Ridgeview STEM Junior High
October 4, 2024 Vol. 13

Happy Friday Ridgeview families! Here are your weekly updates.
This week we had grade level “Reset Meetings” with all students. The purpose of the meetings was to help get back on track with our Ridgeview T.I.G.E.R. expectations. It is very important to us that students and families understand everything we do is built around two things: Academics and Safety. Teachers can’t do what they do best if there is chaos in classrooms, hallways, or the entire building. Students and staff can’t feel safe if there is chaos in the building. As we do like to have fun, there is a time and a place for it. However, if it doesn’t align with Academics and/or Safety of Ridgeview Jr High, it is a problem. The first quarter is almost done. The year is moving along and the days are getting busier, which also means behaviors are picking up. As much as we love seeing your student’s face here daily, we don’t have an issue sending anyone home that can’t follow our T.I.G.E.R. expectations OR who is disrupting the Safety and/or Academic abilities of our students. If you have questions or concerns about our grade level reset or our expectations in general, you’re always welcome to reach out to a grade level administrator.
Our favorite family event will be coming back next week: Lunch With A Loved One. We will be having this event every grading period this year, with the first one being on Wed Oct 9th. This event is open to all Ridgeview families. Families can bring their student lunch and hang out with us during their lunch period. We do ask that families sign-up in advance so we know how many people to expect each lunch period. You can do so by completing this form. Lunch periods are as follows: 3rd: 9:37-10:30 am; 4th: 10:23-11:06 am; 5th: 11:09-11:52 am; 6th: 11:55-12:38 pm; 7th: 12:41-1:24 pm. We hope to see you next week!
For our students who are receiving the Stay In The Game incentive for Perfect Attendance for September, please see the info below from Dr. Gillison about how to obtain your ticket:
Students will pick their tickets up at the Stay in the Game Table positioned next to the ticket counter.
Please remind K-8 students that parents must show their ticket(s) before students receive their free tickets.
*PLEASE NOTE: If the Stay in The Game Google Form due 9/26 was not completed, there will not be tickets available for your student.*
Students will stand to be recognized by the game announcer after the first quarter.
If families have questions about the incentive, please contact the district office.
We are still having issues with students breaking the code of conduct by stealing tags/zippers off of student backpacks or other personal items. This is unacceptable! We don’t condone theft from anyone of anything. Students who do this will receive at least one day out of school (if not more) as a consequence. Please talk with your student about this, as we all work hard for the things we have. It’s not okay for someone to take anything without that person’s permission.
Families, do you love popcorn? If so, we're having a popcorn sale! The Double Good Popcorn sale starts on Thur Oct 10th at 5:00 pm through Mon Oct 14th at 5:00 pm. 50% of all items sold comes back to the building to be used for staff, student, and/or building needs. Click here for the link and help us reach our sales goals! Thanks in advance for your support.
Lastly, due to Professional Development days for staff, there will be no school on Thur Oct 10th and Fri Oct 11th. There will also be no school on Mon Oct 14th due to our last Parent/Teacher Conferences. Please be advised: Personal Communication Devices CANNOT be picked up by parents when school is not in session. Please plan ahead.
Take care and we’ll see everyone soon! GO TIGERS!
Important Dates:
Tu Oct 8: Student of the Month Recognition Breakfast
W Oct 9: Lunch With A Loved One Family Event
Thu Oct 10 & 11: No School - Staff PD days
Fri Oct 14: No School - Parent/Teacher Conferences
Fri Oct 18: End of First Quarter
Fri Oct 18: Teen Night!
Sheila A. Evans, Principal
Ridgeview STEM Junior High School
Friendly Reminders
Dress Code:
All students should have shoes that cover their toes and that are appropriate for school (no slides, sandals, or slippers). Crocs are appropriate but must have the strap for the heel.
Clothes should be appropriate length and cover all parts of the body (ex: no crop tops, spaghetti straps). If writing or pictures are on the clothing, it should be appropriate to wear at school. PJ’s are not appropriate clothing to wear to school.
Students are permitted to wear hooded sweatshirts to school, but cannot have the hood (or any hat) on their head during the school day.
Personal Communication Devices:
For this school year, when students enter the building, all devices (phones, wireless headphones or pods, iPads) are to be turned off and put out of sight for the entire school day. Smart watches may be used as a watch only. If it’s used for anything else, it will be confiscated.
If a student is seen with a device OR uses their smart watch for anything other than a watch, the device will be confiscated and locked up in the main office. The first time it’s taken, the student may pick it up at the end of the school day. After the first time, a parent will have to pick up the device - it will not be returned to the student moving forward.
Pick-up times for Personal Communication Devices will be Mon - Fri in the main office from 8:00 am - 1:45 pm and again from 2:30 pm - 3:00 pm as long as school is in session. The main office closes at 3:00 pm daily.
The purpose of this is to have our students more engaged in classes. Devices are becoming more of a distraction every single day. We want to set our Ridgeview students up for success in every class. We believe this will be a better start to doing just that!
We’re collecting more devices daily. If your student has a device confiscated and it doesn’t belong to them, the person that it belongs to AS WELL AS the student who had it taken from will be added to our spreadsheet for a confiscated device. Please make a note of this.
School Fees were applied to all students at PLSD on September 9th. Please check your Parent Portal to see your balance, and pay online.
- click 3 lines in upper left corner
- select FEES
- select school year & student
- add fee to cart
- check out/save a payment form in portal
- click 3 lines in upper left corner
- select MORE
- follow all prompts to end/SUBMIT
If approved, your student fees will fall off of the account. Please see the Income Guidelines below.
If you have any questions about your child's fees, please contact Tiffany Dalton at tiffany_dalton@plsd.us or 614-548-1702.
From the Office of Assistant Principal, Kevin Smith
Dear Ridgeview Families, based on feedback from some of your peers, we wanted to share some tips that will help you support your student here at RJH, helping them to be successful and helping you to know how to support their academic growth.
We look forward to a great year!
Early Dismissal Information
District Policy states that only guardians listed on Infinite Campus are permitted to pick up their student. If your student needs to be picked up early by someone who is NOT their guardian, a guardian must call the office to let us know who will be picking up their child. The other adult must present a valid ID to office staff for the student to be released to them.
Need To Reach Your Student During The Day?
Due to the new cell phone bill recently passed in Ohio, students will not have access to their personal devices during the school day - including lunch periods. If you need to reach your student we encourage you to email them, as they always have access to their Chromebooks during the school day.
Click on the camera to order!
Event Code: FE61024
Customer Care
M - F 8am - 5pm:
1-877-515-1447, Option 1
Yearbook Club
Meetings take place every Tuesday at 2:45 pm in room 105
Want to make history and learn new skills? Want to meet new people and get involved? Yearbook Club Welcomes you!
Mrs Garwood: allison_garwood@plsd.us
Diversity Club
Meetings are on the first Friday of every month from 2:45-3:30pm
- Explore different cultures
- Celebrate diversity
- Promote inclusivity
- Engage in community service
Are you interested in learning about different cultures, celebrating diversity, and making a positive impact on your community? Then the Diversity Club is the place for you!
Mrs Hoffman: beth_hoffman@plsd.us
JAM Club
(Jesus and Me Club)
Meetings are on Wednesday's from 2:45-3:30pm
Beginning October 2, 2024.
- deepen your understanding of the Bible
- grow in your personal faith
- build meaningful relationships with peers
Through interactive lessons, discussions, and activities, students will explore key biblical principals, learn how to apply them to daily life, and develop a stronger sense of community and spiritual growth.
Mr. Stubbs: kurt_stubbs@plsd.us
Video Editing Club
Meetings take place on Wednesday's from 2:45-3:30
Want to be involved in the Friday Video Announcements? Meet new friends, learn new skills, help our school and be creative!
Open to everyone!
Mrs Kissell: kim_kissell@plsd.us
All students involved in clubs are offered an opportunity to stay after school for Study Tables. A contract does need to be signed by the student in order to participate.
Please see the office to get your copy!
Become A Volunteer At Ridgeview!
Ridgeview is always looking for volunteers from our families and it's now easier than ever! If you're interested in sharing your time, please click the link below and fill out the Google form. Approval will be communicated once the application process is complete.
Click on the pictures below to apply!
Become a Substitute
The application process begins at the Fairfield County Educational Service Center website.
Care Closet
Ridgeview's Care Closet is in need of a little TLC. The care closet is a quick and easy way to ensure our students are prepared to start each day as a successful TIGER! We are looking for donations for both boys and girls. If you're able to help, our immediate needs are listed below.
short/long sleeve shirts (S-XL)
shorts/pants (S-XL)
backpacks/lunch boxes
*****Student Council Fundraiser*****
If you're paying with Venmo, there will be a fee - $1 for $20 and $1.75 for $40 or more. Please add the extra in your payment.**
Payments of cash and/or check will be accepted in the office with Ms Tiffany.
Email: tiffany_dalton@plsd.us with any questions!
Rachel Ross
School Nurse
Mindy Stillwell
Health Care Assistant
IMMUNIZATION REMINDER: In order to start school, all immunizations must be up to date.
Click HERE for complete guidelines.
School-Based Health Clinic
Pediatric Associates has an office located at Tussing Elementary that is available to all PLSD students and the community of Pickerington. The clinic offers the following services: helping with sore throat, headaches, earache, bad cough, strep test, immunizations, blood work, physicals, well check-ups, sports physicals, medication, asthma, etc.
The clinic is open on Monday and Wednesday from 9:00 - 3:00 and closed from 1:00 - 2:00 for lunch. Walk-ins are welcome or to schedule an appointment call 614-864-3222.
Emergency Resources
Crisis Text Line: text "HOME" to 741741
Nationwide Children's Youth Hotline: 1-614-722-1800
Teen Hotline: 1-614-294-3300
Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800-656-4673
Safe Schools Tip Line: Call or text 1-844-723-3764
Suicide Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255 or 1-614-221-5445
Sheriff Department: 1-740-652-7900
Ridgeview's Counseling Team
Student Counselor (A-Ga)
Student Counselor (Ge-N)
Student Counselor (O-Z)
College & Career Symposium - October 19, 2024
Pickerington Local Schools invites all students in grades 7 through 12 and their families to the College & Career Symposium on October 19th, from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., with registration starting at 9:30 a.m., at Pickerington High School Central.
During the event, you can:
Get assistance with college applications and essay writing
Get your financial aid questions answered
Explore military options and future career paths
Learn about College Credit Plus and Advanced Placement courses, and how your child can earn college credit at no cost to families
Post-Secondary planning for students with disabilities
Meet with college and workforce representatives
The keynote speaker for the event is former Ohio State and NFL standout, and Top Youth Motivational Speaker Doug Worthington. “Coach Doug,” specializes in teaching personal responsibility, accountability, and setting high standards. When it comes to success in life, nothing is handed to you–you have to EARN IT!
Light refreshments will be available, and local food trucks will be onsite with additional food options for purchase. This is a fantastic opportunity to explore your future options and get a head start on college and career planning.
Don’t forget to register using this registration link!
We look forward to seeing you there!"
Please click the pic for the link!
Earning Foreign Language Credit and/or Seal of Biliteracy through the AAPPL assessment
2024/25 PLSD Language Assistance Guide & Helpful Links
We have a new Family liaison that speaks Amharic, Oromo, Afan Oromo. We would like to get him connected with families that could use his help. The new liaison's name is Wagari Beti. He can be reached at wagari_beti@plsd.us or 614-638-7292.
If you ordered athletic pictures and had them shipped to the school, they have been distributed to your student during their PAW period. Please check with your student.
If you ordered through HR Imaging and haven't yet received your pictures, you can contact them at 815.433.1766 or hrimaging.com, for more information.
Boys & Girls Basketball
First day try-outs can begin: October 25
Girls Basketball: Conditioning is held every Monday, Wednesday & Friday from 3-4pm, beginning October 4th.
Boys Basketball: More info to come!
First day of practice: November 4
Winter Sports Information
Be sure to register your student in Final Forms so that you get all of the up to date information regarding try-outs and practices.
🏈Football Friday Nights🏈
Please click on the picture below to get good to know information for Football Friday Nights at Pickerington High School Central!
Athletic Event Ticket Pricing
Students: $5 Adults: $7
Cash/Card is accepted at the gate. If you pay online, there will be additional fees.
Click here to purchase tickets: https://www.pickerington.k12.oh.us/Page/126
You may purchase a Tiger Club Pass ($50/student) or a Central Club Pass ($100/adult) that is good for all regular home games for every sport.
To purchase Club Passes, use the same link as above and select Central. Once there, you will select Purchase Yearly Passes.
**Students are now required to show their student ID card to attend athletic events. If your student does not have an ID card yet, you can show the attendant your Infinite Campus information from your phone until your ID arrives**
Happy Fall Friday!
October 18th we will host our first dance! We are looking for a new name for what has always been called "Teen Night" and would love for you all to share your ideas (ex. Teen Night, Fall Fest or Ridgeview JH HOCO "Homecoming"). Each time we host our dance we will give it a new name; we are thinking of making this a contest (in which we will have our administration team send out a google form for the students to vote). For now, we will call it "Fall Dance". The cost will be $10 ($11 if sending via Venmo), you can pay via Cash App, Venmo, or cash during school. If sending by Cash App or Venmo please include your students name, PAW Time and grade. On Friday the 18th, each student that pays will receive a wristband that must be worn to the dance, when the enter the door they will receive a ticket for a drink (water/juice) and dessert. In the next few days, a flyer will be posted on Facebook as well as a Sign-Up Genius for volunteers, donations, etc.
PTO will host another Candy Sale on October 9th during PAW Time. As shared in previous newsletters - tickets will be sold during Paw Time where your students will receive tickets ($1 each) then be able to redeem them for suckers (candy grams) during their lunch. Your student CANNOT purchase during lunch, only during Paw Time, however parents you can send money in advance via Cash App or Venmo, just be sure you include their name, grade and lunch period (when sending via Venmo be sure to send $0.25 for each $1 you send) this is due to Venmo's fee. We are looking at doing a Candy and Popcorn event 3 times a month - checkout Facebook additional dates.
We still have Roosters Discount Cards for $10. By purchasing this discount card, you get 10% off your bill at Roosters and the card doesn't expire until 12/31/2025. You can find details on our Facebook page or send us an email to purchase! Let's support our Pickerington Roosters, as they help support all of our Pickerington Schools.
If you are interested in joining us, please see the link below to sign up, and as always feel free to email us or message us on Facebook we are always available to answer any questions you may have. Also be sure to follow us on Facebook "Ridgeview STEM Junior High PTO (look for the Tiger logo and Ridgeview STEM logo). This year we will also have our Instagram page up and running - follow us there as well "ridgeviewstemjuniorhighpto".
Have a great weekend!
Kelly Martin - kelly.martin_rvjhpto@hotmail.com
Qiana Ellis - qsmith6@hotmail.com
PLSD 2024-2025 District Calendar - click here
Districtwide Activities Calendar
Upcoming events and important dates are listed in the Districtwide Google Events Calendar, which is synced with individual building, program and athletic team calendars. Once inside the district wide calendar, to display the events of a particular building, team, program or activity, you will need to check the specific corresponding color-coded box(es) from the list on the left-hand side.
Pickerington Schools partners with the City of Pickerington and Yodel to bring you the Pickerington Community Calendar!
Visit this link to view all Pickerington Schools activities included on the calendar and don’t forget to “favorite” our Pickerington Schools schedule! Once favorited, Pickerington Schools' events will be front and center on your calendar, enabling you to see what’s coming up.
District Calendar
HELP Make Our Schools Safer
The Ohio Department of Education and the Ohio Department of Public Safety have launched the SaferOH tip line that will accept both calls and texts 24 hours a day.
This tip line allows students and adults to anonymously share information with school officials and law enforcement about threats to student safety—whether that involves a threatened mass incident or harm to a single student.
Every tip can remain anonymous. School safety analysts may ask for additional information, but the caller can remain secret or leave his or her contact information for later follow-up.
Calls or texts to 844-SaferOH (844-723-3764) are answered by analysts in the Ohio Homeland Security’s Threat Assessment and Prevention (TAP) Unit. When action is needed, the TAP Unit immediately forwards information to Pickerington Schools, local law enforcement agencies, and others, if necessary.
Ridgeview Values
Principal: Sheila Evans
Assistant Principal 7th Grade: Henry Lee
Assistant Principal 8th Grade: Kevin Smith
Dean of Students: Sydney Dillard
Building Secretary/Athletics: Tiffany Dalton
Building Secretary/Registrar: Lisa Holley
Attendance: Pat Petrini
Office Assistant: Madelyn Gomez
Counselors: Kris Owen: A-Ga, Erica Reynolds: Ge-N, Meghan Wade: O-Z
Nurse: Rachel Ross/Mindy Stillwell
Safety/Security: Jon (JT) Haynes
School Resource Officer (SRO): Mathew Swaney, Jeremy Collier
Ridgeview STEM Junior High School
Email: Sheila_Evans@plsd.us
Website: pickerington.k12.oh.us
Location: 130 Hill Road South, Pickerington, OH, USA
Phone: 614-548-1700
Twitter: @RidgeviewPLSD