Welcome Back Newsletter
July 26th, 2024
Principal's Message
Welcome back families!
I hope you all had a wonderful summer. Hopefully you are still enjoying summer and soaking up as much sun while you still can.
Over the last week our amazing office staff and I have been working hard to prepare for the upcoming school year. We are so excited to be in the building and we are eagerly waiting to see the students and you!
As the beginning of the school year gets closer, I wanted to share some information with you so you know what to look forward to. Please take some time to look through the following information. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out. Please note that I will be in professional development meetings sporadically throughout the next few weeks but I will try to answer any questions as soon as possible.
Kind Regards,
Mrs. Kraemer
Important Dates
August 13th: PTA Meeting at 7pm in the Rabbit Creek library
August 14th: Meet Your Teacher @ Rabbit Creek from 12:00-1:30
August 15th: First day of school for students in 1st-5th grade.
August 22nd: First day of school for Kindergarteners
PTA Newsletter
I had a chance to meet with the PTA board over the summer and they are an amazing group of parents who have a lot of great ideas. They would love for more parents to join the PTA.
Meet Your Teacher
Teachers will not know their class schedule until just before the event. So please come visit with us from 12:00-1:30 on Wednesday the 14th.
A Quick Note from ASD
A decision has been made to not move forward with the implementation of SchoolPay and revert pilot schools to previous processes. The IT project team has reworked solution requirements and will begin exploring alternatives this fall. Once we’ve narrow down to a few options, some pilot participants will be brought in for additional feedback.
Registration is still open for all grade levels. If you have not registered your students or know of a family who has not registered yet, please do so by clicking on this link or give them a quick reminder.
Start Times
Please remember that school start and end times have changed. On Mondays we will be starting at 9:00AM and ending at 2:30PM. On Tuesday-Friday we will be starting at 8:00AM and ending at 2:30PM.
Volunteer Opportunities
All volunteers (includes chaperones, drivers, and partner organizations) must complete a volunteer application and sign a liability waiver each school year. This requirement ensures that the District has the most up-to-date information on those volunteering. The application and waiver can be found on the website for online submission or printing.
School Supplies
If you would like to know what supplies your student needs for the school year, you can find school supply lists on our webpage or click on this link.
Noon Duties Needed!
The district has increased the pay rate for noon duties to $15.00 an hour. If you or anyone you know is interested in a position, please use the QR code to apply.