1/24/25 Page Newsletter

From the Principal's Desk
Dear Page School Community,
The Student Council Food Drive Challenge has come to a close, and I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to all who contributed. Your generosity and school spirit never cease to amaze me!
If you or someone you know has young children not yet in school, this is for you! Find details about PreK/K programs for the 2025-2026 school year HERE—please share with friends and neighbors.
February is Black History Month—a time to honor the rich history and achievements of Black Americans. Explore the Newburyport Black History Initiative’s self-guided walking tour to learn more. Information is included in the newsletter.
We’re excited to announce the PRSD Summer Programs for 2025—check out the links below for program details and registration! Questions? Contact Mr. Seymour at seymour@prsd.org.
You can now view the 2025–2026 School Committee Approved Calendar below for important dates and planning purposes.
Also in this newsletter, you’ll find reminders about dressing for the cold weather, safety tips for dismissal, and how to manage changes in your child’s dismissal plan. These details help us ensure a safe and smooth experience for all students.
A few important dates to keep in mind:
- February 14: Half Day / Professional Development Day – 12:00 PM Dismissal for Students
- February 17–21: No School – February Vacation
- February 24: School Reopens
Thank you for your ongoing partnership and support of the Dr. John C. Page School.
Respectfully, Dr. G
WHOO CALLS February 7, 2025
Student Council Food Drive
Packing the Truck, Filling Hearts—Food Drive Success!
Making a Difference Together!
Food Truck Loaded, #WeArePentucket
Nurse’s Notes: Your Dose of Wellness Wisdom
Happy February! Half way through this school year already! In January, I had 511 student visits. The top complaints were typical: GI upset, sore throat, and congestion. We have cases of Flu A & B (similar symptoms, just different strains), COVID, Strep and GI viruses going around. Winter joys! You may see me wearing a mask because I do NOT want to get sick before going on vacation! It’s a very circa 2020/2021 look for me.
I sent reminders for vision and hearing referrals if your child required follow up and for 4th grade updated physicals.Your follow up on referrals is greatly appreciated so we know how to best care for your child while they are with us at school.
Postural screenings for scoliosis will begin in your child's Gym class for grades 5&6. A notice went home to all families last week via email. You only need to fill out the form if you are opting your child out of the screening. If you choose to opt out, please send in documentation of a recent postural screening with your child's provider. If you would like your child to participate in the screening, you do not have to do anything. I will only notify you if there is an abnormality noted during the screening.
If you have any questions about screenings or anything else, please reach out to me!
Courtney Boudrow, BSN, RN, NCSN (she, her, hers)
School Nurse
Dr. John C. Page Elementary School
Phone: 978-363-2671 ext 14
Fax: 978-363-2234
We are excited to announce the Summer Programs being offered for 2025. Please take a look at the links below to learn more and register. Please contact Mr. Seymour at seymour@prsd.org if you have any questions.
Free Parenting Library
Massachusetts Partnerships for Youth (MPY) is pleased to announce that our free Parenting Solutions Library is now available in Spanish. MPY is offering this valuable resource in partnership with Peace at Home Parenting Solutions, a non-profit organization located in Mansfield, Connecticut.
Through this partnership, MPY is providing proven resources to help students’ families thrive.
Peace At Home Parenting Solutions specializes in empowering parents with evidence-based strategies to foster nurturing connections that safeguard their children's mental well-being. The Parenting Solutions Library is easily accessed using the link on MPY’s home page. No log in or passcode is needed. The Peace at Home Parenting Solutions Library is a free, valuable resource for PTOs, SEPACs, ELLPACs and other parent-oriented groups.
Pentucket Hall of Fame
Please visit PRSD.org/HOF to nominate a Pentucket Employee, an Alumni or a Benefactor to help recognize those who have done tremendous work for students and our community!
Nominations are open between January 1 and April 1, 2025
Important Reminders
Dressing for the Cold
Please remember to dress your children appropriately for outdoor activities. Hats, gloves, and warm winter coats are essential, especially as we aim to have outdoor recess whenever possible. Staying warm ensures students can enjoy the fresh air and stay active safely and comfortably
Changes in Dismissal Plan
We understand that life is busy and occasional changes may come up in your child's dismissal plans. For example, if you need to switch from bus transportation to car pick-up for an afternoon, it is critical for us to know. Please email your child’s teacher with the updated dismissal information and include a CC to Ms. Bacheller in the main office at vbacheller@prsd.org. This ensures we can safely and efficiently manage the dismissal process for all students. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Dismissal Safety Reminders
We appreciate your cooperation during dismissal time. To keep everyone safe, please note:
- Use the designated crosswalk when heading to the lower parking lot
- Cars should pull all the way up in the line to maintain traffic flow
- No sharp U-turns to exit before the car in front of you has moved.
If your child is still learning to buckle themselves, consider parking in the lower lot and walking over to help them. This small adjustment may make dismissal smoother for you and safer for everyone else.
Pentucket Arts Foundation
For 22 years Pentucket Arts Foundation has proudly served as a staunch supporter of the arts and culture in our tri-town community to enrich the lives of residents of all ages in Groveland, Merrimac and West Newbury through shared arts experiences. We use community-sourced funds to continue our programs, events, scholarships and grants. With your help, the Foundation can continue to enhance the lives within our communities. Please refer to our website or QR Code to see the variety and depth of offerings.
G.A.R. West Newbury Public Library
Friends Pop Up Puzzle Swap & Sale
Saturday, February 810:00 AM—12:00 PM
Fireplace Room G.A.R. Memorial Library
Calling all jigsaw puzzle lovers! Finished your puzzles? Ready for some new ones?
Bring your gently used, no missing pieces, puzzles, swap for a new-to-you one! Don't have one to swap, puzzles available for purchase.
Come to this Friends of the Library pop up event! Banish those winter blues with some new colorful pieces.
No Registration Required
West Newbury Baseball
Pentucket Youth Softball Registration
You can find Registration Information HERE.
February Menu
District Notes
Upcoming School Committee Meetings:
February 25th
March 4th
March 18th
April 15th
May 6th
June 3rd
*****All meetings begin at 6:00pm and are held in the middle/high school building
**A complete list of School Committee Meeting is available on the PRSD website**
February is Black History Month
Newburyport Black History Initiative Self Guided Walking Tour
The mission of the award-winning Newburyport Black History Initiative (NBHI) is to affirm Black history and belonging in the city of Newburyport by illuminating histories that have been largely overlooked or forgotten and ensuring that these stories are publicly accessible to a broad audience. The core of the project is the installation of high-quality interpretive signs in the everyday public landscape of the city’s downtown for all to see.
The project is supported by Community Preservation Act funding, as well as donations. The signs feature the stories of Black Americans who lived and worked in Newburyport from the pre-Revolutionary War era to the early 20th century, ordinary people including domestic servants, mariners, barbers, soldiers, lawyers, and activists. While most of these people were unsung, their lives and contributions helped build local communities and the nation. In addition to interpretive signage, the project engages the public through this website, public events, indoor displays, lectures, tours, videos, articles, burial ground enhancements, and more.
Please click on the image of the map above for the locations of the eleven NBHI signs and a self-guided walking tour.
Page School Spirit Wear on Sale (Click Image Below)
Dr. G's Quote of the Week
“Before you speak, let your words pass through three gates:
Is it true? Is it necessary? Is it kind?” - Rumi