Stratford High Times
March 2022
From the Principal's Desk
Tēnā koutou katoa,
Writing this newsletter has given me time to reflect on the first five weeks of the year. Our Senior Leadership Team were speaking about how quickly the days (and weeks) have been going past, recognising that the ever-changing landscape is keeping things interesting. We are so grateful for the ongoing support of our community as we navigate through the phases of Omicron and manage staff and student isolation. Please continue to notify the school office if you or your child becomes positive with COVID-19.
From the beginning of the year, we have tried to keep things as normal as possible, with obvious restrictions. Because of the direction from the MOE that assemblies are not able to take place, we presented our Student Leaders with their badges outside. Our leaders are a group of young men and woman who genuinely want to make a difference and have been organising lunchtime activities to ensure our younger students are able to be active with others. They are committed to serving their student body this year. As part of their leadership training at the start of the year, the message from Paul Williams from the ‘Strengths Shed’ was to ensure they lead self before they lead others, and they are certainly showing a willingness to get out and grow as individuals. I am excited as to what the remainder of the year will bring with this group.
Over the past five weeks, there have been several things that I believe reflect where we are as a school. Our Swimming Sports was another fantastic event. Seeing the whole school perform the Macarena Dance in time was something special. It was heartwarming to see our senior students actively supporting and cheering on our juniors in the pool. Looking across the terraces of the pool complex, with each house represented with their tent and student outfits, was a sight to behold!
The Athletics Sports was another event where the student body came together to help and encourage others. The atmosphere during the ‘Flying Squadron’ race at the end of the day where every age group was represented, epitomized what the day was about.
And lastly, we had a person from an outside organisation work with a group of students early in the year. He spoke about how polite and courteous our students were and that when he walked around the school at break time, he enjoyed the vibe and the feel. This is a testament to all those involved in our school.
We have a wonderful school, with a community committed to doing the best for our students. It is a pleasure to be a part of!
Take care and please continue to communicate if you have any questions or concerns during a very trying time.
Nga mihi
Cameron Stone
2022 Student Leaders
The 2022 student leaders were presented with their badges at an outside ceremony in February. Please offer your congratulations to these students who are leading our school this year. Elysse Kerr and Sereima Lum (Arts Captains), Rouruina Gerrard (Kaitataki), Riko Heta (Head Boy), Abbey Sextus (Head Girl), Tayte Wilkins and Korban Johnson (Sports Captains), Rebekah Hodge (BOT Representative) and Keisya Gunawan (Student Council Chair).
2022 House Leaders elected
Amess House: Jade Cadman-Drummond and Megan Joubert
McAllister House: Zoe Armitstead and Jenna Johnson
Trimble House: Troy Price and Aidan Renshaw
Tyrer House: Arlo Beckett and Alex McGeoch
School Form Photos
Front of School Upgrade
We are excited about how the front of the school is taking shape. The main structural design is almost complete, and we will soon begin the planting phase. A school sign is currently being designed also. We look forward to seeing the foot traffic making the most of the space from now on.
Changes to the COVID Protection Framework Rules for School Sport
Following on from Friday’s announcement by Minister Chris Hipkins regarding vaccine passes for school students, we are now able to provide a little more clarity on the ability for unvaccinated students to participate in inter school sport. During the week the Ministry of Education advised the following in their latest bulletin:
“As indicated by Minister Hipkins, all children and young people will soon be able to participate in all school-organised teams and groups regardless of their vaccination status. An amendment to the Health Order will now be needed and we anticipate these changes will take effect no later than Tuesday 15th March. This will apply to onsite and offsite activities for both curriculum-related (including offsite education outside the classroom) and extra-curricular activities offered by a registered school. This change will apply to intra-school and inter-school competitions/activities as well as competitions/activities where school teams/groups compete against other teams/groups which are not from a school. For example, the school’s First XI competing in a local senior club competition or the school kapa haka group competing against adult groups in a regional competition.
We will advise you when these changes to the Health Order occur and will update our website information to reflect the above information and advice at that time. For now, the existing requirements/permissions under the Health Order remain in place.”
The Ministry Bulletin goes on to outline a little more detail around this subject and you can read the full article here. While there are still a number of areas that need to be explored and clarified by the Ministry and Sport New Zealand, we now have an approximate timeframe to work towards (March 15 at the latest).
Over the coming fortnight we will therefore monitor the updated guidance and work closely with our member schools, councils and partner regional sports organisations to plan how this change will come into effect. Please bear with us and we will advise all stakeholders at the earliest possible opportunity. In the meantime however, as the Ministry of Education Bulletin advises, our existing policies are to remain in place.
Upcoming TSSSA Events
Looking ahead, there will be a review of TSSSA events each Monday to ensure that they are complying with all health and safety requirements under the CPF framework and that events are viable with consideration given to RSO's ,volunteers, students and schools. Please get in touch if you have any comments or concerns to Ms Smith (email: mp@stratfordhigh.school.nz)
As at March 15th or when the legislation passes through all TSSSA events will be open to all students regardless of vaccination status. At CPF Red level we will be still complying with the gathering limit of 100.
- Athletics – 17th March at TET Stadium
- Orienteering– 21st March at Devon Intermediate
- Golf Croquet – 23rd March at Hawera
- Triathlon- 27th March Ngamotu Beach
To ensure these events abide by the COVID Protection Framework gathering limits, some of these events will be split by either gender or age. The relevant plans will be communicated to schools shortly.
School Sport NZ Newsletter
Please see the latest news from School Sport NZ
Congratulations Arabella
Arabella Barber (y12) has been selected to attend a BLAKE Inspire programme in August 2022.
The BLAKE Inspire programme is a week-long residential leadership development programme run in partnership with the Ministry for the Environment. BLAKE Inspire provides an opportunity for youth to learn more about environmental issues facing New Zealand, to develop your leadership skills, to meet like-minded young people and to have a great time doing it.
Moana Jr Production
Remember this is an event for all students to participate in.
Expectations for Junior Physical Education
· To take an active part in all lessons and therefore become physically educated.
· When someone is talking to the class, everyone is listening.
· On the sound of the whistle – stop, look and listen.
· Students are required to wear correct PE gear. This includes black shorts and a Stratford High School PE shirt (appropriate shoes are optional). If for some reason this gear is not available students are required to bring a note (from a parent or guardian) explaining the reason for the incorrect gear. In this case it is important that students bring alternative gear, so they can still take part.
· It is our philosophy that if a student is too sick to do physical education then they are too sick to be at school. If students are unable to participate due to injury a note is required from a parent or a guardian. After a student is unable to participate for three consecutive lessons a Doctor’s Certificate is required.
· It is expected that on swimming day’s students bring both swimming togs and PE gear, as the weather dictates what we do.
Denise Kay, HOD Physical Education
Relay 4 Life - SHS Relay Your Way
Have you moved recently? Have you changed your phone number or email address recently? Please contact the school office and update your details.
It is very important we have the correct information for your child in case there is an emergency and we need to contact you immediately. If any contact details change throughout the year please let the school office know.
New Parents Information
Please click on the link below to go the start of school information for 2022.
Within this link you will find information titled "Jan-New Parents Information" which will give you an outline of key organisational information at Stratford High School.
2022 School Policy Reviews
This term the policy for review is Health and Safety Management policies. See below for instructions to provide feedback on this policy.
- Visit the website Stratford HS Policies and Procedures (schooldocs.co.nz)
- Enter the username (stratfordhigh) and password (swansearoad4332)
- Click on the tab for current review and it should show you the latest policies for review.
- Read the policy.
- Click the Policy Review button at the top right-hand corner of the page.
- Select the reviewer type "Parent".
- Enter your name (optional).
- Submit your ratings and comments.
- If you don't have internet access, school office staff can provide you with printed copies of the policy and a review form.
COVID Safety Action Plan and Important Reminders
Please find below the link to the 2022 COVID Safety Action Plan which is on the school website.
These must be worn indoors by all students and staff (except those with an official exemption). You are expected to have your own mask and wear it properly (up over your nose). Students who do not have a mask will be sent home. If you have a medical exemption, please wear this around your neck on a lanyard so that it is visible at all times. Teachers then will not need to ask you to put on a mask.
- Mask wearing has been mandated by the government. It is not optional.
- Make sure you have spare masks with you at school each day.
- Masks are NOT to be shared. They are to be washed regularly.
This is to be observed where practicable. We know that in some learning contexts this is not ideal. Please respect this and if a teacher reminds you about this, please comply willingly and graciously.
Stratford High School
Email: mail@stratfordhigh.school.nz
Website: www.stratfordhigh.school.nz
Location: Stratford High School Swansea Road, Stratford, New Zealand
Phone: 06-7656039
Facebook: facebook.com/SHSTaranaki