SRE Newsletter
February 6, 2025

From Mrs. Hawk
If you weren't able to attend SAC, and you'd like to come and chat with me about any of the topics we were able to discuss at SAC, or anything else on your mind about making SRE the best community we can be, please come join me for an informal Coffee Chat on Monday, February 10th after drop off from 8:30 - 9:30 in the library. I know there are so many questions and rumors floating around in the community and I want to make sure you have the chance to ask questions and get answers or bring up concerns directly with me. I would love the chance to catch up and see how we can better support you and your kiddos at SRE! We will host another coffee chat on Monday, March 10th at 8:30.
You should have also gotten an email from your child's teacher about signing up for spring conferences this week. We hope you will find a time to come in on Feb. 26th or March 6th to hear all about your child's growth and next steps.
Make sure to read below to hear all about the new opportunities being offered this semester and see a few examples of some of the great things that have happened recently. As always, thank you for all that you do to support our kids and community! I hope to see some of you on Monday!
Mark your calendars for end of year dates!
Monday, May 19th - Field Day!
Tuesday, May 20th - Field Day Make-up in case of inclement weather
Wednesday, May 21st - 6th grade only Boondocks Field Trip
Thursday, May 22nd - 6th Grade Continuation (time TBD)
Friday, May 23rd - Kindie Continuation (time TBD) and No School for 6th Graders
Candy Grams, Get Your Candy Grams!!
Student Council will be selling candy grams at the front and back doors during soft start (8:30-8:40am) from Friday through Wednesday (February 7th-12th). Candy grams will be distributed on Thursday, February 13th. $2 per candy gram, cash only. All proceeds go to Grizzly Gives!
Spring Class & Individual Pictures are Tuesday, Feb 11th.
To order Class pics, please visit www.ordervgco.com and click on "Before Picture Day": Enter our school code: 30018814
All class photos are $13.00. On picture day, each student will be photographed individually as well as a class. Within 10 business days you will be sent instructions how to preview your child's portrait online. All individual portraits will be shipped directly to your home.
Spring Sing @ The Colorado Rapids Game!
SRE students are being awarded an awesome opportunity to sing our National Anthem prior to the Colorado Rapids Soccer Game on the field, April 26th!
Participation is open to all 1st-6th graders by clicking this link. Colorado Rapids Spring Sing with The Colorado Rapids
Deadline to register is February 10th!
All participants will receive a t-shirt and a discounted ticket for the game. Rehearsals will be held at school with Ms. Green, times TBD.
If you have any questions or concerns please reach out to Ms. Green.
February Specials!!
Parents, check out what your child is doing in Art, Music, PE, and STEM this month!! Click this link
Registration for Mr. Lester's Chess Club is NOW Open!
Don't miss this opportunity to sign your child up for Chess Club with Mr. Lester. Sessions will begin Friday, February 28th and run through Friday, May 16th in Mr. Lester’s classroom. Cost will be $50 per student. Click here for registration and payment. *Open to 4th - 6th graders.
SRE's Kids Heart Challenge Update!
We have challenged students to join Kids Heart Challenge and complete Finn's Mission! So far we have raised $3,713.94 of our $12,000.00 goal and 61 students have taken the first step to join our school team!
We are excited to partner with the American Heart Association and build a community of lifesavers, and so far 10 students have completed all 7 steps in Finn's Mission! Will you be next? Join us here http://www2.heart.org/site/TR?fr_id=11259&pg=company&company_id=484220
Don't forget! The first 18 students to complete Finn’s Mission will earn a special limited-edition Wylie and Bingo keychain!! The class that raises the most money will get to SLIME Mr. Renker!!! AND 5th and 6th graders who raise $25 will get to play a special game of SWAMP BALL!!! Every student who raises $50 will qualify to purchase discounted tickets and get a special ON COURT experience with the Denver Nuggets!
CONGRATULATIONS January Mustangs of the Month!
We are so proud of the following students who displayed "Responsibility" for the month of January!
Jones: Nallah Thomas, Adam Preonas,
Herrin: Connor Randle
Bullock: Drew Kenney
Boulton: Sienna Disken, Grant Drury
Hert: Lucas Schwaiger, Gavin Sixta
Franklin: Cameron Brown, Sawyer Huffman
Woods: Meredith Morley
Bakke: Susan Mylius, Hudson Klostermann
Kahler: Haley Anderfuren, Jordan DeAutremont
Chavez: Nora DeFazio, Rowan Moser
Usher: Kai Fajkowski, Collin Garrett
Elmore: Anais Prusiewicz, Vika Shamgunova
Lester: Dash Heger, Joshua Johnson
Jing: Amelia Wolff, Ryan Carver
Wasielewski: Holland Goodenow, Erez Elgarat
CONGRATULATIONS to Our 6th Grade Battle of the Books Winners!
Our 6th Grade Battle of the Books team won their battle last week. Great job!! Keep up the great work in your upcoming battles!!
Order your "Choose Kind" Spirit Wear TODAY!
We are wrapping up our "Choose Kind" apparel sale!! Place your orders TODAY! To order please click here... Choose Kind Spirit Wear Payment Link. Samples and sizes are located in the front office.
Please contact Emily Kahler (ekahler@dcsdk12.org) with any questions!
6th Grade Parents We Need your Child's Baby Ads!
Celebrate your student's final year at Saddle Ranch Elementary with an optional baby photo advertisement in the yearbook! Here are the details:
- Submission Deadline: Wednesday, March 26, 2025
- Cost: $10.00 (Cash or checks made out to Saddle Ranch)
- Payments should be placed in an envelope addressed to Therese Johanning in the front office.
- Please include both your name and your child’s name with the payment.
- Photo Requirements: High-resolution JPEG files only (no PDFs).
- Form Required: Complete this form: https://form.jotform.com/250214387362050.
- Note: Ads will not be included without payment by the deadline.
If you have any questions, email Traci Papastathis at saddleranchyearbook@gmail.com.
Friendly Reminder When Volunteering @ SRE...
Please remember ALL visitors, including those party planning, must sign in at the front desk on our iPad. Thank you!!
TRHS Coed Cheerleading Skills Clinic
Upcoming Events:
- 2/10 - Coffee Talk with Hawk - 8:30 am in the library
- 2/10 - PTIO 6:00 pm
- 2/10 - Deadline to register for Spring Sing @ Colorado Rapids Game
- 2/11 - Spring and Class pics including 6th grade grad pic - library
- 2/12 - HERDS @ 9:00am
- 2/14 - Professional Development Day - No School for Students
- 2/17 - Presidents' Day No School
- 2/19 - 2/21 - OUTDOOR ED for 6th grade
- 2/26 and 3/6 - P/T Conferences
Please Submit Your Child's Absence Online
We have a new way for families to report your student's tardiness or absence from school. Access our online attendance form by visiting our school website by clicking here... https://sre.dcsdk12.org/family_resources/attendance
Click here for our School District Policies.
RENT the Rock!
Paint one of SRE's Spirit Rocks for your student's birthday or special occasion. We have our Front Rock by the front Kiss n' Go and our Back Rock by the school garden. The rental cost is $25 for the week-long rental. Your rental starts at 4pm on Friday and you have it until the following Friday at 4pm. You supply the paints and have the joy of painting your student's rock. Click on the link below for payment through MySchoolBucks. Your rental won't be confirmed until we receive payment. Please reach out to the office with any questions. Happy Painting and thank you for supporting your neighborhood school!