyre, drumsticks, etc. All instrument cases should be kept in your vehicle. Students are free to leave with a parent or guardian immediately after half time. We will watch both high school bands perform their UIL marching contest show. Band members will be admitted free; however, admission is $7 for parents and adults. All tickets are sold online at https://gofan.co/event/1039504?schoolId=TX25425
Theatre- Save the Date
October 24th at 6:00
Meet Our Mustangs
In this section
Meet our Mustangs- You will have a chance each week to meet two members of our Mustang Family.
National Junior Honor Society
Congratulations to our NJHS Officers 2024/2025!
CO - President - Kate Dyess
CO - President - Mary Hardesty
Vice President - Sabine Andresen
Secretary - Madeline Garza
Community Service Chair - Sabine Ferandez
Historian - Jena Castillo
Chair Induction Ceremony - Gage Norris
Nurse Tidbit of the Week
Save our Direct Line in your Phone 📱📵
Please put 512-414-7112 in your phone as a contact., so if we have to call you, it won’t be an unknown number to you/ your phone. This is a direct number. Thanks!
PTA News
Upcoming Important August PTA Dates:
October 31 - Honor Roll Recognition
Help us beat our goal - JOIN THE O.HENRY PTA TODAY!!
Parent involvement is what makes a school GREAT!
Please consider giving your time and talent to the Mustang Family. A great way to help and get to know the staff is to volunteer in the front office. SIGN UP HERE TO VOLUNTEER IN THE OFFICE There are also openings in many other areas. Fill out this VOLUNTEER FORM to let us know what areas you are interested in volunteering and we will contact you with volunteer needs!!
Grateful for a Teacher? Be their Secret Parent Pal!
Demonstrate your gratitude for O. Henry staff by becoming a Secret Pal! Sign up to be a Secret Pal and anonymously deliver a minimum of 4 small homemade or store-bought gifts to the front office throughout the year. This is a great way to show your love and support to the teachers and staff that make OHMS amazing.