Hillside News Brief
One School, One Book
For those of you who do not know what One School, One Book is, let me explain: we will, as a community, enjoy a well-written book together. The little ones will enjoy hearing this book read to them; the older ones can access this book themselves or enjoy reading it aloud with family members. We can talk about the book, discuss our favorite parts, and find out more about the author. We can read and imagine and laugh (or maybe cry).
Books will be handed out soon and should be coming home. For those families who are choosing to learn remotely for the rest of this semester, we will find a way to make sure the book is in your hands. I won't reveal the title yet...that is coming!
Here's to One School, One Book and the joy it always brings. I am looking forward to curling up with my book and reading it to my dogs, Hadley, Winston, and Mitchell.
Mrs. Bailey, Principal
District Survey
Please fill out the following form to help our building have an accurate record of our families selecting the Extended Campus(EC) options. All of the details about the Extended Campus(EC) are available when you click on the survey link below. This is the same survey that was sent from the district on Friday and from Dr. Lucas on Wednesday, if you filled it out already, you do not need to do it again.
Who needs to fill this survey out:
*Families who are currently Extended Campus (EC) students and want to continue EC learning for the remainder of the semester
*Families who are currently EC students and want to return to in-person learning at Hillside
*Families who want to switch from in-person learning to EC learning for the remainder of the semester
Who does NOT need to fill this survey out:
*Families who are in-person now 2 days per week and want to remain in-person
Thank you for your continued support of your child(ren) and staff at Hillside! If you have any questions, please call the Hillside front office 402-390-6450 or email Mrs. Bailey at bailey.cynthia@westside66.net.
Why are we beginning our 4-Day Green Mode on a Thursday instead of a Monday?
We intend to begin our 4-Day GREEN Mode on Thursday, September 17 for several reasons:
- The way orientation activities took place at WMS and WHS, ‘Day One’ of their weekly schedule fell on Thursday. It makes sense to follow that model through the rest of 1st Quarter.
- As we adjust from our YELLOW to GREEN model, we have to account for ‘increased capacity transportation days’ and ‘increased capacity food service’. It also worked better to have these aligned to begin on Thursday, September 17.
Upcoming Wednesdays through the rest of 1st Quarter
- Wednesday, September 16, Wednesday, September 30, Wednesday, October 7 and Wednesday, October 14 will continue as extended campus model days, in which all students will learn from home unless invited to school by their teacher for small group work, etc.
- Wednesday, September 23: students WILL come to school if they have chosen our in-person/on-campus model of instruction. That means during the week of September 21-25, we will have students in school on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday since there is NO SCHOOL on Monday, September 21.
- Students will NOT have school of any kind on Thursday, October 15 or Friday, October 16 due to Parent-Teacher Communication.
- We have attached a color-coded calendar to assist families navigate the remainder of 1st Quarter.
Thank you for your ongoing engagement, support and patience.
A Message from Westside Nutrition Services
Hello, Westside families,
We have great news! The USDA and NDE Nutrition Services have provided additional funding as an extension of the CARES act due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Until further notice all Westside current K-12 students will receive breakfast and lunch meals for FREE. This opportunity will run through the end of the calendar year 2020 or until directed by the NDE Nutrition Services. Meals included are all student meals served in Westside Community Schools as well as those meals taken home for extended campus learning. (Any extra servings, bottled water, or grab and go items above and beyond a complete breakfast and lunch will be charged accordingly.) We are hopeful this will help our students and families as we continue to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic. Nothing needs to be done to receive the benefits of this program.
Please note, while this program will run retroactively from September 1, we strongly encourage you, if you have not already, to fill out our Free/Reduced Meals Application. This could benefit your family when this extension ends. CLICK HERE to review: https://www.myschoolapps.com/. ALL STUDENTS at WESTBROOK and WESTGATE Elementary Schools receive FREE MEALS under the Nebraska Department of Education’s Community Eligibility Provision. This will stay in effect for the entire school year.
For all extended campus learning we will continue to provide take home meals. Pick-up will take place each Wednesday at your child’s school through the remainder of the first quarter. We will follow the same practices we have had in place since the start of the school year, and need all families who intend to use this service to sign up so we have enough meals available. CLICK HERE to sign up (this is anonymous, but will allow our Nutrition Services team to prepare as needed.) https://forms.gle/m8cEQawscdeWxe5b6
For meals taken for extended campus learning, please note the following:
- We will provide 1 day or 5 days worth of lunch or breakfast and lunch for each child in your household, depending on need.
- Pick-up times are 8:30 AM-12:30 PM each Wednesday at your child’s school. There is also a 4:00 PM-6:00 PM pick-up option for K-8 students at the WMS and WHS and West Campus students at WHS.
- When you arrive, please tell the front office you are there to pick-up meals, and a nutrition service member will bring the meals to you.
Finally, please know we have additional resources available at Westside Community Schools to ensure our students and families are supported. If you would like to access the Westside Food Pantry or the Westside Clothing Closet, please contact your child’s principal or Director of Student Services Robert Aranda at Aranda.robert@westside66.net. These resources are available to our families on an anonymous and private basis.
Thank you!
Westside Community Schools
Updated COVID-19 Guidelines
Please review the following update from the Douglas County Health Department:
If a household member (sibling, parent, other person living in the home) of a person who has developed the sudden onset of new symptoms, including cough, shortness of breath, or loss of taste or smell, with or without fever, they must quarantine at home until the person with such symptoms has been tested.
If the person tests positive for COVID-19, household contact(s) need to continue quarantine based on current quarantine recommendations. If the person tests negative or has a documented alternate diagnosis, then the household contact(s) may return to regular activities, including school and work.
If a household member (sibling, parent, other person living in the home) has two of the following symptoms: unusual muscle or body aches, persistent headache, sore throat, nausea/vomiting/diarrhea and congestion/runny nose that individual would need to isolate for ten days. Household members may return to regular activities, including school and work.
If you have any questions, please contact Robert Aranda, Director of Student Services, (402) 390-2150.