The Bulldog Bark
September 6, 2024
Family is important at TBall. Together, we are a school family made up of students, staff members and adults that support students at home. We can help all student succeed when we work together. In order to recognize our TBall families, we'd love to display a photo of every family at school. If you'd like to participate, please send a 4x6 or 5x7 photo to school of your family from this summer, or maybe a year ago. We'll display it proudly for our students to be able to see as they pass through the halls. Please label the photo with one of your children's names and homeroom teacher on the back. We look forward to seeing your family daily in our school!
Upcoming Dates:
September 11: Picture Day
- Orders can be placed online through this website and using the following code: 87584WF
September 18: eLearning Day
Attendance Updates
Next week, students who were in attendance 12 or more out of the 13 days of school in August will receive an August Attendance Tag!
Last week, the following classes met our goal of 95% Attendance for the week! Great job to these classes:
K- Mrs. Chance
K- Ms. Haro
1st- Mrs. Holding
1st- Mrs. Pulido
1st- Ms. Whitaker
2nd- Mrs. Coleman
3rd- Mrs. Pollitt
3rd- Mrs. Schwartzkopf
4th- Mrs. Saenz
4th- Mrs. Poling
5th- Mrs. Myszkowski
A Look Into TBall...
District News
Employability Skills Survey
Dear Crown Point Community School Corporation Families,
We thank you for being valued partners as we work together to educate our students.
While many people often think of student success in relation to grades or test scores, it is also important to consider the social and emotional growth of our students. During the weeks of September 23 or 30, we will ask students in grades 3-5 for their feedback via a 10-15 minute online survey completed at school.
The survey will ask students to reflect on their self-efficacy, emotional regulation, social awareness, and supportive relationships. The results from the survey support our ability to address individual and school-identified needs.
We have administered a similar survey in years past as part of our Ready To Learn student services work. The data was used to implement positive behavior supports and improve school culture and climate. We look forward to using new data from this school year to identify and align services for students.
If you have any questions about the survey or do not want your child to participate, please contact your school’s main office before September 20. Students who opt out of the survey will still be able to participate in programs or services created as a result of the data.
CPCSC Office of Curriculum and Instruction
IREAD and ILEARN Changes (Grades 2-5)
If you have a student in grades 2-8, there are upcoming changes to state standardized testing.
- Second grade students will now take IREAD-3. Please read more about this change at this link.
- Students in grades 3-8 will now participate in ILEARN Checkpoints rather than NWEA. You can read more at this link.
PTO Corner
The Fall PTO Fundraiser has 1 more week to sell items! Our School goal is to raise $50,000 for school events and field trips. Please help support our school through this fundraiser! If we reach our goal, the students will get to DUCT TAPE our Principal, Dr. Eckart, to the WALL! We only have a few days left to sell! The Fundraiser ends on 9/13!
Latch Key (Childcare) Information
- CPCSC offers a before/after school child care program (also called Latch Key Care) at each elementary before school from 6-9 a.m. and after school from 3:45-6 p.m. On scheduled e-Learning days, child care will be available from 6 a.m.-6 p.m. at Lake Street and Winfield Elementary Schools.
- Child care fees are $8 before school each day and $8 after school each day. On e-Learning days the fee is $8 for up to 4 hours, $16 between 4 and 8 hours, and $24 for more than 8 hours. There is an annual $10 nonrefundable sign-up fee. To register for child care and to find more information about the program, visit the CPCSC website at
The TBall Childcare Entrance is the same EAST door as Preschool.
Arrival & Dismissal
Preschool Car Arrival and Dismissal is at the EAST lot. Enter the lot and stop at the cone to wait for directions from a staff member. When unloading, do not leave the lot until the cars in front of you leave. DO NOT drive around other cars that are dropping off students.
- K-5 Car riders should be dropped off at the WEST doors, when directed by staff.
- Staff members will load cars in the afternoon.
- Please display your car tag to ensure a quick car loading time. (Car tags will be distributed by the school).
- Please do not exit your car, as this slows down arrival and drop off. DO NOT drive around other cars that are dropping off students.
Thank you for your patience, especially during the first few days!
If you are changing your child's dismissal procedure, please call the office by 1pm. In an effort to get messages to teachers in a timely manner and to ensure the safety of all students at dismissal, we are implementing a cut off time of 1pm for PM dismissal changes. Thank you for your help!
Doors open for students to enter in the morning at 8:45am for the school day. If your child is walking or riding their bike, please help them estimate time to make sure they don't arrive too early. Students are not supervised outside before 8:45am. Students cannot play with any toys/sports balls on school property before school.
If you are picking up your child in a car after school (K-5), we have a car line pick up lot. This area is supervised by staff members and is the safest place for dismissal. If you choose not to use this lot and to use the Crown Point city streets, please follow street parking rules, including no blocking driveways.
Food Services
Our food services team remains committed to providing healthy meals that meet all requirements of the federal school lunch guidelines. If you have questions, please reference the site below or contact Food Services at TBall.
Parents can order Birthday Treats for their child's class if they wish. Treats must be ordered at least 1 week in advance of the date using the district form and sending in payment. Food items cannot be sent to school to distribute for birthdays. (see CPS Food Services site for form)
From the Principal's Desk
Email: Dr. Eckart
Mrs. Bock
Location: 720 W. Summit Street
Phone: (219) 663 - 0047
Twitter: Follow @TBall_Bulldogs