Mexico 59 Board of Education Update
July 25, 2023

This monthly update will be sent prior to noon the day after the board meeting.
Tax Rate Hearing
Set Proposed Tax Rate
The board voted to accept the recommended motion to set the total 2023-2024 tax rate at 4.6191, with 0.08 to the Capital Project funds, 3.67 designated to the Incidental fund, 0.0000 to the Special Revenue Fund (Teacher), and 0.8691 to the Debt Service fund.
There are several components to the District tax levy, including:
- Maximum operations tax rate
- Operations tax rate ceiling
- Unadjusted levy
- Voluntary rollback, if any
- Adjusted levy
- Debt service maximum tax rate
- Actual operations and debt service levies set.
President's Comments
August Employees of the Month
Congratulations to Deonna Wieberg and Kyle Louder for being selected as the August Employees of the Month! Deonna is the Attendance Secretary at MMS and has been employed with the district for two years. Kyle is the Assistant Principal at MMS and has been a Bulldog educator for 12 years.
District Donations
Per Board Policy KH: All gifts accepted will be reported to the Board of Education, publicly announced and appropriately acknowledged. The donor will be officially thanked in the district's name.
The following people donated:
- Anita Hoyt donated $100.00 to the Special Olympics
- Scott and Kathy Allen donated $125.00 to the Special Olympics
- Janice Erdel donated $100.00 to the Special Olympics
- POET donated $300.00 to the Special Olympics
- Vernon Welschmeyer donated $100.00 to the Special Olympics
- An anonymous donation of $1,000.00 was made in the memory of Ruby Hamlett and Bert McGrew
Consent Agenda
Items approved in Consent Agenda
- Updates approved to the district assessment plan. The plan includes tests given, the purpose of each, and how results are used and disseminated. The plan can be found here.
- The district receives quotes to have our fire extinguishers in our buildings and on our school buses. Missouri Fire Safety & Equipment Service Quotation requires Board approval in order to complete and sign the service quotation document. The document was approved.
- Agreement for School Nurse Training and Support Services
- Districts are required to have a local compliance plan and submit annual assurances to DESE regarding the provision of service to student with disabilities under IDEA. The Local Compliance Plan and the Local Compliance Plan Changes were adopted.
- Approval of the SESI Boone County Master Agreement.
- The Diesel and Unleaded Fuel bid was approved.
- The district will possibly be adding Nurse Aides to fill the roll of nurses in buildings. A rate of pay needs to be set in order to hire personnel. Updated 2023-24 Salary Protocol - Support Staff
New Business
- When inclement weather days occur, support staff are paid for those missed hours. In the past, support staff were allowed to use their sick leave days to cover the missed hours. This is no longer the process of the district, so the policy needs to be updated to match the process. Updates to policy GDBDA were approved.
- The Annual Secretary of the Board Report (ASBR) is required by Section 162.821 RSMo to be submitted to the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education on or before August 15 each year. This is the district's primary financial review document that is completed each year at the end of the fiscal year. The ASBR contains information, such as revenues, expenditures, fund balances, debt, and transportation data that are used for various data comparisons, calculations, and data requests. Our ASBR was submitted on July 26, 2023.
- The Board of Education reviewed interview questions for the August 29, 2023 5:30 PM Special Session meeting. The Board will interview applicants for the vacant seat during the Special Session on August 29. Of the interview questions shared in the board agenda, the BOE elected to keep questions # 1, 2, 4, 11, 13, and 15 with edits.
New employees, transfers, extra duties, and horizontal level changes were approved.
Resignations were listed as informational only.