What's the Buzz - March 10, 2024
Message from Southlawn Elementary
CMAS Testing is Coming to Grades 3-5
Beginning April 9th, our students in Grades 3-5 will begin our state’s standardized test. By working together, we can help your child have a positive and successful testing experience this year.
The following is Southlawn’s testing schedule:
5th Grade
4/9-4/11 Reading
4/12, 4/16, 4/17 Math
4/18-4/19 Science
4/23-4/26 Make Ups
4th Grade
4/10-4/12 Reading
4/16 Reading Make Ups
4/23-4/26 Make Ups
3rd Grade
4/10-4/12 Reading
4/16 Reading Make Ups
4/17-4/19 Math
4/23-4/26 Make Ups
With your support, your child can have a great testing experience this year.
• Make sure they get a good night’s rest
• Have your child eat a healthy breakfast at home or in the school’s cafeteria
• Make sure your child arrives at school on time
• Gently encourage your child to do their best and that you believe I their success
PTO's Corner
Our PTO wants all of our students in Grades 3-5 to rock the test. They are asking for your help. They need healthy snacks to get them through this important testing time. Our PTO has graciously offered to provide the perishable items (like bananas and cuties ~ thank you, PTO!).
If you are curious or would like to sign up for an item or two, please click the image to the left. The link will take you directly to the sign up genius. Thank you, everyone!
Southlawn Spring Spirit Wear Sale is Happening Next Week!
Did you happen to miss our grand opening sale? You're in luck! The Southlawn Spring Spiritwear Sale starts next Tuesday, March 26th! Choose from hundreds of designs and garments that are delivered to your home in days. You'll save 25% off the entire site. New productlines include Nike and Adidas! Shop at https://1stplace.sale/[[109934]].
- Sale Dates: March 12th - March 26th
- 25% off all merchandise
- Free shipping on orders over $60
- $5 shipping on orders under $60
- No code is needed!
Our clinic is in need of several items. Your support would be greatly appreciated. If you would like to donate items to the Southlawn clinic, please click here. On the average, we have 40-45 students visiting the clinic each day. We are running low on items like Ziploc baggies, latex-free band aids, Dixie cups, saltine crackers and individually-wrapped peppermints for those upset tummies. We are so blessed to have our Mrs. Diana in our clinic. Her patience, compassion and care for your children is never ending.
Students who arrive after the 7:50am tardy bell will need to be signed in at the front office by an adult, for safety purposes. Tardies will only be excused for legitimate reasons such as appointments, emergencies or illness. Excuses such as "just late", sleeping in, missing the bus etc. do NOT constitute excused tardies. Students who are late to school should bring a note from their parent or guardian.
Come Join Us For Our Red Robin Fundraiser This Thursday Night!
You know how there are times you just crave a burger? When you do, you're craving more than just meat on a bun. You want to hang out with your friends and family as you make a delicious mess with your own two hands. Let's make it happen!
We are running a fundraiser at Prairie Center's Red Robin March 14th. This will be a class contest. How will this work? Simple! Place your order, save your receipt for your order, write your student’s teacher name on the top of the receipt and send it into school the next day. Envelopes will be provided to each teacher to collect them in. If you have multiple children, please write both teacher names on top and both classes will receive credit. Only one receipt to one teacher and both classes will receive credit. Whichever class brings in the most receipts wins a donut party! The money raised from this event will go towards the End of the Year Celebration!
Thank you.
Commerce City, Colorado 80022