The Grizzly News
Maple Grove Elementary School Newsletter February 2025
Please remember our parking lot rules. Parents, please only use the yellow side of the parking lot. Please follow the arrows/flow of traffic. Please don't cut across lanes or parking spots.
Thank you for helping us keep everyone safe!
Maple Grove Family Book Read
We are so excited to bring back our Maple Grove Book Club! Our entire staff will join families as we read a new book this year. This year’s school-wide book club will feature: The Wild Robot!
Books were sent home on February 3rd. There will be one book per family. If you have multiple students, the book was sent home with the oldest child. Students are invited to build their own robot out of cardboard or other recycled items and bring it to school where they will sit in the hallways around the school. There will be a robot competition and robots will need to be at the school by March 10th to be voted on by classmates.
Click on the image for the website with all the information and audio chapters.
No School Reminder
Monday, February 17th, is Presidents' Day. There will be no school for K-12.
Class Picture Day is February 18th!
Class and individual spring picture day is Tuesday, February 18th. Additional picture day information and online ordering is available at mydorian.com, just search for Maple Grove Elementary School.
If you choose to turn in a picture packet, Dorian will not accept late packets so make sure you or your student turn those in by the time they get their picture taken. If you choose to order online, you may do so before picture day and up to 2 days after picture day. Late orders for class groups only can be purchased online about 10 days after picture day. For Individual/Personality pictures, you can bring in an order envelope on picture day and give to the photographer or order online BY 9:00AM on picture day morning.
Picture packages will arrive at Maple Grove approximately four (4) weeks after picture day.
Maple Grove STEM Night is coming!
Kindergarten Registration is March 6th!
Kindergarten Registration - Fast Pass
Kindergarten Registration for the 2025-2026 school year is Thursday, March 6th from 3:45-5:30pm. Prior to Registration, we are asking parents to register online so we have all information in the system.
Students that have completed their registration online, with all required documentation, will get a fast pass that lets them go straight to a screening station. Please use our online registration system to register online.
Roaring Readers
Don't forget, March 14th is the deadline to turn in reading minutes to teachers or Mrs. Little. If your student reaches their goal of 600 minutes (K-4) or 800 minutes (5-6), then they will be rewarded a FREE day pass to Roaring Springs Waterpark!
Art To Remember
Hi families and friends,
Our school is participating in a creative fundraiser with Art to Remember that allows you to purchase keepsake products customized with your child's art. There are over 60 products and many are less than $15. These make great gifts and a percentage of every purchase goes right back to our school. Order forms will be going home the week of March 10-14. Click on the link below and enter the online order code shown on your child's order form or his/her name to search for your child's artwork. Then, have fun shopping!
Orders are due by April 4th.
Thank you for supporting this Maple Grove PTO fundraiser!
Camp Invention
Spark your child’s curiosity and creativity with our all-new Camp Invention® program, Discover! Campers in grades K-6 will collaborate with friends to take on fun, hands-on STEM challenges. From creating their own claw machine to designing awesome optical illusions, each experience adds up to an imagination-stretching, confidence-boosting summer. Visit invent.org to secure your spot! Use promo code SUM35 by 2/13 to save $35. Use promo code SIBLOVE40 for each sibling if you have 3 or more siblings participating to save $40 per child. See the schedule below for the sites and dates:
7/7 - 7/11 - Sage International School - 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
7/14 - 7/17 - Liberty Elementary 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
7/21 - 7/24 - White Pine Elementary 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
7/28 - 7/31 - Hidden Springs Elementary 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Dates To Remember
- February 14: Fourth Grade Field Trip - Philharmonic Schools Concert at Capital
- February 17: Presidents' Day - No School K-12
- February 18: Class Picture Day
- February 20: Borah Choir Quadrant Festival (West Feeders) 7:00
- February 27: First Grade Music Program 2:00
- February 27: STEM Night 6:00
- March 4: Fourth Grade Field Trip - Bown House (Luthy)
- March 5: Fourth Grade Music Program 2:00
- March 6: Kindergarten Registration 3:45-5:30
- March 10: PTO Meeting - Restaurant TBD 6:30
- March 14: End of 3rd Quarter - Early Release K-6 at 1:15
- March 17-21: Spring Break - No School K-12
- March 24: Track Begins
- April 18: No School K-12
- May 16: Early Release K-6 at 1:15
- May 22: Last Day of School - Early Release K-12 - K-6 at 1:15