May 17-21 Graduation Week
Week 36: Class of 2021 #FINishedStrong
The senior class of 2021 #FINishedStrong and will be recognized at the Islands High School Graduation Ceremony on Wednesday, May, 19th at 9:00AM located at T.A. Wright Stadium. Due to limited ticket availability, we invite all others to join us via live streaming.
Watch Live Stream of the 2021 Graduation Ceremony
For those families that will be joining us in person at the graduation ceremony, please note that while the CDC recommended guidelines have been modified for vaccinated individuals, the Savannah-Chatham County Public Schools safety protocols for graduation ceremonies will remain in place. All guests will still be expected to wear masks and social distance. Thank you, and we look forward to celebrating the Class of 2021.
May 17-21- The Final Week of School
Please review the below important information regarding end of semester dates, technology device return schedule, and summer school. Additionally, as we close this year and begin preparing for next year, your voice (students) is valued and we want to hear from you. Please complete the 2020-2021 Student Experience Survey. A parent survey will be included in next week's final newsletter.
M-T: Cohort A
W-F- Cohort B
The 2020-2021 IHS Student Experience Survey
IHS Daily COVID Screening Questionnaire for In Person Students
Congrats to Valedictorian Kailyn Keeton
Congrats to Salutatorian Jordan Albury
Most Inspirational Educator Award- 2021
Congratulations Jada Evans- 12th
Congratulations Kailyn Keeton- 12th
Georgia Scholar
Through the Georgia Scholar program, the Georgia Department of Education identifies and honors high school seniors who have achieved excellence in school and community life.
Congratulations Jessica Decker- Science Teacher
AP Testing Begins- May 3rd
If you have any questions regarding testing, please email Assistant Principal Grosse at angela.grosse@sccpss.com
The Latest News
Athletic Awards (Rescheduled)
Group 1 Please be at the stadium by 5:50p (6p-6:45p) Football, Softball, Cross Country, Volleyball, Swimming
Group 2 - Please be at the stadium by 6:30p (6:45p - 7:30p) Track (B&G), Soccer (B&G), Cheerleading, Wrestling
Group 3 - Please be at the stadium by 7:15p (7:30p - 8p) Basketball (B&G), Baseball, Tennis (B&G), Lacrosse
Monday, May 17, 2021, 06:00 PM
Grades Finalized
Friday, May 21, 2021, 02:30 PM
Report Cards Available via Parent Portal
Friday, May 28, 2021, 04:00 PM
Mark your Calendar: Islands VPA Booster Club Night at the Bananas
Friday, June 11th Tickets:
$18 All-you-can-eat
Gates open at 5:30p
Link to Purchase: https://bananas.isportstix.com/order/group/VPAislandsboosterbananastix/
Immunization Requirements for Rising 11th Grade
Volunteer Opportunities- Ronald McDonald House
Scholarship Opportunities - Class of 2022
NEW Scholarship Opportunities available
Check out the below video! It features some of the SCCPSS seniors who have been awarded scholarships as well as some of the current scholarship opportunities. One of our own is highlighted in the video!!!
College Acceptance and Scholarships
If you have been accepted to a college or have received a scholarship, please click on the link to fill out the College Acceptance and Scholarship Form. We need to know ALL colleges that you have been accepted to, whether you plan to go there or not. We also need to know ALL scholarships that have been awarded to you, both from colleges and outside sources, whether you plan to use them or not. Thank you!
College Acceptance and Scholarship Form
If you need Islands to send a transcript to a college for your application, or to a group or individual for a scholarship, please use this link to a Google form. The form must be filled out using your sccpss account.
Summer Job Opportunities
Visit us Online
Follow us on Twitter: @Islands_Sharks
Visit our School Website: http://islands.sccpss.com