WSA Elementary Weekly Newsletter
February 13, 2025
Dates to Remember
February 14: NO SCHOOL
February 17: NO SCHOOL
February 17: Middle School Summer School Registration Opens (stay tuned for more information from the School District of Waukesha)
March 17: Elementary Summer School Registration Opens (More information will be emailed to you from the School District of Waukesha)
March 24-28 SPRING BREAK (NO SCHOOL) Students return 3/31
Click here for the 2024-25 School District of Waukesha Calendar
Click here for the 2025-26 School District of Waukesha Calendar
PIckup Plan Request
Please plan and discuss pickup time with your student(s) before school. We have had a large increase in calls and emails during the day with pickup changes, which is causing learning interruptions in the classrooms. When students do not know who is picking them up or where, it causes them anxiety during the school day and confusion at pickup time. If emergencies arise that change your plans, you must notify the office before 2:30 pm so that we can update your student and necessary staff. Thank you for helping us keep students focused on learning!
All City Swim Meet for 3-5th graders
FREE All City Swim Meet on Saturday, April 12th (Grades 3-5)
Practices on March 15th and April 5th (at Waukesha South High School)
Each swimmer receives a team t-shirt and swim cap
Click this link: Flyer and Permission Slip. Registration can be done online, or watch for the paper copy being sent home with your student and complete/send back the bottom half. Deadline to register is Friday, March 7.
We are pleased to offer our STEMShare program to families who need it. STEMShare provides healthy, kid-friendly foods to participating students at the end of each school week.
If your family would benefit from a supplemental food bag each Friday, please click here and complete the request form (this information is kept strictly confidential).
Yearbook Ordering is Open!
Yearbooks can be ordered online here:
The yearbook sale will run until April 1st.
Yearbook Group Photos
If you are a coach or leader of an extracurricular activity such as Jr. Basketball, Scouts, Lego Leagues, etc, that has STEMlets on it, please send a group photo with your team name to Mrs. Johnston at mjohnston@waukesha.k12.wi.us to be included in our yearbook.
District Middle School Math Information (NOT for STEM Middle School)
If you have a student heading to Butler, Les Paul, or Horning next year, please read the message below from the School District of Waukesha. According to our records, all of our current 5th graders are moving on to STEM, so this would not apply to them. STEM Middle School student options differ from student to student based on competency. (If your plans have changed and your STEM 5th grader is NOT continuing at STEM, please notify the office)
Fifth Grade Parents of students heading to Butler, Les Paul or Horning Middle Schools: Next year, sixth grade students will be placed in Math 6 or Math 6/7. Mathematics 6 will be the path for most students, but there will be a Mathematics 6/7 option, which is a compacted course of related content from Desmos Math 6 and part of Desmos Math 7. In the near future, you may receive a letter from SDW that will inform you that your child meets the criteria (Forward and iReady screener results) to be in Mathematics 6/7. Students in Mathematics 6/7 will continue on to Mathematics 7/8 in seventh grade, and Integrated Math 1 (a High School course) in eighth grade, provided they demonstrate success. If your student does not meet the criteria, and you would like to request placement, there will be a process (space permitting) after spring assessments at the end of May. A student on the traditional pathway will still be able to take Calculus at the High School level, if they so desire.
Padres de Quinto Grado: En el próximo ciclo, los estudiantes de sexto grado tomarán Mate 6 o Mate 6/7. Matemáticas 6 será el curso más común, pero también existirá la opción de tomar Matemáticas 6/7, un curso compacto con contenido relacionado de Matemáticas 6 y parte de Matemáticas 7. Próximamente es posible que usted reciba una carta del distrito que le informe que su estudiante satisface los requisitos (de Forward y iReady) para entrar a Matemáticas 6/7. Los estudiantes que tomen Matemáticas 6/7 continuarán en Matemáticas 7/8 en séptimo grado, y en Matemáticas Integradas 1 (un curso de preparatoria) en octavo grado, siempre que sean exitosos. Si su estudiante no satisface los requisitos y usted desea que participe, habrá un proceso para solicitar su ingreso (si hay lugar) después de los exámenes de primavera, a finales de mayo. Un estudiante que siga los cursos tradicionales podrá tomar Cálculo en la preparatoria, si lo desea.
Elementary Campus (K-5)
Email: mjohnston@waukesha.k12.wi.us
Website: https://sdw.waukesha.k12.wi.us/o/stemes
Location: 1103 South East Avenue, Waukesha, WI, USA
Phone: 262.970.2305
Facebook: hhttps://www.facebook.com/pages/?category=your_pages&ref=bookmarks
X: @WaukeshaSTEM
Secondary (Saratoga) Campus (6-8)
Saratoga Campus (6-8)
Email: clolson@waukesha.k12.wi.us
Website: https://sdw.waukesha.k12.wi.us/o/saratoga
Location: 130 Walton Avenue, Waukesha, WI, USA
Phone: 262.970.2500