2025 JMS Eagle Eye #1
Week of July 22, 2024
Welcome to Jefferson Middle School!
It is time! Welcome back students and parents!
We are very excited for you and your student to begin your middle school experience in the fall (okay, mid summer) of 2024 at JMS. There is so much to discuss, and it is our hope that these newsletters will be helpful in providing information about starting school this year.
This week's edition includes information about the following topics:
- Safety & Culture
- Drop off & Pick Up Routines at JMS
- Transportation - Bus App!
- Cafeteria - Prices & Sample Menu
- Dress Code Updates
- School Supplies List
We value the relationship with our students' parents and guardians and recognize that by working together as a team we can help provide them every opportunity to be successful.
This and all future JMS Parent newsletters will come through the districts new communication tool, ParentSquare. ParentSquare combines many features of Skyalert, extracurricular communication tools for clubs and sports, and easy app access for teachers to contact you and for you to contact teachers.
As always, we are here to help your students grow into the academic, athletic, and amazing young adults you and we know they can be. Thanks and go Eagles!
Mr. Phil Cox, Principal pcox@ortn.edu
Dr. Benjamin Fowler, Vice Principal bjfowler@ortn.edu
Dr. Jacob Quilliams, Dean of Students jrquilliams@ortn.edu
A Look at the Week Ahead
Monday 22 A day
- Early dismissal 12:45 (no zero period)
- Football Practice 3:00-5:15
- Volleyball Practice 3:00-5:00
- Cross Country Practice 3:00-4:30
- Good News due to René by 3:00
- Football Practice 3:00-5:15
- Volleyball Practice 3:00-5:00
- Cross Country Practice 3:00-4:30
Wednesday 24 A day
- Football Practice 1:00-3:00
- Discipline Team Meeting EN 1:30
- Volleyball Practice 3:00-5:00
- Cheer Practice 1:00-3:00
- Cross Country Practice 1:00-2:30
Thursday 25 B day
- Football Practice 3:00-5:15
- Volleyball Practice 3:00-5:00
- Volleyball Parent Meeting 5:00
- Cross Country Practice 3:00-4:30
Friday 26 A Day
- Success Assemblies:
- 7th Gr. – 2nd pd
- 8th Gr. – 3rd pd
- 5th Gr. – 6th pd
- 6th Gr. – 7th pd
- Cross Country Practice 3:00-4:30
- Football Practice 3:00-5:15
Safety is Our Number One Priority at JMS!
JMS Safety & Culture
School culture and safety is our number one priority. We know that there are concerns in today's climate and culture that are centered around school safety. We work every day to maintain an environment of positive interaction and relationships while working to be vigilant about school safety. A few highlights as to how we work to promote a positive climate and culture both internally and externally.
- We are very fortunate to have Officer Vic Owen, as our school resource officer. He does an amazing job working with our students and families each and every day.
- To begin as far as security goes we currently have 54 cameras spread both through the interior and exterior of our building. We have started work this summer to increase the number of cameras on the exterior of the building and plan to improve some locations inside.
- We have 165 bollards in the front and around our school building as another added security feature. These security features are pictured above on the far left hand side.
- Our lobby secured main entrance allow for all entrants to be identified prior to entering the building. Please make sure to have your ID ready when coming to school to check out students.
- We have updated several exterior lights to help increase visibility for our night time activities.
- JMS Administration host quarterly Success Assemblies to discuss discipline concerns, rules, expectations and best practices with students.
- We communicate and identify important safety concerns for our students and parents through our weekly newsletter and monthly PTO meetings.
- We work to train our staff on multiple safety training opportunities, such as CPR, AED, tornado/fire drills, Crisis Training, etc.
If you have any questions about the culture and safety of our building, please do not hesitate to reach out to Dr. Fowler bjfowler@ortn.edu
Bollards to keep our students & staff safe!
SRO Vic Owen is housed at JMS!
Cameras are placed throughout the building!
Pick Up and Drop Off
Student Drop Off and Pick Up on the JMS Campus
Safety is our number one priority at Jefferson Middle School. The video below helps show the process for both drop off and pick up each day. We want our parents and students to be aware of the process in order to create the safest environment for all during these busy times. The following times below give you the best idea for drop off times:
There are two loops on campus. One loop on the gym/football field side of campus, which is a car drop off loop all morning long. The second loop on the softball field side is the bus loop at the beginning of the morning and becomes a car loop after buses leave. Buses will enter the loop from 7am - 7:10am each day. Please do not enter the loop if buses are present. In addition, please do not pass buses at any time while in the loop.
Please utilize the loop on the gym side to drop off your child each morning. When 5th grade students arrive on campus, they report to the gym until 7:30 am.
Transportation - Provided by First Student!
Online Student Transportation Registration – Effective June 1, 2023, parents will be asked to register their child for transportation services. Any family wanting transportation services at the opening of the 2024- 2025 school year will have until July 14, 2024, to register. All students requiring transportation should register for transportation services regardless of past ridership history. The online transportation registration will remain open for the remainder of the school year.
Parents will need to register for transportation two weeks prior to requested services. IF you do not have bus service, we will work at school to get your student on a bus with a bus pass for the next week until they are fully enrolled. On Monday, we will post student names and bus numbers and bus stops. For students who are not registered, we will post bus routes around the school
Links will be posted https://www.ortn.edu/district/bus-routes/ and in Parent Square. ORS Communications Director, Molly Gallagher Smith, posted late Friday, so check it out there.
First Student is updating their bus systems and soon will be available to parents. As soon as we have more information, we will bring you that information.
More information can be found at https://www.ortn.edu/district/bus-routes/
Where is my bus route? Do I have a bus route?
Bus routes are posted in the Gym, outside the Cafeteria, in the lobby and JPAC, and in front of the Main Office.
ANY STUDENT who DOES NOT have a route and is supposed to ride should ask their 2nd or 3rd period teacher to go to the Main Entrance and speak with Mr. Mitchell or Dr. Fowler.
We will get them a bus pass for the next week or two until they are officially registered.
Projected Cafeteria Prices 2024-2025
Cafeteria - School Nutrition Program Operational Changes for the 2024-25 School Year
- Free and Reduced Lunch forms are now available in Skyward. Be sure to log in to your Skyward Account to complete the form. The sooner we get that processed, the sooner we can make sure we are serving your students as best we can.
- Students must be enrolled in a school to receive school meals. Students attending virtual academies are not eligible to participate in either of the federal school meal programs.
- Meals shall only be provided and served on days when school is in session.
For additional information, please visit:
JMS Grading Scale
How do Grades work in middle school?
A - 90 - 100
B - 80 - 89
C - 70 - 79
D - 60 - 69
F - Below 60
We realize that this will be a change and adjustment and we want to make sure we communicate it to you prior to the start of school. Please feel free to reach out to your child's teachers if you have any questions about grades. Additionally, the TCAP cut score received after testing in May will count as 15% of your student's overall grades.
Dress Code
The Board of Education believes that appropriate dress and grooming contribute to a productive learning environment. The Board expects students to give proper attention to personal cleanliness and to wear suitable clothing. Students are asked to wear simple, comfortable clothing that is clean and neat. Shoes should be always worn. Students are not to wear clothing which compromises safety or modesty; nor clothing which is disruptive to the educational process.
Students are prohibited from wearing:
1. Clothing or accessories which by reasonable judgment is considered unsafe, dangerous or a health hazard (examples include, but are not limited to wallet chains, spiked collars, necklaces or rings with spikes or sharp edges, oversized belt buckles, picks and combs.
2. Clothing or accessories which contain or suggest offensive or obscene symbols, signs, slogans or words degrading any gender, cultural, religious or ethnic values.
3. Clothing or accessories which contain or suggest language or symbols oriented toward violence, vandalism, sex, drugs, alcohol or tobacco.
4. Pajamas or clothing resembling sleepwear. This also includes house shoes.
5. Apparel
- a. Shirts, shorts, jeans or pants with holes, skirts and dresses that compromise modesty or are disruptive to the learning environment.
- b. The following attire is not permitted: bare midriffs; halter or tube tops; short shorts; tight, see through, or revealing clothing; or clothing which allows underwear to be exposed, such as sagging pants, spaghetti strap tops, muscle shirts.
- c. A belt is mandatory if pants or shorts will not stay at the waist without one.
- d. Hats, head coverings, bandanas, and sunglasses are not to be worn inside the school building.
6. Any articles which can be related to gang activity such as: items with gang names; gang initials; or individual gang member monikers; gang related jewelry; gang related tattoos; or self-inflicted scars. (TCA 49-6- 4215)
7. Any manner of grooming, which by its color, arrangement, trademark, or any other attribute that is gang related. This may include such items as shoelaces, belt buckles, hats or tattoos.
8. All students must wear shoes. It is strongly suggested that students wear shoes which either enclose the foot or are secured with heel straps. Flip flops are not allowed in grades PreK-4.
9. Heavy coats must be removed upon arrival at school, be placed in lockers and left there until the student leaves the building. (At campuses that have multiple buildings that require outside travel between classes, the principal may exercise discretion.)
The school building administrator may make exceptions to dress requirements to accommodate the special needs of classes (examples include but are not limited to science labs, welding, cooking labs) and/or certain sports/activities.
All students are expected to comply with the general dress code policy of the Oak Ridge School Board. Students who fail to comply with the Dress Code Policy shall be advised of the policy and offered the opportunity to take corrective action. The school shall attempt to contact the student's parents. Students who repeatedly fail to dress in accordance with the Dress Code Policy may be subject to disciplinary actions as set forth in the Oak Ridge Schools Discipline Code. The Administration reserves the right to judge what is appropriate or not.
Consequences for violations of the dress code guidelines will follow the ORS District Disciplinary Code.
SY 25 Suggested School Supplies
SY 25 Suggested School Supplies list
JMS SY 2025 Student Handbook
JMS 2024-2025 Student Handbook
District Discipline Handbook for SY 25
Cell Phone Policy
Students are required to turn off phones and place in lockers when they arrive to school. Students are not permitted to have phones throughout the building. In the event of an emergency, parents can contact the main phone line (425-9301) and students may use the main phone line to contact home.
Additionally, NO wired or wireless headphones or earbuds or personal electronic devices are permitted for use during the school day unless at the direction of a teacher for a classroom activity.
Due to concerns about social media and improper use of cell phones during the school day, please see detailed cell phone policy below:
1. Students must turn off cell phone upon arriving to campus and place in their locker.
2. Students are not to use cell phones during the school day unless instructed by a teacher. Teachers will make administration aware when they will be using phones in advance.
3. Any student found to be sharing or distributing inappropriate messages or pictures online will be immediately reported to our SRO and the Oak Ridge Police Department.
4. Per the ORS Code of Conduct, "students are prohibited from using personally owned devices to record (video, audio, photograph) others". This could also be considered Cyberbullying - the use of cell phones, social networking sites or other types of digital technology to harass, threaten, discriminate, or intimidate others.
Any violation of the cell phone policy will lead to action from administration including but not limited to consequences below:
1st violation: student cell phone, headphones, earbuds, or personal electronic devices will be confiscated and sent to the office. Student will be issued a warning in Skyward and phone will be kept in the office until parent/guardian comes to the school to pick up the phone.
2nd violation: student cell phone, headphones, earbuds, or personal electronic devices will be confiscated and sent to the office. Student will be assigned an after-school detention in Skyward and phone will be kept in the office until parent/guardian comes to the school to pick up the phone.
3rd violation: student cell phone, headphones, earbuds, or personal electronic devices will be confiscated and sent to the office. Student will be issued ISS in Skyward and phone will be kept in the office until parent/guardian comes to the school to pick up the phone.
4th violation: student cell phone, headphones, earbuds, or personal electronic devices will be confiscated and sent to the office. Student will be issued an OSS in Skyward and phone will be kept in the office until parent/guardian comes to the school to pick up the phone. In addition, student may lose privilege of bringing phone to school for a time to be determined.
School phones are for business and emergency use only. Students who are required to remain after school to make up work or for other reasons can call to arrange a ride home.
JMS School Counselors
Be sure to check out additional information about our school counselors on our webpage and in their monthly newsletters!
School Counseling - Jefferson Middle (ortn.edu)
Our counselors for the 2023-2024 School Year are:
5th/7th Grade - Ms. Candie Price (clprice@ortn.edu)
6th/8th Grade - Ms. Cassidy Coffman (cacoffman@ortn.edu)
How to Sign Up for Skyward
Canvas - Remote Learning Management System at JMS
Canvas is our learning management system. We utilize Canvas in order to communicate with students and parents including announcements, information that is important to the class, links to resources to help support in class learning and also digital assignments.
Our 5th grade team is AMAZING in the amount of detail they provide on their Canvas page. We encourage parents to spend 10 minutes each week with their child logged on to Canvas and read the details for each teacher's page, announcements, and assignments.
In Canvas our teachers work to provide:
- Announcements - A weekly look at what will be taught throughout the week
- Assignments - Some assignments will be digital and completed through Canvas and some will be analog and completed on paper. The goal for teachers here is to update with information to help explain the assignment and the due date.
- Calendar - A student calendar that shows all of the student's class and helps to color code each. The calendar allows for parents to see due dates for assignments, quiz and test dates
To learn more about Canvas and how we use it each day, please access the video below.
Join Jefferson's Parent Teacher Organization!
Athletic Update
Jefferson fall athletics teams are busy preparing for their first contests of the season, which will be in early August! All Jefferson athletics schedules are posted below. Please make plans to come out and support the Eagles and Lady Eagles this fall!
Back to School Fair
Lego League Application
The Jefferson Middle School FLL Teams are seeking new members. These members will have an opportunity to compete in the FIRST® LEGO® League (FLL) competition http://firstlegoleague.org. All students interested in being part of a JMS FLL team are expected to complete the application in full. Students are expected to turn in the application and all the parts by the due date to the counseling office at JMS by 3pm on August 2, 2024 (no late applications will be considered). If you have any questions please contact, Janie Shanafield, jshanafield@ortn.edu.