Fielder Elementary
Daily Announcements 05/07/2020
Fielder Elementary Contact Information
Marc Kampwerth, Principal
Myriam (Lizz) Varela, Principal's Secretary
Scott Greene, AP for K, 2nd, and 4th grades
Norma Martinez, AP for ECAP/YCAP, 1st, 3rd, and 5th grades
Amy Crockett, Instructional Coordinator
Nicole Williams, Counselor
Molly Mauldin, Language Arts & Social Studies Instructional Coach
Autumn Stewart, Math & Science Instructional Coach
Location: 2100 Greenway Village Drive, Katy, TX, USA
Phone: 281-237-6450
Twitter: @FielderElem
Daily Announcements 05.07.2020
PTA News
Virtual Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week, May 4-8, 2020
Thank you Fielder families for honoring our amazing Fielder teachers and staff this week! Here is a summary of what is going on:
Staff Raffle Results - Day 1
The PTA had a few items donated for the staff and is hosting a virtual raffle to give away the prizes! Here are the results of the day 1 of the raffle with a video below:
Times Square party for 10: Ms. Varela (Admin)
Teeth Whitening kit: Ms. Hall (Front Office)
Kendra Scott earrings: Ms. Delafield (ESOL)
Kendra Scott necklace: Ms. Villa (PreK)
Kendra Scott necklace: Ms. Crockett (Admin)
Kendra Scott candle: Ms. Ojeda (Front Office)
Slideshow with Fielder Falcons
Check out the Fielder PTA webpage to see a fun slideshow we put together of some of the shout-outs by Fielder Falcons to their teachers. Thank you to everyone who submitted their photos!
Sending notes to your teachers
Please continue to fill your children's teachers' inboxes with some love this week. These can be simple thank you notes, pictures and encouraging words from parents and kiddos or even video messages or collages - be as creative as you want! Please don't forget our amazing specials teachers and support staff (go to for staff directory)
Fielder PTA has come up with some creative ways to celebrate our amazing teachers and staff while also social distancing. We had lawn signs made for every staff member (you might see them as you drive around the neighborhoods) and are treating all staff to a family meal pack from Crown Kitchen Restaurant in Katy this week. Thank you for helping us show the amazing Fielder staff how much we value them! And don't forget to cheer them on Friday afternoon as they drive through our neighborhoods in a caravan parade for the Falcon Clap Out!!!
Thank you!
Fielder PTA Hospitality
Information Previously Sent Out
Core Essentials
Every Wednesday, Fielder focuses on the Core Essentials Big Idea of the month. During the month of May our Big Idea is DETERMINATION, which means deciding it’s worth it to finish what you’ve started. Please share May’s Core Essentials poster and the SAY IT video below with your child(ren), as a reminder for our students to learn about and live out our Big Idea of DETERMINATION in their daily lives. For additional ways to help reinforce at home what is being learned about DETERMINATION, we have also attached May’s Core Essentials parent newsletter.
Have you moved? Are you moving?
If your child/children will be attending a school other than Fielder Elementary for the 2020-2021 school year OR if you have moved into a new home that is zoned to Fielder, please send a current electric, gas or water bill when prompted. Information will be provided in the form, please fill out the form.
Please complete this form by Friday, May 15, 2020.
End of Year
Students' Personal Items/District's Items
This school year has been one to remember. We appreciate your patience and support with the transition to online learning, so students can continue to gain required knowledge and skills.
As the 2019-2020 school year ends, we want to inform you about the modified year-end process due to COVID-19. This process will allow you to receive students’ personal items and return school items.
Please read the attachment below:
Grade Level Newsletters
Falcon Clap Out - May 8th beginning at 1pm
Teachers and staff are required to stay in their cars. They are not be permitted to hug or fist pump students.
The attachment below includes the map of the route that the staff will be driving.
This Week's Falcon Fun Days
Volunteer News
Congratulations to Fielder's Volunteer of the Year, Lileana Ramirez Ferreira!
Art to Remember
Hello Fielder parents and my amazing Fielder artists!
I sure do miss you and your smiles! I hope everyone is staying safe, I can't wait to see you again!
The Fielder Art board is a continuous board so that you can do all the projects, in time...if you like.
I am LOVING seeing the art some students are sharing with me via Canvas or e-mail. This is not mandatory but if you'd like to share, feel free! It sure does make my day when I see your creative creations!!
ART TO REMEMBER- We were fortunate enough to get our artwork to Art to Remember that Friday before Spring Break.
The only problem was that NO ONE received their personal code.
Art to Remember had shared a link with us so all you have to do is add your students first and last name and all of your their Art to Remember artwork should appear! This link will have EVERYTHING your child has created during the years. Your child should know which is this years.
If you would like to order anything with your child's amazing art just follow their instructions.
All orders need to be shipped to your house and you pay on-line.
This is not mandatory and your child will receive their original artwork back, either with your "Art to Remember" order, when you receive it OR through me during the 2020-2021 school year!
I appreciate all of you and everything you do to support the art department. Please try to stay healthy, positive, and creative during these hard times.
Feel free to e-mail me anytime!
Thank you,
Mary Katherine Florian
Art Specialist
A Note From the Principal
Fielder Family,
As I write to each of you today my mind is racing with all our world has gone through in just a few short weeks. It’s hard to believe just over a month ago the hallways of Fielder Elementary were bustling with excitement and learning, and today the building sits silent waiting for our 970 kiddos to return. As I sit in meetings with the teachers on a weekly basis, the conversation always revolves around our little Falcons. We miss our Fielder Family!
The Governor’s message on Friday was probably not a shock to any of us, but just hearing those words was a disappointment because the Fielder Staff all had hopes we would see our kiddos once again this school year…especially our fifth graders. We are standing strong though, and standing together, to make the learning for our little Falcons continue. As you started to notice a couple weeks ago, the teachers have been providing quality instruction via video lessons and assignments. As we gained an understanding of our kiddos needs, we did not require any items be turned in to the teachers until last week. Canvas is now active for each grade level with required lessons and assignments for our students to complete so they may continue their learning for the year. These assignments will not be graded, but teachers will be offering feedback on those assignments through Canvas, seesaw, email, or phone calls. Weekly attendance will also be taken based on a student turning assignments in to the teacher. We understand the online platform is not ideal, especially if you are trying to work as well, but please have your child work on the required lessons at the minimum.
One other big decision which needed to be made was concerning final grades for the school year. In the past, student’s final grades were figured by averaging the first semester and second semester grades. Since we were only able to finish the third nine weeks it would not be fair to average grades the same way. In the grading email sent from the district, a decision was made to mark all fourth nine weeks grades with “EX” to make it fair for all elementary students. In doing so the imbalance in grading was addressed and students will receive a final grade for the school year in each subject area by averaging the three grading periods which numerical grades were taken (ex. [GP1 + GP2 + GP3]/3).
Through conversations with many parents via email and telephone, we are aware you are all working very hard to balance online learning with normal household duties, including work. The Falcon Staff is working hard as well, and we are analyzing the feedback given to make this experience successful for each of our kiddos. We are here for you and please know you can reach out to your homeroom teacher, grade level Assistant Principal, or myself for any learning needs your family may have:
Mr. Greene – Kinder, 2nd, and 4th
Mrs. Martinez – 1st, 3rd, and 5th
#FielderPride will carry each of us through our current unprecedented situation. We look forward to August so we can once again greet our kiddos as they walk through the hallways. We are currently working on next years’ plans and we are looking at some wonderful changes to make learning engaging and exciting! Please be safe and let us know where we may be able to help.
Marc Kampwerth
Principal, Fielder Elementary
Services for Students Experiencing Homelessness
Services for Students Experiencing Homelessness: If you have lost housing due to economic hardship, complete the Student Residency Questionnaire to determine if you are eligible for services through the McKinney-Vento Act. Email the completed form to and the District Homeless Liaison will contact you to discuss eligibility. More information on this act is available here and on the District webpage at
Servicios para estudiantes que experimentan falta de vivienda: Si ha perdido una vivienda debido a dificultades económicas, complete el Cuestionario de Residencia para Estudiantes para determinar si es elegible para los servicios a través de la Ley McKinney-Vento Act. Envíe por correo electrónico el formulario completado a SRQ@katyisd.orgy el Enlace del Distrito para Personas sin Hogar se comunicará con usted para discutir la elegibilidad. Más información sobre esta ley está disponible aquí y en la página web del Distrito en
Update from the Library
Join our librarian, Mrs. Counterman, as she shares stories, activities, and tips for staying entertained. New episodes will air every 1-2 days. Feel free to subscribe to the Fielder Library YouTube channel for instant notifications.
Calling All Future Falcons!
Questions? Please email the Assistant Principal for Kindergarten:
Special Education Updates
Registration Information
The registration information is posted in the Katy ISD webpage:
Pre-Registration for 2020-2021 for Pre-k, Kindergarten and 1st Grade Students
If you are new to Katy ISD and Pre-Registering your Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten or 1st grade student for the upcoming 2020 - 2021 school year, please click on the link below to begin the pre-registration process.
· Pre-Registration (Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, and First Grade only)- English 2020-2021
· Pre-inscripción (Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten y 1er grado solamente) – En Español 2020-2021
Once school is back in session you may be contacted about additional documents needed for your student’s record. Your campus will contact you at a later date if needed.
You must qualify for Pre‐Kindergarten. Please visit our Pre-Kindergarten site for guidelines and information.
For additional information, visit the General Requirements for Registration page.
Any questions regarding your child's enrollment can be directed to
News You Can Use from the Counselor
I hope you are having a Marvelous Monday, Falcons! Please click on the below attachment for more information regarding how students and parents can access the school counselor and access mental health/student support/social-emotional wellness resources.
Technology Issues?
If you still need assistance, complete this Parent Tech Help form and a member of the technology team will contact you. The Parent Tech Help form is monitored by our tech staff 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM Monday – Friday, excluding holidays.