IB Learner Profile: Reflective
Reflective thinking turns experience into insight.
IB Learner Profile: Reflective
This IB learner profile is one of 10 attributes recognized and valued by IB World Schools. We believe these attributes, and others like them, can help individuals and groups become responsible members of local, national and global communities.
IB students have developed an ability to reflect on their learning and to articulate how they learnt. They have learned that critical reflection is an important academic and life skill.
What do I see myself doing around others?
Am I helping myself grow and learn?
What should I do the same? What will that look like this time around?
What change can I make to benefit my world?
How can parents help to develop students who are reflective at home?
- Is what I'm doing appropriate? If so, explain why it is. If not, explain how it is not.
- How can I change my behavior? Have your child think of positive ways to make changes.
- Is the situation I am in a positive situation? If not, how can I make it a positive situation?
- Am I doing my best? Am I working my hardest?
Parents can model the above thinking process by talking aloud to themselves, ask and answer yourself these questions about things you are doing throughout your day. This way your child sees you working through the Reflection process, and can use your examples as their models to learn from.
* Model how to make mistakes, how to fail. And then, how to pick yourself up and dust yourself off. It's okay to make mistakes, making mistakes is part of learning. Being Reflective teaches us how to grow and learn from both mistakes and from positive experiences.
Suggested Books, Activities, and Games
Learning Strategy: Self Regulation
When students are able to identify how they are feeling they can then choose strategies to change how they feel. Younger learners need support including modeling, guided think alouds, and practice using strategies. In a moment of struggle, students should have some strategies they are comfortable to choose from. This moment of struggle is not the time for learners to try new strategies.
Some strategies for changing your zone are:
- mindful breathing
- having a safe place to go when things feel overwhelming
- picture books showing how characters face their challenges
- yoga or exercise
- use of fidgets
- noise cancelling headphones
- meditation
Click the image to blog post describing self-regulations and additional activities for building self-regulation skills.
Story Time
Ruthie and the Not So Scary Lie by Laura Rankin
Discussion Questions For Ruthie And The (Not So) Teeny Tiny Lie
2) How do you think Ruthie and Martin were feeling at the end of the school day when it was time to go home? And why were they feeling those feelings?
3) Explain why Ruthie's teacher took the teeny tiny camera to keep in her teacher desk over night.
4) Why did Ruthie have a stomach ache all night? Why do you think she started crying at night?
5) Ruthie seemed to love Martin's teeny tiny camera, why wasn't having it making her feel happy?
6) Explain why you think Ruthie told the teacher that the camera really wasn't hers in school the next day.
7) How would you feel if a friend took your toy and said it wasn't yours?
8) What does integrity mean?
The Most Magnificent Thing by Ashley Spires
A little girl and her canine assistant set out to make the most magnificent thing. But after much hard work, the end result is not what the girl had in mind. Frustrated, she quits. Her assistant suggests a long walk, and as they walk, it slowly becomes clear what the girl needs to do to succeed. A charming story that will give kids the most magnificent thing: perspective!
Discussion Questions
1. What happened when the girl was frustrated and ready to give up?
2. How did her anger affect her ability to work?
3. How can taking a break from something help motivate you to try again?
4. What are some ways to calm down when you are frustrated?
5. Did the girl find the solution right away? What did she learn when she came back to her project? Were they really all wrong?
Stanley M. Makowski ECC #99- An IB World School
Website: https://www.buffaloschools.org/PS99
Location: 1095 Jefferson Avenue, Buffalo, NY, USA
Phone: (716)-816-4180
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MakowskiIBWorldschool/