Message from the Superintendent
Dear AUSD Community,
As the Year of the Snake begins, I can’t help but reflect on our community's resilience and spirit. So far, this year has not been an easy one. The recent wildfires, rising costs, and uncertainty about several federal policies have made day-to-day life more challenging for many. Yet, even in difficult moments, there is still much to celebrate.
Lunar New Year is a time of renewal, hope, and togetherness, and there’s no better way to embrace the season than by joining us at the Asian American Association’s annual Lunar New Year Dinner on February 21st! This special event brings our community together to enjoy a 10-course meal, lively entertainment (including lion dancers, of course) and an opportunity to support our students. Proceeds from the event will fund scholarships for our graduating seniors and eighth graders promoting from each school in our district.
If you haven’t yet registered, don’t wait…TOMORROW (February 8th) is the deadline to RSVP! Look further down in our Non-Profit Partner Organizations section for more details on how to reserve your spot (or to make a donation if you cannot attend).
As we focus on the future, we also want to ensure our families stay informed. As we mentioned in an earlier letter, PowerSchool, the vendor that provides our Student Information System (SIS), experienced a cybersecurity breach, affecting multiple districts across the country, including Alhambra Unified. PowerSchool has now begun reaching out directly to individuals whose information was involved. If you receive an email from PowerSchool, it will contain details on complimentary identity protection and credit monitoring services. PowerSchool has also set up a dedicated website with additional information: PowerSchool Security Notice. Protecting our students and staff information remains a top priority, and we appreciate your continued support and understanding.
I wish you and your loved ones a happy, healthy, and joyful Lunar New Year!
Warm Regards,
Denise R. Jaramillo, Ed.D.
Featured Event: District Spelling Bee
Congratulations to the 12 finalists for the 2025 District Spelling Bee. The 12 site winners competed against each other on Wednesday, February 5th. THE OVERALL WINNER WAS NAOMI CHAN, a sixth-grade student from Northrup School. Naomi will now represent Alhambra USD at the LA County Regional Spelling Bee on March 19th. This is AUSD's first time participating in this event -- we hope to see even more schools participating next year! (Thank you to Northrup School Instructional Coach May Lee for organizing the event, and to AUSD Communications Intern Karlie Yonemoto for capturing the event in photos.)
Staff Report Presentation Slides
Although these slide decks give you an overview and basic information on these topics, we encourage you to attend our BOARD MEETINGS and listen to the detailed staff reports as they are presented to the Board. Click on the images below to access PDFs of Tuesday's staff report slide decks.
Board Resolutions
LCAP Parent Advisory Committee Meeting
Please join us for our next Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) Meeting, which will take place on Monday, March 24, 2025 from 6:45pm-8:00pm via Zoom.
Click on the image to download a PDF of the flyer in multiple languages, with a clickable link to attend the Zoom meeting.
Each month the AUSD STEM teachers for the primary grades put out a monthly newsletter highlighting each school's STEM projects.
Please click HERE or the image to access the January Newsletter.
Technology Information
📢 SMS FEATURE: Mass Communication System SMS/Text Messages
The recent windstorm/fire events and school closures spotlighted the importance of the addition of our SMS/Text messaging system in helping us keep families and staff members informed. We added the SMS/Text feature to our mass communication system (Blackboard) in August 2024. This enhancement has significantly improved our communication capabilities, ensuring timely and efficient updates for our staff and families, especially during emergencies. We have appreciated your patience as we transitioned to this new notification tool and hope to see even more families sign up. Click HERE to see our SMS Community Frequently Asked Questions.
Early College Program Information Session
For Incoming 9th Grade Students and Families
Attend our information session & learn more about the unique pathways we offer, Summer Opportunities for students, and our exciting new Associate of Arts (AA) Degree Pathway.
In Person Info Session 6:00pm-7:00pm
RSVP Link: http://tinyurl.com/AUSDECP25
- Wednesday, February 19, 2025 at Alhambra HS Library
- Thursday, April 10, 2025 at Mark Keppel HS Cafeteria
Zoom Info Session 7:00pm-8:00pm
RSVP Link: http://tinyurl.com/AUSDECP34
- Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Translation available in Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, & Vietnamese.
College & Career Workshop: ELAC College Promise, Certificates, Pathway & More
- All AUSD 9th-12th grade families are invited.
- Learn about ELAC's College Promise, skill certificates, and pathways to Law/STEM, including Summer Bridge programs and transfer options like AA/AAT/TAG.
- Date: Wednesday, March 5, 2025
- Time: 7:00pm-8:00pm (via Zoom)
- RSVP: https://tinyurl.com/AUSDecp0305 (Zoom link will be sent via email after you RSVP)
- Translation available in Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, & Vietnamese.
SSS February Attendance Newsletter
Be Present, Be Connected: Together We thrive!
Our February Attendance Newsletter is filled with fun facts, activities and tips on how to be successful in school. Take the Positivity Jar challenge and promote a positive atmosphere in your family to create special moments, learn about the Power of Self-Love, and read more about AUSD's commitment to Immigrant families. Click on the link below to access the full newsletter.
Family STEAM Night - February 26th
It's almost here! Join us at our 2nd Annual STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math) Resource Fair -- Open to all AUSD students in grades 3-5 and their families. Last year's inaugural event was a rousing success and we are ready to go "Full Steam Ahead" in year two!
Mark your calendar:
- Wednesday, February 26, 2025, 5:00pm-7:00pm
- Marguerita School (1603 Marguerita Avenue in Alhambra)
We'd like to acknowledge our groundskeepers, and especially Mr. Martin Vazquez at Alhambra High School. The track and field looks incredible! The field was dragged to remain smooth and the weeds were removed from the entire track. Additionally, overgrown spots around the long jump and high jump were edged and the overgrown grass around the cemented areas were cleared.
Facilities Updates
Construction Updates
AHS - ACL Modernization
Alhambra High School Building A, C, & L Classroom Modernization is substantially completed.
New Marquees
Martha Baldwin School
Ramona School
Scanlon Early Education Center
Overhead mechanical and plumbing infrastructure
Soffit framing has commenced.
Vehicle Maintenance Facility
Vehicle exhaust system installed.
Bus lifts installed.
On February 4th, the Alhambra and Monterey Park Rotary Club announced they have made a $5,000 donation to the Greater Los Angeles Education Foundation (GLAEF) to assist members of the AUSD Family who lost their homes in the recent wildfires. GLAEF continues to accept donations for LA County victims of the wildfires. The donation link can be accessed at: https://www.glaef.org/lacounty-education-wildfire-fund. (Make sure to indicate you want your donation to be allocated for Alhambra USD.)
Brightwood School finally has a grass field! On Monday, February 3rd, they held their Ribbon Cutting Ceremony to officially open their new field. After the ceremony, the school continued with the festivities by transitioning to an outdoor celebration for Lunar New Year. (Photo by AUSD Communications Intern Suna Kwan)
Monterey Highlands PTA recently hosted Family Math Night, with one of their community partners, Mathnasium, who set up fun math games in a rotation/station format. Students earned tickets for prizes aby completing various math activities. Highlands Service Club students ran the games for the younger Huskies. Mathnasium also provided a fun "Problem of the Week" for the students in all grades leading up to the event, and various prizes were awarded to the participants.
Congratulations to the MKHS CyberPatriot team. They recently competed in the national semi-finals of the Air Force Association’s (AFA) CyberPatriot Competition, achieving a preliminary ranking in the TOP 3 in the nation within the Silver Tier (and number one in the state of California). CyberPatriot is the nation’s premier youth cyber education program, designed to inspire students toward careers in cybersecurity and other STEM fields.
We are so grateful to the MANY donors, partners, and volunteers who helped make the latest AUSD/ATA Food Pantry distribution day such a success! On Saturday, January 25, 2025, about 40 AUSD volunteers showed up bright and early to finish up the final preparations before welcoming the families (some of whom were impacted by the recent wildfires) to the pantry. 150 families (over 200 students total) received perishable and non-perishable food items, along with dental hygiene products, diapers, clothing, and much more!
In celebration of the 100th Day of School, Ramona School TK and kindergarten students dressed up as their future selves – as they envision how they will look when they are 100 years old. Aren’t these the most adorable senior citizens?!?
It's time to vote for the 2025 Readers Choice Awards!
Help determine the San Gabriel Valley's BEST! Last year, AlhambraUSD was voted BEST School District and FAVORITE Workplace! Additionally, every AUSD school was voted as either Best or Favorite in their category! The Alhambra Educational Foundation was also named BEST Non-Profit Organization! CAN WE DO IT AGAIN? Vote HERE no later than March 16, 2025 at 11:59pm! (Note: You must make at least FIVE selections to submit your vote.)
Harvest of the Month: Watermelon Radish
January's Harvest of the Month (HOTM) was Watermelon Radishes! The teachers around AUSD incorporated watermelon radishes into their lessons throughout the month and shared photos of the fun their students had. The students' favorite part of HOTM is always the tasting.
Click HERE for a list of non-district sponsored activities from our local cities and community partner organizations.
🧧 Alhambra Lunar New Year Festival 🧨
Alhambra USD will be well-represented at TOMORROW's Lunar New Year on Main Street in Alhambra.
Please join us for:
- 9:00am - Mandarin Dual Immersion (Northrup School) student performances on the Main Stage
- 9:00am-1:00pm - AUSD Activity/Prize Booth (#18 in the KidZone area)
- 4:00pm - Middle School Honor Band student performances on the Main Stage
Join us on Saturday, February 8, 2025 (TOMORROW) for this fun and festive annual tradition as we celebrate the Year of the Snake 🐍! Click the link below for more information and watch the video for highlights of last year's festival!
Donations Needed
The AUSD/ATA Food Pantry needs your help to restock its shelves. Your donations will support struggling families in our community, including staff and students who were impacted by the fires.
Please call (626) 289-1933 or email (ataoffice303@gmail.com) to arrange for a drop-off during ATA's office hours. Thank you for your donations!
SAVE THE DATE - Annual PTA Founders' Day Awards Dinner and Silent Auction
Please make plans to join the Alhambra Council PTA at their Annual PTA Founders' Day Awards Dinner and Silent Auction. This year's Founders' Day Awards Dinner and Silent Auction will be held on April 11, 2025 at the Hilton Los Angeles/San Gabriel Hotel.
More information will be coming soon!
Non-Profit Partner Organizations
Alhambra Educational Foundation (AEF)
Alhambra Latino Association (ALA)
Asian American Association (AAA)
News from AAA
Join us at the 2025 Lunar New Year Banquet!
Asian American Association's Lunar New Year Banquet will be held on Friday, February 21, 2025. This annual event is a fun-filled spectacular event that raises money for student scholarships. Celebrate the Year of the Snake, while supporting the students of AUSD!
- Reserve your Tickets HERE (Hurry...TOMORROW, February 8th is the LAST DAY to RSVP!)
- Become a Corporate Sponsor HERE.
- Donate Prizes HERE.
View highlights of the 2024 Banquet below! (NOTE: Video was filmed/edited by San Gabriel High School alumna CARLA HAU (IG: @carlahauphoto).
News from AEF
"Service to Education" Awards Dinner & Gala
Every year, AEF recognizes individuals & community organizations who have contributed to the education of children in our community. The 2025 "Service to Education" Award Recipients are:
- Sky Zone Alhambra (Business)
- Page Nadine Phillips (Education)
- Natalie Tee-Gaither (Education)
- Diane Velasco Hyland (Community Service)
- Linda Wong (Community Service)
The event has annually been a sell-out, with funds raised through event & table sponsorships, silent & live auctions, raffles, advertisement, & event tickets. If you are unable to attend this fundraising event, but would like to make a tax-deductible DONATION to the AEF, please click HERE.
Download the PDF documents below or visit the AEF Website for more information.
Adopt-A-Camper Program - PLEASE DONATE!
Our sixth graders had an AMAZING time at camp last year...several groups even got to enjoy some snow!
Please help Alhambra Unified School District and the Alhambra Educational Foundation to continue this new tradition by supporting the Adopt-A-Camper program.
Use this LINK to donate. Thank you in advance for your generosity.
News from ALA
Alhambra Latino Association Scholarship Program 2025
The Alhambra Latino Association (ALA) 2025 Scholarship Applications are now available! This scholarship is open to Alhambra USD seniors who identify as Latina/o/x and plan to enroll in post-secondary education in the fall of 2025. Winners will be selected from each AUSD high school. Scholarshop applications packet are due March 14, 2025 to submit their application packets. Click HERE to apply.
SAVE THE DATE - Celebrating Our Cultures
January Game Changers
Congratulations to our January 2025 Game Changers: Dr. Carol Perez, Certificated Game Changer from Student Support Services and Maria Garcia, Classified Game Changer from Moor Field School. Nominate a deserving certificated or classified employee to be a Game Changer HERE.
Alhambra USD Employment Opportunities
Be a part of the AUSD Team! Please click HERE for full-and part-time positions. We have competitive salaries and excellent benefits! AUSD posts all job opportunities at EdJoin.com/alhambrausd. Make sure to check back often.
(Subscribe to Receive Automatic Updates)
Upcoming Events & Important Dates
- February 8: Alhambra Lunar New Year Festival - AUSD will have a Booth in the KidZone and AUSD Students will be Performing on the Main Stage at 9:00am and 4:00pm (Website)
- February 10: Lincoln's Birthday (HOLIDAY)
- February 12: Mandarin DI Booster's Lunar New Year Night Market at Northrup School 3:00pm-6:00pm (Flyer)
- February 14: End of 2nd Trimester (Gr. TK-8)
- February 17: Presidents Day (HOLIDAY)
- February 19: Early College Program Information Session for Incoming 9th grade students and families at Alhambra HS Library 6:00pm-7:00pm (Flyer)
- February 21: AAA 35th Annual Lunar New Year Banquet 6:00pm-9:00pm (Flyer, RSVP)
- February 23: AUSD Booth at Alhambra Farmers Market 9:00am-11:00am
- February 25: Board of Education Meeting (Agendas & Minutes)
- February 26: SSS 2nd Annual Family STEAM Night 3rd-5th grades at Marguerita School 5:00pm-7:00pm (Flyer, RSVP)
- February 27: San Gabriel High School Open House 5:30pm-8:00pm (School Website, LIST)
- February 28: "AUSD Connection" Newsletter emailed to Parents, Students, and Staff Members
- March 1: AEF 18th Annual "Service to Education" Awards Dinner & Gala (AEF Website, Flyer)
- March 2: AUSD Booth at Alhambra Farmers Market 9:00am-11:00am
- March 4: Early College Program Information Session for Incoming 9th grade students and families ZOOM 7:00pm-8:00pm (Flyer)
- March 5: College & Career Workshop: ELAC College Promise, Certificates, Pathway & More Zoom 7:00pm-8:00pm (Flyer, RSVP)
- March 7: MKHS Theatre Production of AVENUE Q 7:00pm (Flyer, Tickets)
- March 8: MKHS Theatre Production of AVENUE Q 2:00pm (Flyer, Tickets)
- March 9: AUSD Booth at Alhambra Farmers Market 9:00am-11:00am
- March 11: Board of Education Meeting (Agendas & Minutes)
- March 14: MKHS Theatre Production of AVENUE Q 7:00pm (Flyer, Tickets)
- March 14: "AUSD Connection" Newsletter emailed to Parents, Students, and Staff Members
- March 15: MKHS Theatre Production of AVENUE Q 2:00pm (Flyer, Tickets)
- March 16: AUSD Booth at Alhambra Farmers Market 9:00am-11:00am
- March 19: Open House Night (Repetto TK-8; See LIST of dates and times)
- March 22: ALA Celebrating Our Cultures 11:00am-1:00pm (Flyer, RSVP)
- March 23: AUSD Booth at Alhambra Farmers Market 9:00am-11:00am
- March 24: Parent Advisory Committee 6:45pm-8:00pm (Flyer, Link)
- March 26: Open House Nights (Baldwin, Fremont, & Ynez ; See LIST of dates and times)
- March 27: Open House Nights (Emery Park, Garfield, Granada, Marguerita, Monterey Highlands, LIFT, Alhambra High School, & Mark Keppel High School; See LIST of dates and times)
- March 31-April 4: SPRING BREAK (No School)
2025 Open House Dates
AUSD Open Houses take place February through May.
Please download a copy a list of all AUSD Open House dates/times (see below).
More information will be provided by your child's teacher/school.
High School Athletics Calendars
Featured Event: LACOE Academic Decathlon
Academic Decathlon teams from across Los Angeles County got up bright and early on Saturday, January 25th, morning, to compete in the AcaDec Speech, Interview, and Super Quiz competitions. We have a really good feeling about how the teams from AHS, MKHS, and SGHS did, and can’t wait to find out the results at the LACOE Awards Banquet on the Queen Mary next week.
AUSD in the Media
Read about AUSD in these Local Community Papers
📰 FEATURED on the AUSD website (www.ausd.us): Press Coverage
Alhambra Unified School District is often featured in local media (print and television news). Click below to access some of our favorite stories, featuring AUSD students, staff members, schools and programs!
Do you have something newsworthy to share? Click on the Publicity Request button so we can spread the word!
Please visit us on social media to keep up with the latest AUSD news. If you want our notifications/reminders to show up on your timeline, make sure to follow/like us!
About Alhambra Unified School District
Website: www.ausd.us
Address: 1515 West Mission Road, Alhambra, CA, USA
Email: AlhambraUSD@ausd.us
Phone: (626) 943-3000
Facebook: @AlhambraUSD
Instagram: @AlhambraUSD
Twitter/X: @AlhambraUSD
YouTube: @AlhambraUSD
Look for the next issue of "AUSD Connection" on February 28th!
Do you know anyone who would like stay up-to-date with AUSD news?
Alumni, retirees, family members (who are not the primary contact in PowerSchool), and local community members can receive future issues of this newsletter by clicking on the "SUBSCRIBE" button below. It's a great way to stay connected with AUSD! 💖