Spectrum Careers
October 7th
📣Students! Here's What's Happening This Week:
Greater Victoria Green Teams needs you!
Our Greater Victoria Green Team has plenty of activities coming up next month.
All ages, abilities, backgrounds, and experience levels are welcome! We will provide educational instruction and demonstrations, as well as tools and gloves for volunteers. There will also be delicious snacks!
Opportunities to volunteer with the Greater Victoria Green Team:
- Tree Planting in Portage Park East, View Royal
- Sunday October 20th from 9am-12pm
- Details & Sign up here
- Invasive Plant Removal in the Blenkinsop Valley, Saanich
- Saturday October 26th from 9:45am-1pm
- Details & Sign up here
- Invasive Plant Removal in Murray's Pond Park, Colwood
- Sunday October 27th from 9:45am-1pm
- Details & Sign up here
- Invasive Plant Removal in Francis King Park, View Royal
- Saturday November 2nd from 9:45am-1pm
- Details & Sign up here
- FireSmart Rain Garden Park in Langford
- Sunday November 3rd from 9:45am-1pm
- Details & Sign up here
please email me (Kaitlin@GreenTeamsCanada.ca).
EducationPlannerBC invites parents, families, and student supporters to join our virtual presentation on Wednesday, November 13th, 2024.
Learn about post-secondary education and career opportunities, as well as tools to best support your student in planning for their future. The information will be especially helpful for families with students in grades 10-12.
Come explore our website! Search thousands of programs, get to know trades, and discover career paths. Find helpful resources, including financial aid options, admission requirements, FAQs, and the Glossary. Learn how to create an account, save programs, paths, and careers to My List, and apply to post-secondary in B.C.
EducationPlannerBC with SD 61, 62, 63, 64- South Island and Gulf Island School Districts
Wednesday, November 13, 2024
6:30pm– 7:45 p.m.
Registration is required. The session will be on MS Teams.
Register here.
For more information: support@educationplannerbc.ca
BC Law School information session
UVic Law, in collaboration with UBC and TRU law school, regarding an upcoming BC Law School information session to be held at UVic this fall.
As part of our ongoing commitment to support aspiring legal professionals across Vancouver Island, UVic Law will be hosting an information session on October 21st from 1:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Our primary objectives for this collaborative event are to:
- Offer valuable insights into the law school application process and admission requirements
- Foster a sense of community among students interested in pursuing law
- Facilitate networking between attendees, faculty, and staff from all schools
The event will be held in the Murray and Anne Fraser Building, Room 159.
Space limited!!
Sign up today
*once a free ticket is 'purchased', organizers will email with a waiver and image release. Please sign and return to hold your spot. Questions? Email MARPAC.Attractions@gmail.com
* The deadline for sign-up is 20 October 2024*
8-8:15 am - drop off at Wardroom
8:30-9 - walk into Dockyard
9:00-3:30 -
detailed programme still to be promulgated
3:00-3:30 - walk out of Dockyard to Wardroom
Please be prepared to spend the day outside in the weather.
Some aspects of this event may change at short notice due to operational requirements
Apply HERE
Oh, the Places You'll Go!
Courtesy of Local 276
Ms. Cielen
Career Resource Coordinator
Ms. Condie
Mr. Lubinich
Mrs. Shannon
CLC Teacher