RES Weekly Buzz
Our 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders worked diligently on the their math MCAS this past week. This wraps up our testing for grade 3 and 4; and all that's left is the Grade 5 Science Technology/Engineering test on the 16th and 17th. Please give your children kudos for all the effort they expended. The MCAS results help us to identify our strengths, as well as areas where improvements need to be made in both curriculum and instructional practices.
On a lighter note, our 4th graders attended Project Adventure on Thursday and had an incredible experience working with their teachers and peers on pushing themselves outside of their comfort zones and on team-building. The students shared some great stories and made some wonderful memories. Thank you so much to Mrs. Canniff and Mrs. Trumbour for organizing and supervising this amazing trip; and thank you to the 4th grade teachers and other staff who attended with them. A great time was had by all despite a bit of chilly weather.
It has been lots of fun meeting some new PreK/K students and families; they were recently in the building for screenings, as we all get ready for next year. We also extend a thanks to our First R Readers who were in grades K and 1 once again this week. The students love the books you share. We are looking forward to our book fair next week and hoping for great weather for the Motif #1 5K and 1 Mile Fun Run on the 13th. We are excited for all of the great opportunities that arise in these last months of school.
Project Adventure Grade 4
We would like to thank the PTO and all of the families that contributed to the "Fill the Fridge" event in honor of teacher/staff appreciation week. The drinks and snacks were a great way to perk up our days, and we truly felt valued by you and your children.
With gratitude: The RES Staff!
RES Book Fair
Rockport Elementary School Library will be running a Best Book Fair in the RES gymnasium on May 10th and 11th. The hours are Wednesday, May 10th, 9:15 am - 6:30 pm and Thursday, May 11th, 9:15 am - 4:00 pm. Please support our students and their love of reading in our school. Email our librarian, Ms. Burke, with any questions.
To see when your child will be attending the book fair at school, open this link for the classroom book fair schedule.
Motif #1 5K and 1 Mile Fun Run
Motif #1 5K and 1 Mile Races will take place on Saturday, May 13th, 2023. Let's hope for great weather!
To register, use the following link:
To sign up to volunteer on race day, please use this link:
Volunteers may register a friend or family member for the race at no cost. We look forward to a wonderful community event to promote Health and Wellness. We hope you can make it!
Ask your children to check the lost and found on MONDAY!!
All remaining items will be donated at the end of the school day on Monday, 5/8/23.
Upcoming Important Dates
- May 10th & 11th: RES Book Fair
- May 13th: Motif #1 Day 5K & 1 Mile Fun Run
- May 16th: PTO Bubble Party
- Click here for flyer
- May 16th-17th: Science MCAS grade 5
- May 19th: 1/2 Day for Students
- May 29th: No School - Memorial Day
- June 1st: (details for the following still to come)
- Kindergarten & Grade 1 Open House
- Grade 4 State Fair
- June 9th: RES Field Day (Rain Date June 12th)
- June 15th: Last Day of School - 1/2 Day
The Educational Foundation for Rockport (EFR) is a non-profit organization that raises money and manages an endowment, and in turn uses those funds to support a wide variety of enrichment programs and field trips across the Rockport Schools; the EFR also proudly awards $25,000 in scholarships annually to graduating seniors! The EFR actively fundraises money throughout the year in order to provide this support to the school system, to ensure enhanced learning opportunities for ALL students.
The EFR is hosting its first annual benefit concert, and we hope you will consider buying a ticket to this exclusive event. 100% of the funds will go to Rockport Schools! Please see our flyer below and click the link to purchase tickets!
Grade 2 Lions
RES Garden Volunteer Sign up
Every year at Rockport Elementary School we engage all students in planting, harvesting, and eating a spring salad and fall crop as part of our RES school garden program.
As we head into our spring season, we are asking for volunteers to assist with planting, harvesting, and tasting.
Please note that all school volunteers must have a CORI check completed in the office.
Check the sign-up for available dates and time slots for volunteering throughout the spring. Please note that each slot is for 1 hour, and the class names are listed for those who would like to volunteer during their child's class.
Also, we are looking for families who would be willing to look after the garden during the summer. Sign up for one or more weeks to water and weed the garden and take care of our growing fall crops.
For questions contact Darlene Trumbour (
Happy Spring
2022 - 2023 RES Yearbook
Pictures are needed for this year’s yearbook.
Have you taken any pictures at RES events this year?
If the answer is YES ....
Send them to Mrs. Collins or
Mrs. English for consideration.
Notes from the Nurse
1) Please see the charts below in order to review symptoms and guidelines for student illnesses. (You can also refer to the COVID guidelines here: RPS COVID Protocols 2022-2023).
Any absences related to illness can be excused if a doctor's note is provided to the school.
2) Free COVID test kits are available from the Town of Rockport. Reach out to the Board of Selectmen's Office at Town Hall during their business hours.
3) Ticks usually start to come out in mid-April. PLEASE remember to check your children very thoroughly, from their scalp to their toes, if they have been doing any outdoor activities.
4) All students and their families are encouraged to participate in Rockport's Motif #1 5K or 1 Mile Run on May 13th. It's fun and a great opportunity to exercise and be active!
Please reach out to the nurse's office with any questions at 978-546-1223.
Before/After School Activities
Before/After School Activities:
- Spring session , check the Weekly Schedule here.
- Any questions email Mrs. Gale
Homework Club for Gr 3-5 in room G132 with Ms. Gale ( The schedule is as follows:
- Monday and Thursdays 3-4pm
- Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 8-8:45am
RPS Employment Opportunities
Rockport Public Schools has posted multiple positions for all 3 schools in the district.
Click here or scan QR code to see all available positions.
Two openings specific to the elementary school are:
2023 Rockport Recreation Department Summer Fun
Summer Fun is Back!
This program is designed to provide your child with an enriching summer activity. Children will enjoy playtime with their friends in a familiar, safe and fun environment. Children will be grouped by age and will rotate through each station: the playground, the gym for games and activities, and the cafeteria for crafts, Legos, and snack time. There will be weekly themes, visiting special guests and surprises to keep things fresh and engaging!
All students who are entering Grades K-5 are eligible to participate.
The program begins Monday June 26th and runs through Thursday August 4th. Note: There is no program July 4th.
For all students, the program is Monday through Thursday, from 9 am - 12 noon
Cost: $400 for the season, $325 for siblings after first child (please fill out a form for each child) Summer Fun will follow the strict food allergy policy guidelines in place at Rockport Elementary School.
Please mail the registration form to Board of Selectmen, 34 Broadway, Rockport, MA 01966.
Forms can also be dropped off at the mail slot at the back door of Town Hall.
You can also email the form and mail/drop off check. Form will be processed once payment
Parent Resources and Local Events
- Motif #1 5K and 1 mile Fun Run May 13, 2023, 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
- Rockport EMS Day: May 20, 2023, 11-3 pm T-Wharf
- The Educational Foundation for Rockport Fundraiser: May 20th, 2023, 5-8 pm
- RES Kindergarten/Grade 1 Registration Rockport Residents, New students only, registration is ongoing
- Cape Ann Museum offerings for Feb-May 2023
- Savings Makes Cents program offered by Cape Ann Savings Bank for Grades 3-5.
- RPS Community Flyers
Positive Solutions for Families
Please help us spread the word on the upcoming session of Positive Solutions for Families beginning Wednesday, May 17th here at Pathways for Children from 5 - 6:30 pm for 7 sessions. This is a very popular workshop focused on handling the everyday challenges of parenting young children and understanding of the meaning of challenging behavior. Attached please find the flyer. If you have any questions please reach out to Amy Larsen.
Warm regards,
Amy Larsen
Phone 978 515-5320
Summer Opportunities for Students
- Rockport Recreation Summer Fun is back!
- Summer Programs at Pathways
- Summer is just around the corner and that means RAA&M's children’s programs are too! Make sure to register here before 5/1 to receive reduced tuition. See flyer here
- Teen Programs at Rockport Art Association