Green Meadow Weekly Update
February 6, 2025
Contact Us
Principal, Karen Lindquist - klindquist@maynard.k12.ma.us
Assistant Principal, Kate Murray - kmurray@maynard.k12.ma.us
Administrative Assistant- Kathy Sullivan - ksullivan@maynard.k12.ma.us
Administrative Assistant- Nancy Dangelo - ndangelo@maynard.k12.ma.us
School Nurse, Maria Bourgeois - mbourgeois@maynard.k12.ma.us
Main Office Line - (978) 897-8246
Absentee Phone Line - (978)897-0310
School Hours
Regular School Hours
Grades K- 3: 8:30 AM – 2:50 PM
Preschool: 8:40 AM - 2:40 PM (full day)
8:40 AM - 11:10 AM (morning program)
12:10 - 2:40 PM (afternoon program)
Early Release Hours
Grades K- 3: 8:30 AM – 11:45 AM
Preschool: No school on Early Release days
Important Dates
2/11 -PTO Meeting (information below)
2/13 - Mid-Year Assessment Data Reports sent home in backpacks
2/17-2/21 - February Break, No School
2/28 - Read Across America Kick-off
3/13 - Bingo for Books, pre-registration required
3/14 - Early Release Day, 11:45 AM dismissal, GM Conferences, No Preschool
4/8 - 4/9 - Grade 3 ELA MCAS testing
5/6 - 5/7 - Grade 3 Math MCAS testing
5/13-5/19 - Green Meadow Book Fair
Maynard Public Schools 2025-2026 Calendar
As we plan for the upcoming academic year, we are excited to share the approved school calendar for 2025–2026.
The full calendar, including professional development days, parent-teacher conferences, and other key events, can be found HERE.
We look forward to another successful year ahead!
Parking at Green Meadow
Recently we have had a number of community members parking in the fire lane along the access road to Green Meadow. This has been a challenge for our buses and vans. It is also a safety issue. Please do not park in our drop-off area or fire lane. You are welcome to park in the Crowe Park lot. Thank you for keeping our school safe!
Curriculum and Assessment Updates
Maynard District and School Report Cards
Each year the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) releases a report card for every school district as well as for each school within each district. Please click on the link to learn about the district and school report cards.
Green Meadow - https://reportcards.doe.mass.edu/2024/01740010
Fowler - https://reportcards.doe.mass.edu/2024/01740305
MHS - https://reportcards.doe.mass.edu/2024/01740505
Maynard District - https://reportcards.doe.mass.edu/2024/DistrictReportcard/01740000
Green Meadow "Souper Bowl" Canned Soup Collection
The Maynard Food Pantry has specifically requested:
Progresso Soup- these soups are more hearty than others
Sloppy Joe canned mix
Beef Stew
Chef Borardee Meals
Also appreciated - Spam canned meat
Thank you for your support!
Bingo for Books
Bingo for Books is back again this year!
During this annual event, families play rounds of bingo and everyone is a winner. Pre-Registration forms are going home in backpacks. Everyone must pre-register so that we can make sure we have plenty of books. We hope you can join us!
Family Contact/Emergency Contact Information
With the uptick in illness and winter weather, this is a great time to log into your Aspen account to update contact information. You can also add contacts in the event of an emergency. Aspen allows parents and caregivers to rank which contact to call first.
Kindergarten Registration
Registration Opens - Monday, February 3, 2025
Spanish Immersion Program Information Night - Wednesday, February 5, 2025, 5:45 PM, Fowler School
Kindergarten Open House for Parents and Caregivers - March 4, 2025, More details to come
Spanish Immersion Lottery Registration Deadline - Friday, April 11, 2025, Students must be registered to be in the lottery.
Spanish Immersion Lottery - Thursday, April 17, 2025, 2:30 PM, Green Meadow School Cafeteria
Kindergarten Screening - Occurs the last week of school, sign-ups will be emailed to registered families
Kindergarten Meet and Greet - Occurs the day before school starts, information will be mailed to registered families
Families can click on the link below to go directly to the website link.
Counselor's Corner
Does your child ever have what seems like a big reaction to a little problem? To help your child identify the size of their problem and match their reaction to it accordingly, consider labeling the problem as bug sized (small), dog sized (medium) or elephant sized (big). You can refer to this size of the problem image and then talk about what a matching reaction might look like. Here are some guidelines for what constitutes a small, medium and big problem to guide your discussions. Check out the updated Green Meadow Social Emotional Learning Resources website for additional information.
Questions or feedback? Please contact Julie Danforth at jdanforth@maynard.k12.ma.us
Green Meadow Building Update
Due to the recent water leak at the Green Meadow, we just finished the flooring work in those impacted classrooms. Following the work, the space was tested for asbestos. The results are available in this link.
full folder
https://www.maynard.k12.ma.us/documents/building%2Ffacility-documents/green-meadow-school/175397The Asbestos Clearance results for Rooms 10B-10D and Teacher’s Room show no asbestos was detected in the clearance air sampling results. Outside samples are NOT required to be analyzed per EPA guidelines when inside samples are below EPA limit of 70 Structure/mm2.
The Green Meadow Elementary School recently completed testing for radon. Our most recent Radon tests identified four classrooms as slightly elevated. We continue working with our environmental consultant and, now, a radon mitigation expert to decide what actions need to be taken to address the levels in those classrooms. Additionally, the project team has spoken about this issue to another hazmat consultant, the radon mitigation system designer for the new building, and a radon mitigation contractor, and all of them have agreed with the approach we’re taking.
We are taking immediate steps to address this, including working with environmental experts to improve ventilation and implement necessary mitigation measures in those rooms.
The project team scheduled the District’s HVAC contractor to review and repair any issues with the unit ventilators that serve the four rooms that tested above 4 pCi/L and the two rooms that tested just below 4 pCi/L.
The project team has coordinated with SRW Environmental Consulting, LLC to gather any possible insight.
The project team has coordinated with SWAT (a Maynard radon mitigation contractor) and will schedule a walkthrough with him as soon as possible to get a quote to install some mitigation systems in the six rooms.
Our students and staff's health and safety remain our top priority, and we will continue to monitor and address this issue with the utmost care.
Green Meadow Food Services Menu
Click on the link to read the lastest school lunch menu options: https://www.fdmealplanner.com/
PTO Updates
Calling All New Families - Check out our PTO website and join our email list to stay on top of news and events. We can't wait for you to get involved!
The next PTO meeting will be virtual on Tuesday, February 11, at 7:00. Please see the PTO website for the meeting link.
PTO February Choose Kind Challenge
Link to the PTO Amazon Wish LIst: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/3HOE5KASVB7JU?ref_=wl_share
District Resources
Join Maynard's ELPAC!
An ELPAC is an English Learner Parent Advisory Council. ELPACS are made up of parents and guardians of current and former EL ( English Learners). This council can provide advice and insight on topics that are important to English Learners in their school or district community.
Multilingual Learner Resources
SEPAC Workshop: Supporting Students with School-Based Anxiety
Join SEPAC on February 2, from 6:30 - 8:00 PM, to learn how to support students with school-based anxiety. Please use this link below to access the meeting.
Maynard High School Class of 2026 Fundraiser
BASEC February Vacation Camp
Community Resources
Massachusetts Partnerships for Youth Parenting Resources
Massachusetts Partnerships for Youth (MPY) is pleased to announce that our free Parenting Solutions Library is now available in Spanish. MPY is offering this valuable resource in partnership with Peace at Home Parenting Solutions, a non-profit organization located in Mansfield, Connecticut.
Through this partnership, MPY is providing proven resources to help students’ families thrive.
Peace At Home Parenting Solutions specializes in empowering parents with evidence-based strategies to foster nurturing connections that safeguard their children's mental well-being. The Parenting Solutions Library is easily accessed using the link on MPY’s home page. No log in or passcode is needed.
The Peace at Home Parenting Solutions Library is a free, valuable resource for PTOs, SEPACs, ELLPACs and other parent-oriented groups.
Community Food Pantries
The Open Table Food Pantry (www.opentable.org; 33 Main St, Maynard) is open on Tuesdays, 3:30 - 6:30 PM and Thursdays, 1 - 4:30 PM and offers free bags of groceries 1x/week. Open Table also allows families to pick up frozen meals for family members weekly.
The Maynard Food Pantry (www.maynardfoodpantry.com; 82 Main St., Maynard) is open on Mondays from 10 AM - 12 noon 1-2x/month
Maynard Food Pantry Backpack Program
The Maynard Food Pantry offers a weekly Backpack Program for all students in PreK-Grade 5 that aims to offer food assistance to families. Each backpack is filled with nutritious, non-perishable food at no cost. Forms were sent home to families in backpacks last week. If you need a form, they are available in the Green Meadow main office. You can also request one by emailing Kate Murray at kmurray@maynard.k12.ma.us.
Maynard Advantage
Interested in learning more about the Maynard community and the many wonderful things happening around town? Check out the monthly Maynard Advantage Newsletters by subscribing at maynardadvantage.org