Weekly Family Email
Westgate Elementary - Friday, November 8, 2024
Upcoming Events
11 - Veterans Day Event
12 - Community Club Meeting & Parent Advisory, 5:30pm
13 - Scooter's Day!
21 - Vocal Music Concert 4/5/6 grade 6pm, WMS
27-29 - Thanksgiving Break - NO SCHOOL
The Cold Weather Is On The Way!
We are getting to that time of year with lot’s of temperature fluctuations during a day. Please be sure that students are coming to school with jackets, coats, hats, and gloves as necessary. Students will be outside for arrival and going out for recess as long as the outdoor temperature is above a feels like 10 degrees.
Hello Families!
Here's your weekly Westgate Community Club update:
COMMUNITY CLUB MEETINGS - NOW WITH CHILDCARE!! That's right. We've lined up volunteer childcare providers from Westside High School for our meetings. Join us next Tuesday, Nov. 5th at 5:30 in the library and bring your kids!
Thanks for reading!
Brent Koster - Community Club President
Veterans Day Event
Westgate Construction Updates - Updated 11/1/24
Click the link below for the lates construction updates!
Birthday Treats!
We do allow students to bring treats for celebrations such as birthdays. However, all treats served during the school day must come from our district approved snack list. Please click the button below to access this list. Thank you!
Happenings Around The District…
Student and Family Services
OneWorld Medical Mobile Services
Mr. Becker - Principal - Westgate Elementary
Email: Becker.scott@westside66.net
Website: https://www.westside66.org/westgate
Location: 7802 Hascall Street, Omaha, NE, USA
Phone: 402-390-6495