Huskies in the Know
Week of 2/10-2/14
"Walk in Willing...Walk Out Ready!"
Welcome to Icenhower!
We are so excited to have you here for the 24-25 school year. It is an especially exciting year, since we are celebrating 20 years of DIIS! Our motto for this year is "Paw Pride". We must have pride in everything we do and tell everyone how amazing our campus is. We will "Walk in Willing and Walk out Ready!"
Love, Mrs. Thomas
Important Dates to Know
TELPAS 2/24-2/28
- 2/28-GT Independent Study Fair
*The cutoff to check out students or change mode of transportation for the day is 3:00pm*
*Parents-students should not be on cell phones in the pick up line. This delays movement*
*Please do not speed through the pick up lines. This is a big safety concern. Also, please be courteous to our crossing guard and teachers on duty. Do not park in any parking lot during drop off and pick up. No drop off/pick up in the back or side of the building.
*Biker shorts/leggings can be worn with a top that completely covers the rear end and front of the body. Tying a jacket around the waist will not suffice.
*Reminder-School starts at 8:30am. Students are tardy after that time*
All Pro Dads-February 20th
Staff Member of the Month-Ms. Johnson!
Husky Quality: Effort
Effort refers to an individual's inclination and tendency to invest substantial time, energy, and dedication to a cause.
Ms. Johnson has remarkable commitment to her own personal growth and academic growth of her students. She consistently invests substantial time and energy into her lesson delivery and possesses a strong dedication to learning, consistently striving for excellence in themselves and all students. She is an intentional planner, which inspires those around them to strive for similar levels of organization and dedication. This collaborative spirit has significantly contributed to a positive learning environment in her classroom.
Beyond the classroom, Ms. Johnson finds time to support our students, whether through tutoring sessions or attending their extracurricular events. Her willingness to lend a helping hand exemplifies her character and belief in the importance of community.
We love you, Ms. Johnson!
Congratulations to our UIL Team and Coaches!!
January Students of the Month
TAPR Reports
TEA released the 2023-24 Texas Academic Performance Reports (TAPR) data reports on December 12, 2024. These data reports pull together a wide range of information on students' performance in each school and district in Texas every year. These reports show student performance disaggregated by student groups, including ethnicity and socioeconomic status. The reports also provide extensive information on school and district staff, programs, and student demographics.
Keeping it Real-Conflict Resolution
Counselor Corner
Mrs. Cottle, 6th Grade (pictured R)
Handle With Care
PTA Needs You!
PTA is focused on making every child's potential a reality by strengthening education and taking a comprehensive approach to community success. And we know there is no commYOUnity without YOU – our members, our business leaders, our decision-makers. Join us..
Husky Clubs
If your child is interested in a specific club, please contact the sponsor (s).
Team and Department Newsletters
Just Say YES!
Parent Communication Update
We are still working out some kinks with Class Dojo. Meanwhile, please join our Icenhower Remind by following these instructions:
Last Names A-I: Text code @4ac4hb4 to 81010
Last Names J-P: Text code @66hk29 to 81010
Last Names Q-Z: Text code @936bc9 to 81010
What it Means to be a Title I School
Dress Code Reminders
Beginning Monday, August 19, students will begin to receive consequences for being out of dress code. Please review the MISD Student Dress Code below.
When school starts Aug. 14, all students who receive bus transportation to and from school will have a SMART tag badge they will scan when getting on and off an MISD school bus. Our students will simply attach the badge to their backpacks. Please keep in mind that punching a hole in the actual tag will damage its ability to transmit a signal, so use the plastic sleeve to attach the tag to a backpack. Please do not remove the tag from their backpack. Your first bus tag is free, but if it is lost or damaged, then it will be $5.00 to replace it.
The SMART Tag technology keeps track of which students are on a particular bus, when they board, when they exit and where. The system will also alert the driver if a student gets off at the wrong stop. Families are kept in the loop through an app that shows the bus location and sends alerts indicating when and where a student boarded and exited the bus. In the event of a delay or accident, families will be notified through the app.
It is important to know that the only information stored in the badge is the student’s ID number and correct bus stop. MISD plans to issue SMART tags to middle and high school students later this school year. Until that time, secondary school families can follow their student’s bus by downloading the SMART tag app from their phone’s app store.
The photo below is what the app looks like.
Read more about SMART tag on the district website. If you have additional questions, contact MISD Transportation at 817-299-6060.
Beanstack Information
Health Screenings Announcement
Capturing Kids' Hearts National Showcase Campus-YEAR SIX!!
Cell Phone Policy
Want to be a Mentor?
Remember to keep Crocs in sports mode!
Transportation Information
Chromebook Assistance
Library Updates
Safety Reminders
- When visiting, you must present a government issued ID to be run through Raptor.
- If you are here for a conference, eat lunch with your child, volunteering, shadowing, etc, your visitor badge must be visible at all times
- If one parent is admitted into the building, please do not follow behind them ("tailgate) without being verified. Parents, please do not hold the doors for anyone.
- You must go through the pickup/drop off line in the mornings. Please do not drop your students off in the street or in the back parking lot.
- Remember that there is no supervision prior to 8:00am. If your student is arriving prior to that, please remind them of behavior and safety expectations.
- Please exhibit proper decorum at all times.
- Remind your child to NEVER open the door for anyone.
Drop Off/Pick Up Reminders
Please remember that you must go through the drop off and pick up line in the mornings and afternoons. Do not go down the bus lane, do not park in/next to the teacher parking lot in the back, do not park at Jandrucko, and do not park on Collins. This is for the safety of our students. If you are parked here and asked to move, please be polite and adhere to the procedures. Thank you!
Morning Procedures
- Please remember to use the appropriate grade level lane for drop off and pick up
- There is no supervision prior to 8:00am. Doors open at 8:00am. The tardy bell rings at 8:30am. Dismissal is at 4:00pm
- In the morning, students may either eat breakfast in the cafeteria or report to their advisory class. Students need to be in the cafeteria for breakfast or the library by 8:10am. Late buses are an exception.
- All students will need to have a book with them to read.
- Students are not dressing out for P.E., so they will not need to purchase P.E. Uniforms. Students will need sneakers.
- Please be sure to read the District's Dress Code, located in the Student Code of Conduct. Crocs must be placed in "sports mode".
- Football is not permitted outside of a structured P.E. lesson. Students should not bring balls from home or use objects as footballs, basketballs, etc. These items will be confiscated.
CKH January Theme-Kindness ("Spark the Heart")
What is Kindness?
Kindness is the ability and willingness to express care and compassion for others. Kindness is a choice to use our time, talent, and resources to better the lives of others and the world through genuine acts of love, compassion, generosity, and service.
Why focus on Kindness?
- Kindness boosts positive emotions. Acts of kindness create neural pathways that enhance feelings of well-being and the natural flow of feel-good endorphins and neurotransmitters.
- Kindness is self-replicating. When we perform an act of kindness, it is likely to encourage others to act in a similar way.
- Kindness reduces stress and anxiety. Kindness promotes positive relationships with other people. Anything that helps you to build bonds with other people helps decrease anxiety.
Kindness in Action:
- Celebrate small things. Start each day with Good Things as a class. Publicly and privately affirm kind and thoughtful actions and attitudes.
- Create opportunities for students to affirm each other regularly. Once a week, dedicate time for students to write notes of affirmation to classmates and school staff members.
- Model Kindness. Be mindful of body language, tone, and mindset. Kindness is learned by example!
Student Nutrition
Please be aware that meals in your school cafeteria are not automatically free this year. You must pay for the meals or qualify for free/reduced meal benefits. Student meal pricing, free/reduced meal application, & online payment system are available here: bit.ly/MISDStudentNutrition. Students may also bring cash/check to school to pay for meals.
Food Deliveries
Attendance Announcement
Join Icenhower's Remind
Last Names A-I: Text code @4ac4hb4 to 81010
Last Names J-P: Text code @66hk29 to 81010
Last Names Q-Z: Text code @936bc9 to 81010
Be in the Know!
Email: amandathomas@misdmail.org
Website: https://icenhower.mansfieldisd.org/
Location: 8100 Webb Ferrell Road, Arlington, TX, USA
Phone: 817-299-2700
Facebook: facebook.com/IcenhowerIntermediateSchool
Twitter: @huskyproud