SUNsational News!
Sunset Valley's Parent Newsletter | Week of September 16th
From Mr. Nunn
Our SVES community is absolutely amazing! I continue to be impressed with the support our students and staff have here at Sunset Valley. We believe that partnerships are critical to student success. We had a huge turn out today for Granola with Grandparents and are expecting another huge turn out on Monday. Dads- Please consider signing up for DOD. This is a super easy way to be present here at school and requires a very small time commitment. If you have some questions about it, feel free to email me. Remember, this is not limited to dads!
We're looking for some awesome dads and other strong adult figures...like YOU! Click on the picture above to get more information for D.O.D. Our goal is to start on Monday, September 30.
Sign Up Today for Boosterthon Fundraiser!
Clayton Holiday Camp!
Your child's class could win a popsicle party!
How Are We Doing @ SVES?
Please take a moment to let us know how we are doing! The survey is anonymous (unless you choose otherwise) and is super short. Just complete this SVES Feedback Form.
Grade Level Newsletters
FRHS Homecoming Parade 2024
Jr. Sundancers Showcase!
Important Information
This Week:
9/16- Granola With Grandparents (M-Z)- 7:15-7:45- SVES Library
9/16- SVES School Store Fundraiser Begins
Save the Date(s):
9/23- Boosterthon Kick Off- PTA Fundraiser
9/24- School Fall Pictures
10/3- 4th Grade Fine Arts Performance- 6:00
10/4- Boosterthon Obstacle Course- During Co-Curr
10/10- End of 1st 9 Weeks Grading Period
10/11- Student Holiday/Staff Parent Conference Day
10/21- FRHS Homecoming Parade- "Go Big or Go Home: Everything is Bigger in Texas"
10/25- Trunk or Treat/Family Science Night
Sunset Valley Elementary
Email: roby.nunn@kellerisd.net
Website: kellerisd.net/sves
Location: 2032 Canchim Street, Fort Worth, TX, USA
Phone: 817-743-8200