Les Bois Jr. High
Hello Blazer Family!
Now that it’s May and we only have two weeks of school left, the days will really start to fly by!
Since it is the end of the year, it is also time for us to ask you to complete the Parent Engagement Survey. Your participation means we can stay in accordance with State Administrative Rules. Thank you for your help with this!
May 20 Yearbook signing, Freshman Awards Assembly and Freshman Farewell
- May 21-23 Finals schedule
- May 23 Last day of school
At Les Bois:
7th and 8th grade City Track Meet on May 15 at East Jr. High.
8th grade City Tennis Tournament on May 16.
Check out our Athletics and Activities website for information and schedules.
At Timberline:
High school spring sports are participating in district tournaments this week. Good luck to the baseball, softball, tennis, and track teams!
It’s time to sign kids up for the Timberline Boys Basketball Summer Camps.
Log in to Aktivate or create an account to fill out necessary athletic forms and to upload documentation of sports physicals.
Check out the Timberline Athletics website for information and schedules.
Attendance, Tardies, and Permits to Leave
- Students are only allowed to miss 9 days of school in each class each semester. This is less than two days per month. Regular attendance is an important tool for lifelong work habits and success!
- Once students arrive at school, they must remain at school unless they have a permit to leave (PTL). To arrange for your student to have a PTL, call 208.854.5340 at least one hour before you will be here to pick them up. If your student is absent, please call or email dolores.larrick@boiseschools.org.
Tardies can only be excused by Mrs. Larrick for the following reasons:
late bus
inclement weather
coming in late from a doctor appointment (depending on the time of arrival)
Any other reasons must be approved by the assistant principal or principal.
- Stay up to date with grades and attendance through Infinite Campus. If you need help logging in, email alma.ritter@boiseschools.org.
Other Activities:
Thank you to everyone who came to our Spring Art Show and to our band, choir, and orchestra performances. We have a talented group of students and we love being able to showcase their work for you! If you missed it, you can check out highlights on our Instagram page.
District Information
Tuesday, May 14, Dallas Harris Elementary School will be hosting a parent night on “How to Reach, Teach, & Support iGeneration Youth: Real-life Tips, Strategies, & Applications” with Katey McPherson, M.Ed., & Dr. Megan Smith, Ph.D,. from 6-7:30 p.m. Please RSVP here.
We are asking all parents to please fill out the 24-25 Transportation Survey.
Bus Eligibility Area
A school attendance zone locator is available on our boundaries website. You must live in the eligible busing area to receive school bus transportation.
Bus Stop Assignment
Busing schedules will be provided within the Infinite Campus Parent Portal in early August.
BusZone Locator App
Parents may track their student’s bus through the BusZone App.
Parents, please go into your Infinite Campus parent portal and update the Health services information (Health Conditions and Medication Authorization). This permits the School Nurse to administer over-the-counter medications such as Ibuprofen, Tylenol, cough drops, and antacids to your student while at school. I've attached the instructions for Infinite Campus in the email.
Immunization Information:
The immunization and physical requirements are the same for students participating in the on-line program as the in-person classroom. Please refer to the different grade level requirements listed below. Please bring your physical with you to registration.
7th Grade: Immunizations and PE physical
All students entering 7th grade are required to have 1 recent Tdap and 1 Meningococcal vaccine prior to the first day of school. All other immunization requirements need to be up to date as well. Please review your student’s immunization status with your healthcare provider to ensure that your student meets these requirements. Incoming 7th graders are required to have a PE physical on file for PE/Sports participation. The physical examination must be completed after May 1st of the student's 6th-grade year.
8th Grade: Immunizations and PE Physical
Immunizations need to be up to date if not done in the 7th grade and a PE physical completed if not done in the 7th grade.
9th Grade: Sports Physical required
In order to participate in sports in 9th and 10th grade, the Idaho High Schools Activities Association requires a physical to be obtained in 9th grade. This physical examination must be completed after May 1st of the student’s 8th-grade year.
Immunizations can be obtained through your primary care provider, medical clinic, or Central District Health (by appointment 208-327-7450).
Thank you to everyone who helped with the Spring Dance! Next up is the Freshman Farewell on Monday, May 20, from 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Spirit Wear
Parents, we need your help!
We are organizing a parent-led feminine hygiene product drive. Feminine hygiene products are not supplied by the district, and our health office could use extra supplies. Goods donated will go to the nurse to supply our students with needed products each month.
This is an ongoing need, and we are hoping to build a supply to last through the end of the year and hopefully beyond.
To help, please click on the link: LBJH Amazon Wish List to view and purchase items. All items will go directly to Les Bois and will be given to the nurse. If you would like to drop off products, you may do so by leaving them at the front office.
Please let us know if you have any questions and thank you for supporting our school.
Melissa Janes
LBJH PTO President
Registrar- alma.ritter@boiseschools.org
Counseling office- dena.stegner@boiseschools.org
Principal- chad.wright@boiseschools.org
Assistant Principal- angela.hagans@boiseschools.org
Main Office: (208) 854-5340
Fax: (208) 854-5341
Attendance: (208) 854-5344
Website: https://lesbois.boiseschools.org
Location: 4150 East Grand Forest Drive, Boise, ID, USA