Bogan Weekly News
September 6, 2024
A Message From Ms. Cannon
Dear Bogan Families,
Welcome to the refreshed edition of our weekly E-News! We are excited for the new features and hope you enjoy the updated look and feel!
It was a short but busy week at Bogan! Students had a blast at our Goggin Ice Assembly today. We are so fortunate that the Center was able to bring their program directly to our building!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Kirsten Cannon, Principal
September 20th: No School
October 4th: Fire Truck Assembly (KG & 3rd grade)
October 5th: Butterfield's Shop to Support
October 8th: Author Visit (1st & 2nd grades)
October 11th: Picture Retakes
October 11th: Kids' Night Out: 6:30pm-9:00pm
October 17th: MadCap Learning Assembly (KG-5th grade)
PTG Corner
Family Move and Game Night is TONIGHT- Friday, September 6th. Rain or shine, we are going to have a good time! Please see the flyer below for more details!
We would also like to encourage you to sign up for the Bogan PTG! The cost is $5 and goes directly to supporting our students and staff! Please see the flyer below for more details!
Around Talawanda
Please click here for the Talawanda Community Events Page.