Week of September 9, 2024

Welcome Back!
Greetings Brookwood Families,
It was a great first week of school! Students are enthusiastic and eager to learn. It has been a joyful experience for me to see them arrive each morning and depart each afternoon with so many smiles! Our teachers and staff are busy engaging students in learning, emphasizing a positive school culture, and making sure that students feel confident and nurtured here at school.
For any parents/guardians, who are still experiencing issues accessing their parent account please email Nicole.matthias@bristoltwpsd.org
Please make sure after reading through the Student Handbook, Code of Conduct, and Internet Use Agreement, please complete the Handbook & Internet Use Agreement Form linked here.
I look forward to working with all of you and I am so excited to be joining your families on your journey this year!
Ms. Lang
Interim Brookwood Principal
Wednesday, September 11 for grades K-2,
Session 1 - 6:00 PM Session 2 - 6:40 PM
Thursday, September 12 for grades 3-5, 6:00 PM
Sessions 1 - 6:00 PM Session 2 - 6:40 PM
October 1st
November 19 (Retake Date)
Go Gold
Childhood Cancer Awareness Month
Please considerer wearing yellow or gold.
Thursday, September 19
SWPBIS- School Wide Positive Behavior Interventions Support
SWPBIS is a research based, proactive approach to establishing the behavioral supports and social culture needed for all students in our school to achieve social, emotional, and academic success. SWPBIS places emphasis on prevention of problem behavior, development of pro-social skills, and the use of data-based problem solving for addressing existing behavior concerns.
Here are a few photos of last week's SWPBIS rotations. It was wonderful to see older students teaching and supporting their fellow classmates!
- A BIG THANK YOU to our teachers and our terrific Tiger Tech team for distributing students' Chromebooks to grades two through five. Our kindergartner and first grade students should be receiving theirs sometime next week. Please be reminded that students are keeping their Chromebooks at school this year.
Wednesday, September 11 for grades K-2,
6:00 PM Session 1
6:40 PM Session 2
Thursday, September 12 for grades 3-5,
6:00 PM for Session 1
6:40 PM for Session 2
Parents/Guardians should go directly to their child's homerooms. There will be plenty of help in getting you where you need to be! Teachers are excited to share with you all of the exciting plans for your students this year. We ask that parents attend without your students so that teachers can give their full attention to all they have to share. Thank you.
Emotional Support - James LeGette
Kindergarten - Ercy Meza
Library Teaching Assistant - Samantha Mellors
STEAM Teacher - Ryan Bowen
Third Grade - Michelle Speece
Instructional Coach - Eric Sarrapo
4th Grade - Autumn Drab - 4th grade
5th Grade- Gabrielle Doto - 5th grade
5th Grade - Jillian Tosti - 5th grade
Jennifer Collins -English Language Development
Nurse - Katie Mayer
Talking Points for Families-School/Home Communication Platform
Bristol Township School District TalkingPoints is a messenger tool that allows teachers to connect and communicate with parents and families across any language. Teachers can communicate with parents via text messaging or via a phone or internet-connected device in their native language.
The following video was created for our district as well; https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WFqE5ynppOz6PZa2-A7JTHoBKild3zid/view
Our "Talking Points" platform is an efficient way for teachers and parents/guardians to communicate about your students. Here is a quick presentation to help!
Copy of TalkingPoints for Families PPT - English
Fun Friday Schedule for 2024-2025
September 20th: Favorite Video Game Character Day
October 11th: Harry Potter Day
November 15th: Dress as Your Favorite Sports Player Day
December 13th: Ugly Sweater Day
January 17th: Decade Day
February 21st: Influencer Day
March 14th: Color Day (each grade level is a specific color)
April 11th: Superhero Day
May 2nd: Star Wars Day
June 6th: Hawaiian Shirt and Sunglasses Day
June 13: Flag Day (Wear red, white, and blue)
Handbook & Internet Use Agreement Acknowledgement & Signature Page
Handbook & Internet Use Agreement Acknowledgement & Signature Page
Students and parents are asked to review the Student Handbook and Code of Conduct (including the Internet Use Agreement) thoroughly and in its entirety for each student attending Bristol Township Schools. Knowledge of this information is essential to the student's overall success at Bristol Township Schools. After reviewing the Handbook and Code of Conduct (including Internet Use Agreement) on the Bristol Township School District website please complete this acknowledgement form. Failure to complete the electronic form will result in implied acknowledgement.
In order to assure the school staff that all concerned persons are familiar with the information in the Student Handbook, we ask each student and parent/guardian to review the Handbook and Code of Conduct on line. If you do not have access to the internet, there are a small number of printed copies available at your child's school. Parents and students are required to indicate with their name in the answer box that the Handbook has been reviewed.
Student Handbook and Code of Conduct (including Internet Use Agreement) Acknowledgement & Signature Page Student & Parent/Guardian. Please complete one for each student.
Please click on following link to sign; Handbook & Internet Use Agreement Acknowledgement
New for the 2024-2025 School Year!
Starting the 2024-2025 school year, The Bristol Township School District will be using School Café as the management system for school meal accounts.
If your student(s) had funds on their My School Account, the positive balance will be transferred to their School Café account!
School Café allows you to:
- Add funds to your student’s account. As a reminder – Meals are FREE this year but you can still add funds so that your student can purchase snacks, beverages or additional lunches.
- View student transaction history – View your students purchases
- Low Balance Notification – Receive a notification when your student’s balance is low
If you would like to create an account to add funds to your student’s meal account Click here
Click below for step-by-step instructions on
how to create an account, add students, make payments and set up low balance alerts
English Spanish
Other ways to add funds to your student’s account
- Check – Please make checks payable to the Bristol Township School District.
- Cash – Cash can be applied to your student’s account at one of our registers.
Exciting News: No-cost meals continue for the 2024-2025 School Year!
Dear Parent or Guardian:
We are pleased to inform you that the Bristol Township School District will be continuing the provision known as the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) in 2024-2025 school year.
This program is available to schools and districts that are participating in the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs.
All enrolled students of Bristol Township School District are eligible to receive a nutritious breakfast and lunch each school day at NO CHARGE to your household. A La Carte items will still be available to purchase.
No further action is required of you. Your child(ren) will be able to participate in this meal program without paying a fee or submitting an application.
If you have a student who attends Bucks County Technical High School or another school outside of our district, please reach out to that school for information on program benefits and eligibility.
If we can be of any further assistance, please contact us at the telephone number or e-mail address below.
Brandon Lang | Food Service Director | 267-599-2037 | Brandon.Lang@bristoltwpsd.org
Bullying Prevention
Bristol Township School District is committed to providing a physically safe and emotionally secure environment for all students and staff. Local school policies assist school personnel in identifying bullying, intimidation, and harassment, and provide a framework for an appropriate response that reinforces positive conduct. The district defines positive behaviors as those which evoke non-violence, cooperation, teamwork, understanding, and acceptance toward all students and staff in the learning and teaching environment. It takes a community to prevent bullying of children--stopping bullying behavior needs a team of school people, students, and families. Together we can intervene to stop bullying behaviors.
In September 2023, Bristol Township School Board of Directors approved three new elementary Anti-Bullying/School Climate Specialists. These staff members focus on putting practices and approaches in place that prevent bullying and build positive relationships for the district’s youngest students.
The main role of the Anti-Bullying/School Culture Specialists is to lead the investigation of incidents of harassment, intimidation, and bullying in each school; and to act as the primary school staff member responsible for preventing, identifying, and addressing incidents of harassment, intimidation, and bullying in the school.
They are also responsible for coordinating and strengthening the school’s policies to prevent, identify, and address harassment, intimidation, and bullying of students, and help establish a positive school culture.
Reporting Procedures
Anyone who is the victim of or has witnessed bullying please submit the incident form to the Anti-Bullying/School Climate Specialist, Steve Pierce, (amanda.guida@bristoltwpsd.org ) and building administration. Students can also report bullying to guidance counselors, teachers, or any other adult in the building.
To access the bullying form please click on the attached form below.
Title 1 Teachers:
Karen Madden
Megan Repko
What is Title I?
Title I is a project funded by the federal government under the Every Child Succeeds Act. The purpose of this Act is to provide all children with fair and equitable opportunity to succeed and close achievement gaps. Money is allocated by the federal government and distributed by the Pennsylvania Department of Education to the Bristol Township School. District.
Title I funding is based on a complex formula. These funds are allocated to the states who in turn allocate a portion of that money to the individual school districts within each state. The school district’s share is based on the economic need within a school area, that is, by the number of low income families living there. In our district the number of free and reduced lunch students is used to determine the economic need of a particular school.
For more information please visit; https://www.bristoltwpsd.org/administration/state_and_federal_programs_/title_i .
School Counselors and Social Worker
Angela Ensig
(Grades 1,3,5)
Jenna Pederson
(Grades K,2,4)
Social Worker:
Stephanie Tobey
Katie Mayer
Certified School Nurse
(215) 599-2421
Barbara Hoon
Staff Nurse
(215) 599-2421
Sandy Lynch
Staff Nurse
(215) 599-2421
Christina Lang
Interim Principal
Ken Melton
Assistant Principal
Jennifer Connolly
Principal's Secretary
Nicole Matthias
Assistant Principal's Secretary