This Week @ PS 88Q
September 28th, 2024
No School Thursday October 3 and Friday October 4: Rosh Hashanah
A Message From Mrs. O'Shaughnessy
I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend, and catching up on that rest! As we close out the first month of school, I am so grateful for everyone's amazing support. It takes a village for sure, and PS 88Q has the strongest village there is!
All of our students have been busy taking their Beginning of Year Assessments. This data is important for our teachers in order to fully understand each students individual strengths and needs. Students will complete these diagnositics (MAP, Acadience and I-Ready) this month, and a progress report will be sent home. Remember, your teachers are available during the week (Parent Engagement time is 55 minutes a week) if you want to meet with them either in person or virtually. A strong home school connection is one of the best ways to support students.
Thank you all who applied for the MANY AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAMS! Permission slips will be sent home this week to students who are attending. Our morning track for grade 4 and 5 will begin Tuesday with Ms. Prinzevalli, and Pokemon with Mr. Dumont will begin this week as well. The other programs will start when we return, rolling out over the next few weeks. Look for the permission slip!
It is a short week, but attendance is so important. I am happy to say that as of today, 405 students have 100% attendance for September. That is amazing!!!!
Have a wonderful week, and for those celebrating Rosh Hashanah, Shanah tovah.
Movie Night in The School Yard! October 11, 2024
We are so excited to finally have our yard back, and we can't wait to host our First Community Gathering there! On Friday, October 11, PS 88Q is bringing back outside movie night! Come with you chairs and your blankets, and we will provide the popcorn. Also, we will have a fabulous food table set up, for all donated "sweet treats". In celebration of Latino Heritage Month, the Social Justice Committee has chosen The Book of Life for our feature presentation. Gates open at 5:30pm, so come get a good spot!
Dear P.S.88Q Families,
In honor of National Hispanic Heritage Month, P.S. 88Q will be hosting a special movie night showcasing the film “Book of Life” on Friday October 11th, 2024 from 6:00pm to 8:00pm.
To celebrate and share in the festivities, we ask that families bring some form of small packaged ‘sweet treat’ from their Hispanic or Latino culture to be shared.
As always, all children present must be accompanied by an adult.
We hope to see you there!
The P.S.88Q Social Justice Committee
Estimadas familias de P.S.88Q,
En honor al Mes Nacional de la Herencia Hispana, P.S.88Q organizará una noche de cine especial con la película “Book of Life” el viernes 11 de octubre de 2024 de 6:00p.m. a 8:00p.m.
Para celebrar y compartir las festividades, pedimos que las familias traigan algún tipo de “dulce” empaquetado pequeño de su cultura hispana o latina para compartir.
Como siempre, todos los niños presentes deberán ir acompañados de un adulto.
¡Esperamos verte allí!
El Comité de Justicia Social P.S.88Q
Technology Help
How to Log In to Teachhub
Teachhub is the portal to access the many resources available to students and families. To access Teachhub, please follow the steps below:
TeachHub(Open external link) is a portal to support students and teachers. The portal provides quick links to essential applications for remote learning, including:
- iLearnNYC, the NYCDOE Learning Management System
- Student report cards (available in the Student Documents icon)
- Student grades (available in MyDashboard - if published from DOE Grades)
- Multiple educational applications
- G Suite, Microsoft O365, and Zoom (using secure central accounts)
- And more!
To Sign In
- Students must sign in with their DOE Student Accounts. If you do not know your child's email address or password, please email iperezlopez@schools.nyc.gov
New York City Schools Account
Did you know that you can track your child’s education on any computer, phone, or tablet? You can sign up for an account by entering a few basic details. This will allow you to begin receiving notifications from the DOE. It only takes five minutes, and it is the first step in getting a full account.
What is a NYC Schools Account?
NYC Schools Account (NYCSA) is a DOE application that lets you access important information about your child on any device. The website is accessible in nine languages.
Why is the NYC Schools Account important?
The NYC Schools Account allows you to view your child’s grades, report cards, attendance history, test scores, transportation information, IEP information, submit COVID consent forms, track your child’s progress to graduation, and more to come!
Let’s get you signed-up for your NYC Schools Account.
Click on the video link to see a step-by-step video on how to create an account or you can follow the steps below.
For help connecting, please email Ms. Ivett Perez-Lopez @ iperezlopez@schools.nyc.gov
Does Your Child Take the School Bus?
Check out The Bus App!
Grade 5 News
Changes to Middle School Admissions
Dear Families and Staff,
It’s nearly October, which means middle and high school applications are about to open (high school applications launch October 1, followed by middle school applications on October 9). This is an exciting time for students and families as they consider their options. As the largest school system in the country, I’m proud that we offer a vast array of educational opportunities, and I truly believe there is something for everyone at New York City Public Schools (NYCPS).
This week, we announced some updates and improvements to help each family make the best decisions for their child’s future.
First, we are launching a new feature in MySchools this fall that will help our rising high school students better understand their chance of receiving an offer to any particular program, based on the applicant’s admissions characteristics such as their report card grades, location, and priority group. With this information, families can make more informed decisions about how to rank their enrollment options and build a balanced application.
Additionally, this year students and families will have increased access to middle school options, because they will now be able to apply to any middle school across the city. While schools will maintain their priority for their home zone and/or district, schools with available seats will now be able to accept out-of-district students.
And lastly, we are updating all admissions applications to allow students to list as many program options as they’d like, up from a maximum of 12. This gives families an even greater opportunity to find a match that’s the right fit for their child.
Ultimately, these changes are about expanding access to all the excellent and innovative educational opportunities we have to offer. From our dual language classes to our career and technical education high schools, from arts programs to STEM programs and so much more, I truly believe, as I said at the beginning of this newsletter, that there is something for everyone here at NYCPS.
Soaring high,
David C. Banks
PTA News
We had a great turn out at our First General Membership meeting of the year! It was wonderful to see so many new and returning faces! We will be following up with a summary email that will have action items and opinion polls. So stay tuned!
And if you haven't yet, please fill out our Annual Parent Survey to make sure you get these important emails and other updates!
Our next General Membership Meeting will be Tuesday October 15th at 6pm.
Based on the results of the Annual Parent Survey (as of 9/26), General Membership Meetings have been set for the second Tuesday of the month at 6pm for the rest of the year. The meetings will be in person and on Zoom. Except the May meeting, which will have Executive Board Elections, will be in person only. Please check out the school calendar or the PTA page for dates and updated information.
YOU are the PTA! Get involved! Make your voice heard!
Join me in earning cash for our school by using the Box Tops app. It’s an easy way to make a difference. All you have to do is buy Box Tops participating products (like Cheerios!) and scan your grocery receipt. Box Tops are worth $.10 each and they add up fast! Twice a year, our school receives a check to help pay for whatever we need - equipment, supplies or experiences the kids love!
Use this referral code CVI68QY7 when you sign up and you’ll get 25 Bonus Box Tops when you scan your first receipt now through 05/31/2025, while supplies last!
Any questions, please contact Ms. Toni!
Download the Box Tops for Education app here:
Mental Health Matters
Please see this amazing resource and support for our families,
Publications about Children and Adolescents
Internet and Device Opportunities
Free Hoop Wireless Tablet with Internet
Hoop Wireless offers a tablet with 10GB of high-speed data per month, at no cost. Any household receiving government assistance (e.g., Medicaid, SNAP, Section 8, Free or Reduced School Lunch, WIC, etc.) is eligible. Available through the FCC’s ACP, there is a limit of one offer per household with a $10 one-time copay required.
• Receive a new, quality 10" tablet every year
• Enjoy 10GB of high-speed data and unlimited additional data
• Get hotspot capability for connecting other devices
• Sign up in less than five minutes