St Peter's Primary School
Friday 14th June 2024
Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in you.
O Sacred Heart of Jesus, for whom it is impossible not to have compassion on the afflicted,
have pity on us miserable sinners and grant us the grace which we ask of you,
through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary,
your tender Mother and ours.
Message from the Principal
YEAR 6 WINTER CARNIVAL - On Thursday 13 June, our Year 6 students participated in the Catholic Education Winter Carnival. Our students participated in Netball, Football and Soccer. Congratulations to all our Year 6 students who actively participated in their selected sport and proudly represented our school. Thank you to our Year 6 parent helpers as well as Eliza Hardie, Justin Fiume,
Elise Galipo, Steve Spencer, Jackson Lamb and Emily Hall for their support on the day.
STAFFING UPDATE - At the end of this term, we will be farewelling Mrs Tahlia Gismondi and
Miss Orla Moran, as they are both expecting a baby in the coming months.
Next term, we are excited to welcome Mrs Cassandra Visser back to St Peter’s as the classroom teacher for Kindy White.
I am also pleased to advise that, next semester, Miss Maddie Vukinovac will be commencing in
Pre Primary Blue replacing Orla Moran as she commences her maternity leave.
We wish both Tahlia and Orla all the best as the embark on this exciting new journey!
MID-YEAR REPORTS 2024 - A reminder that all reports from Pre Primary to Year 6 will be sent home by close of business on Wednesday 26 June via SEQTA Engage.
Students involved in the AQUINAS, Mini Lit, or Macq Lit program will also have an additional report sent as a separate document via SEQTA Engage.
If you are unable to access your child’s report via SEQTA, please email Tammy Hunter at itstpeters@cewa.edu.au
YEAR 3 - 6 CROSS COUNTRY- The St Peter’s Cross Country Carnival will be held on
Thursday 20th June (Term Two, Week Ten) at Grand Prom Reserve. Students in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 will be participating in the event.
All students will be required to wear their full faction sports uniform and compete in the Cross Country, as every student who completes the course earns points for their faction. Spectators are welcome, please refer to the email from Miss Hardie regarding the schedule for the day.
LIFELINK LAUNCH - Last week, St Peter’s Primary School was among many Catholic Primary Schools acknowledged for fundraising to support Catholic agencies helping the vulnerable within our community. Through our support of LifeLink, we are reaching out with love and compassion to help those in need. Money raised throughout this term and from our Mission Day stalls will be donated to LifeLink. I sincerely thank all students at St Peter’s for their valued support!
ST PETER’S FEAST DAY - The St Peter and Paul's Feast Day is observed on 29 June. On our final day of Term Two, Friday 28 June 2024, we will celebrate St Peter’s Feast Day. We will begin the day with a whole school Mass at 9am prepared by the Year One classes, followed by fun activities with buddy classes. A highlight of the day will continue to be the Mission Day stalls, where students get the opportunity to purchase items and participate in a range of interactive games!
Have a lovely weekend!
Courtney Caputi
Building Biz - Week 9
I am excited to announce that our Early Childhood Build is close to completion. The plan is to have the brick paving, flooring and interior paint touch-ups complete over the next two weeks. Our aim is to commence Term Three Kindy and Pre Primary classes in the new building.
For the final three days of term, from Wednesday 26 June – Friday 28 June, our Kindy and
Pre Primary classes will operate from the Library. Thank you in advance to our Kindy and
Pre Primary teachers for their flexibility during this transition period.
Assistant Principal RE News
On the last day of term, Friday 28th June, we have the St Peter’s Mission Day. We will be starting the day with the Feast of St Peter’s Mass led by the Year students, followed by our Mission Day stalls.
Students are permitted to wear their sports uniform (Leavers' uniform if in Year 6) and can add a splash of red that represents our Catholic charity, LifeLink. All money raised on the day will go towards the LifeLink organisiation.
IT News
St Peter’s Primary School has enabled a new feature in the SEQTA Engage app, allowing parents to notify the school of their child's full day/multiple absences.
Please note that this feature is only for full day/multiple absences. If you are picking up your child for an appointment, you must still sign them out at the front office.
Click the link below for more details.
Sport News
Yesterday, our Year 6 students enthusiastically participated in the annual CPSSA Winter Sports Competition, showcasing their talents in Netball, Soccer, and Football. We were blessed with wonderful weather, setting the perfect stage for a day of spirited competition and camaraderie.
Our students not only displayed exceptional sportsmanship and skill but also embodied our TRUE values throughout the event. A special thank you to the Year 5 students who stepped up to support the Year 6 Football team. Your contribution was invaluable and deeply appreciated.
We extend our gratitude to our dedicated staff and parent volunteers. Your hard work and support are the cornerstones of making such enriching experiences possible for our students. Thank you for your commitment to our community!
Let’s continue to celebrate our students' achievements and look forward to more fantastic events in the future! 🏅🌟
P&F News
To purchase your Entertainment Book please click
Young Engineers
High School News
Community News
- AUSTRALIAN SPORTS CAMPS - will be running a 3 day school holiday sports camp! For more information, please visit admin@australiansportscamps.com.au
- WANSLEA - offering workshops for parenting support during Terms 2, 3 and 4. For more information about areas we work in or to refer to the program, please see our website - www.wanslea.org.au/programs/children-and-parenting-support
- BRICKS4KIDZ - offering Winter School Holiday Workshops with Lego. For more information, please visit www.Bricks4Kidz.com.au/Perth-Midland
- GUITARWORKS - holding “Free School Holiday Guitar Workshops” for anyone interested in learning guitar. These 90min demonstrations cover all aspects of guitar playing and styles. Bookings essential, info & dates found here Guitar Workshop or contact Stefan Cutri guitarworks@iinet.net.au Mob: 0414 448 907.
Contact Us
Office Hours
8am - 4pm School Term Only
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Email: stpeters@cewa.edu.au
Website: stpeters.wa.edu.au
Location: 103 Wood Street, Inglewood WA, Australia
Phone: (08) 9338 9900