Grizzly Gazette
York Junior High
September 2024 Edition
A Message from the Principal
What an AWESOME start we have had to the school year. This has been the easiest, smoothest, and calmest first weeks I've had in my career. Your children are wonderful! They are well-mannered, rule followers, and are transitioning well to junior high.
Our 7th graders had a blast at the Luau Dance last week. We loved getting to see them coming into their own and socializing with friends. We look forward to all the fun that September brings.
Lindsay Ardoin
Upcoming Events
- Sept. 2: Labor Day Holiday; No School
- Sept. 5-6: Fall Picture Day during math class
- Sept. 12: PTO Meeting at 9:30 AM
- Sept. 14: CISD District Art Show and Open House
- Sept. 23: GOHS Homecoming Parade at 6:00 PM; Pep Rally at York
- Sept. 23-27: Homecoming Dress Up Days (all week, more info coming)
- Sept. 24: Chick Fil-A Spirit Night
- Sept. 26: Grizzlies for Greatness Awards at 9:30 (invitation only)
As of today, we believe every child has been officially sorted into their house. If not, feel free to contact your child's assistant principal.
PTO News
GOHS Homecoming Parade
Fall Picture Day is Coming!
Yearbooks On Sale NOW
Yearbook Photo Share
Boys/Girls Cross Country Schedule
CTE Volunteers Needed!
Our CTE/CCE department is looking for parents to attend our Career and College Fair on November 20th from 6-8PM. We need people from all professions and trades! Click the link to sign up: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeOgKrLd8FZOuTBuwl-0BobOCf_iqolVMtBrQk0sSN7lHPjAA/viewform
New School Club Starting: Dungeons and Dragons
Calling all adventurers! If you are interested in Dungeons and Dragons Club, please apply by using the QR code posted on the info boards around campus, or by clicking the following link: http://tiny.conroeisd.net/N7q9n. You must also submit a signed club agreement to Mrs. Cartwright or Mr. D. Robinson. Agreements can be picked up in Classroom 29 or 135 and must be signed by the student as well as the parent/guardian. D&D Club will meet every Friday in the LGI from 4:15-6:30 PM starting September 20, 2024.
New School Club Starting: Fellowship of Christian Athletes
FCA started this past week. We meet every Friday from 8:15-8:45 AM in Room 212 (Coach Escalon's Room). FCA is a student led group and our student leader is asking any parent whose child attends if they would like to volunteer with bringing donuts on some Fridays. If so, please click the link here:
New School Club Starting: Elite Divas Step Team
New School Club Starting: York Grizzlies Chess Club
Where students learn chess, practice with others, and participate competitively in Scholastic Tournaments sponsored by the Houston Chess Association.
Club Sponsor: Ursula Zapalac
Location: Room 130
Meeting Day: Wednesday
Time: 4:15 - 5:30 p.m.
Tournament Schedule:
October 12 National Chess Day Scholastic (Eisenhower HS) Limit 300
January 25 25th Klein Winter Scholastic (details soon)
February 8 Impact Leadership Academy (Aldine)
April 26 (details soon)
GOHS Dance Clinic
Arrival Procedures
Arrival Procedures
- Students riding the bus will be dropped off in the back of the school. These students will then report to the cafeteria, if it is before 8:20 AM. If after 8:20 AM, they will go to HOMEROOM.
- Students riding their bike may LOCK their bike in front of campus, at the bike racks.
- Car Riders- please have patience and be nice to your neighbors. Use the "zipper" approach- one enters the front drive from the west side of Waterbend Cove, then the east side, and so forth and so on.
- Car Riders- we will allow "double stacking" of cars in both lanes to help more traffic flow on Waterbend Cove.
- Car Riders- follow the signage on the sidewalk and in the street. Pull all the way forward before dropping your child off from the passenger side.
- Car Riders- There will be several staff members outside to help you and TEACH you the "York Way." Most importantly, PULL ALL THE WAY UP, PAST THE FRONT DOOR, UNTIL ASKED TO STOP. The more cars we have pull all the way up, the more we are able to get kids out efficiently.
Dismissal Procedures
Dismissal Procedures
- York JH dismisses at 4:05 PM.
- As soon as buses begin to arrive, bus riders are called from their last period class to load.
- Car riders, walkers, and bikers, will be released out the front doors closer to 4:00-4:05.
- Car Riders- follow the same procedure as arrival. Drive SLOWLY and look for your child. Pull all the way forward and allow your child to enter from the passenger side.
- Do not CUT or PASS others in order to move to the front of the line.
- At 4:15 PM, any remaining bus riders will be released to wait in the cafeteria.
During the first week of school, we will begin the process 10-15 minutes early!!! Plan accordingly. Additionally, please know this is a work in progress. We will make adjustments as needed.
Counselor's Corner
York JH Bell Schedule
Orange Blue Calendar 24-25
York JH Wish List
Some families have asked "what do we need?" Currently, we are collecting snacks and small food items for students in need. Check out our wish list here: AMAZON WISH LIST
Important Immunization Information
Important Immunization Info
2024-2025 Meal Prices
Starting in the 24-25 school year, we are limiting the amount of charges that a child can make on their account. After a child charges 15 days of meals, they will no longer be able to charge, and will NOT RECEIVE A LUNCH. Please make sure you are up to date on payments.
Breakfast Meal Prices
· Student Breakfast $2.00
· Student Reduced Breakfast $0
· Non-student Breakfast/2nd Student Breakfast $3.10
Lunch Meal Prices
· Student Lunch $3.20
· Student Reduced Lunch $0.40
· Non-student Lunch/2nd Student Lunch $4.70 (Teachers, Parents, Siblings)
Parents can pre-pay online for meal accounts beginning August 1, 2024. Click the "Child Nutrition Information" link above.
Free and Reduced Meals
Parents can apply online for Free and Reduced meals beginning July 22, 2024, at https://www.myschoolapps.com
Attendance Information
Attendance Office Q&A
How to report an absence by email:
Parents email the Attendance Office at yorkattendance@conroeisd.net to report an absence.
Please include the student’s name, Student ID #, and reason for absence along with the parent or guardian’s contact information.
How to report an absence by phone:
Parents, please contact the attendance message line at 832-592-8616.
When to report an absence:
Parents, please notify attendance office within 24 hours of the student's absence or send a written reason to the front attendance office with your student.
What is late arrival:
Students are considered absent to class 15 min after the tardy bell without a doctor's excuse.
Reporting to school after a doctor's appointment:
Once a student returns to campus after an appointment, the student needs to check in with the Attendance Office with the doctor's excuse.
When is the Tardy Bell: 8:50 am
School Supplies
Student ID Tags
Cell Phone/Electronics Policy
Click the link above to get transportation information and register for the bus!
Student Address Changes
Transportation cannot change addresses for students. All student information is uploaded from campuses, and it is used to route our students. Parents, you will need to contact Shelita Hebert, Registrar, if needing to change your address. Once the campus makes the address change, it takes about 48 hours for Transportation to process the change.
Request Service to an Alternate Stop
Parents or guardians must submit an Alternate Stop Request Form each school year for service to an alternate stop. Students who are not eligible for transportation services may not be allowed to request or utilize an alternate stop. Parents can request an alternate stop when they request transportation for their child (register). They can do that at the following link: https://apps.conroeisd.net/AlternativeTransportation/
Eligibility for Transportation
We do not offer transportation to students who live under a mile from the campus. Our one-mile measurement is made from the point at which the residence’s driveway meets the public road to the nearest point where any campus driveway meets the public roadway or where any pedestrian walkway (greenbelt) provides access onto campus property (through a gate or driveway). The distances are measured using the District’s dedicated school bus routing software and the Montgomery County Appraisal District (MCAD) maps to determine distances if necessary.