The Mountain Family WAG
Dec. 9-13, 2024
Megan's Message
Hope you all had a wonderful weekend enjoying holiday festivities such as shopping, the Light Parade and Ratcracker on the Hill. It was a such a delight to see the talented dancers perform, many of whom are/were Mountain Lions! This week proves to be busy. Hope you get to see the performances here at Mountain. Here is to a great week ahead.
EA Positions Available
Mountain Families, We have a position for a PREK 3Y special education position and half time special ed position. If you are interested in any of these positions, let me know via email or phone. m.lee@laschools.net Thank you!
Week Ahead Dec. 9th-13th
Monday 9 Pledge Gibson
iMSSA 4th Math 11:50
6th Math + Reading Rotating blocks
Tuesday 10. Pledge Moore
Winter Concert
(Grades K-2 Performing)
8:30 am - 9:30 am (whole school)
1:45 pm - 2:35 pm (parents)
iMSSA 3rd Language 1:00
4th Reading 11:50
6th Language - Rotating M.A. Block
Wednesday 11Pledge Williams
Mountain Winter Collaborative
(Band, Orchestra, Choir)
8:30 am - 9:30 am
Mountain Choir Holiday Caroling
2:45 pm - 5:00 pm
@Los Alamos Downtown Venues
iMSSA 3rd Reading 12:00
4th Language 11:50
12 Pledge Van Anne
iMSSA 5th Language AM, Reading PM
13 Pledge Mrs. B
iMSSA 3rd Math 8:30
5th Math AM
Schoolwide movie
PREK Family Bingo Night
A huge shout out to all of our awesome PREK 3 and 4 staff and families for coming out for a successful bingo night where students had fun, reviewing letters, sounds, numbers and their vocabulary. https://photos.app.goo.gl/wkUMtYQVLEgqERS1A
Pre Arranged Absences
If you plan on being absent for longer than three days please use this form for approval. Thank you. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mfWHY6zzzgtdzG7DEE-SLFOGPa07qGQRCDdJfXTch5E/edit?usp=sharing
Mountain in the News
We were commended at the Ad min meeting for being number one elementary school in NM as ranked by US News and World Report. Thank you for your partnership every day for the success of your children. We will celebrate soon!
Here are our results from NMPED. More information to come later. This information helps our school reflect on our progress and shape our instructional planning and goal setting.
Upcoming Dates-
PTA Meeting (No Grant Requests)
5:00 pm -
End of Semester- Report cards sent via email
Fifth Grade Market Day
8:30 am - 9:45 am @Fifth Grade Classrooms
Teacher Planning (No School for Students)
First Day Back for Students
MLK Day (No School)