BMSS Family Newsletter
January 8, 2025
From the Principal
Dear Charger Families,
We hope you had a restful break enjoying time with friends and family.
Just a reminder, that if any student was ABSENT and MISSED a semester exam the last week of December, they will need to report to the BMSS Library today beginning at 9am to make up their exam. Thank you parents for your help with this.
On Monday when students return, ALL students will have their schedule reprinted and given to them. There were very minimal changes overall, however, every student will need to pick up their schedule as they did in August when they returned.
6th grade: Cafeteria
7th grade: Gym
8th grade: Courtyard
ID Badges:
Please remind your child to wear their ID everyday to school. This is a BISD expectation. We know they will forget their badge at home from time to time, if that is the case, your child will need to stop by the office to pick up a wristband. If they lost their ID over break, they can pick up a new one in the library for $5.
Best of luck to all of our BMSS students competing in the Kendall County Junior Livestock Show! We have several students showing an animal or a project they have been working on over the past semester.
We will see you on Monday!
Matt Myers
Boerne Middle School South
To follow all things BMSS visit us at the following.
Instagram: Boerne Middle School South
Facebook: Boerne Middle School South
Twitter (X):Boerne Middle School South
Website: https://www.boerneisd.net/bmss
Important Dates
December 23rd - January 10th - Christmas Break/Student Holiday
January 8th - First Semester Exam Make-up Day
January 13th - Students return to school
January 15th - Boys Basketball vs Voss (7th Home, 8th Away)
January 16th - Girls Basketball vs Voss (7th Home, 8th Away)
January 17th - Coffee w/the Principal - 8:00am in B101
January 20th - MLK Day - Staff/Student Holiday
January 21st - 6th Grade Outstanding CHARGERS - 7:45am in the Library
January 22nd - 7th Grade Outstanding CHARGERS - 7:45am in the Library
January 22nd - Boys Basketball vs Alamo Heights (7th Away, 8th Home)
January 23rd - 8th Grade Outstanding CHARGERS - 7:45am in the Library
January 23rd - Girls Basketball vs Alamo Heights (7th Home, 8th Away)
January 23rd - 8th Grade Parent Night at Champion High School (see flyer below)
January 25th - Coed Basketball Tournament at Alamo Heights
Tennis Tryouts
Due to an overwhelming interest in the BMSS tennis team, tryouts will be split between 7th & 8th grade.
7th Grade Tryouts - January 22nd & January 24th at 7:00am on the BMSS tennis courts.
7th Grade Practice - January 27th at 7:00am on the BMSS tennis courts.
8th Grade Tryouts - January 27th at 7:00am on the BMSS tennis courts.
Parent Meeting - January 31st at 7:00am on the BMSS tennis courts.
Please be on time and dress appropriately for the weather. If you do not have a physical on file, then you may NOT try out. Please check the school's main social media page in case we have to cancel due to weather.
Ms. Schwab our Attendance Clerk will not be on campus thru the end of the year.
If you are reaching out regarding your student's attendance, please call the school office or email: nicole.pfeifer@boerneisd.net or tiffany.arredondo@boerneisd.net
Both Ms. Pfeifer and Ms. Arredondo are helping cover while Ms. Schwab is out.
24-25 Yearbooks
From The Nurse
Tips to Staying Healthy this Winter
1. Get enough sleep. School aged children should be getting 8-9 hours of sleep a night. A good night's rest can lead to a healthier lifestyle.
2. Staying active. Staying active this winter can help with multiple health aspects of our lives including sleep, energy levels, and metal health.
3. Eating well. Try incorporating at least 2 fruits and 2 vegetables a day. This can be great way to help boost your immune system and health.
4. Watch outdoor temperatures. Playing outdoors is great, but remember to limit it when temperatures begin to drop for the season.
5. WASH, WASH, WASH YOUR HANDS! This is still the best defense against illness. Encourage your children to wash, especially before meals, using soap and warm water. To ensure they are taking enough time to adequately kill germs.
Lost and Found
Coffee with the Principal
8th Grade Parent Night at Champion High School
Student ID's
Free and Reduced Lunch Application
Families are encouraged to complete the application for Free and Reduced-Price Meals available here or return the completed paper form to any campus office. Applications must be completed each school year. If you had benefits last year and have not completed a new application this school year, your benefits expired on September 24th. Get your 2024-2025 application submitted today!
To view the complete free and reduced lunch letter please see below.
Quick Reference
10 Cascade Caverns Rd
Boerne, TX 78006
Facebook: BoerneMSSouth
Instagram: @boernemssouth
"X"/Twitter: @boernemssouth
Website: https://www.boerneisd.net/bmss