Stratford High News
From the Principal's Desk
Nau mai hoki mai.
Welcome back to the start of a new year. We were lucky to have a summer like we did, and it has been nice to be able to see the students after the time away. As teachers and as whanau, it is important that we support our tamariki to ensure they start the year as they wish to proceed. Six weeks away from any focused study often means our students return to school not always ready to centre on what is important. Being able to establish routines from day one and shifting their mindset to the importance of why we are at school, will support them setting themselves up for success.
Having a daily routine will also encourage them to refocus on the school year and not ‘drift’ from day to day with a ‘she’ll be right’ attitude. Although students may not receive homework every night, sitting down for a set period of time and revisiting work from the day, reading a book or completing the homework that has been set, will encourage a mindset shift and an acknowledgement of the value of their studies. Being ‘ready’ for the school day is equally important. Having the right equipment for class work, wearing their school uniform correctly and having had something for breakfast will all help our students be at their best.
During our Assembly last Wednesday, I spoke to the students about our expectations as a school. I spoke about our values and our school rules. The overarching theme was the importance of respect for all and being accepting that every individual within the school community is different. I challenged the students on how they will go about being kind, caring, inclusive and an upstander. We want our students to be better every day, but actively working at this will require our support as adults.
2021 is about continuing to move in the right direction. With a new Senior Leadership Team and several new staff, there will be change. However, it is important to understand that any positive change takes time, particularly if we want it to be successful, and we appreciate your support in this.
We are looking forward to what 2021 will bring. Nga mihi nui.
Cameron Stone, Principal
COVID Updates this week.
Following the announcement from the Prime Minister, we are now at Alert Level 2.
It is safe for all students and staff to be at school in Alert level 2. We have a strong Safety Action Plan for all staff and students to follow and the key messages are outlined below:
1. School is open for all students and staff
2. Good hygiene practices will be communicated and reinforced regularly for both staff and students
a. No touching others
b. Stay outside the ‘moist breath zone’ - no breathing on one another
c. Coughing and sneezing into elbows or covering mouth/nose with a tissue (dispose immediately)
d. Regularly washing and drying of hands throughout the day
e. Services will be cleaned regularly, including high use services such as door handles
f. Shared equipment will be cleaned regularly
g. Hand sanitizer and/or soap and paper towels will be available in all teaching spaces
Messages for parents:
1. School lunches will continue under Alert Level 2. Students will be asked to wash or sanitize hands before eating
2. Please keep students and yourselves away from school if sick or unwell
3. If any Stratford High School students were at the New Plymouth locations of interest at the times specified on the Ministry of Health's website, then please stay at home and contact Healthline to get advice on where to get tested. Website with New Plymouth locations of interest
4. If you need to come on site, please:
a. Sign in using our tablet at the front office. A QR code is available for the contact tracing app also
b. Maintain a 2m distance from people outside of your family
Other important notices:
· Our school swimming sports will not go ahead under Alert Level 2. At this stage we are looking at Thursday as the alternative. Any changes will be communicated as they arise
· Masks are most useful when COVID-19 is present in the community. Updated information on the use of masks can be found at www.health.govt.nz
· Updates will be made available through Facebook - SHSTaranaki
New Staff
Back row: Danica Beaton, Peter Hogan, Lucy Naughton, Casey Eynon, Megan Cloke, Jordan Haylock, Michael Gaastra
Front row: Marie Evans, Karen Lobb, Lucille Roodbeen, Wendy Eynon, Fflur Morgan, Brent Woodhead.
Powhiri on Wednesday 3 February
Tabloid Sports
More photos have been on the school facebook page and can be found on the school website gallery page.
Bell time changes
Bus Notices
Two things regarding buses:
- If your child has to travel more than 2.4 kilometres to reach their nearest bus stop in order to get to school, they may well qualify for a Conveyance Allowance. There are forms available to apply for this at the student office.
- Please check in with to child to ensure that they have returned their Conduct Contract to the student office.
If you need any more information please contact Mr Woodd, Bus Coordinator at the school via email: wd@stratfordhigh.school.nz
Daniel Woodd, Bus Coordinator.
SHS Swimming Sports - COVID Update.
Our school swimming sports will not run under Alert Level 2. At this stage the swimming sports are now scheduled for Thursday. We will keep you informed.
Thursday, Feb 18, 2021, 09:30 AM
Stratford High School Swansea Road, Stratford, New Zealand
Healthy Lunches in School Programme.
We have watched with keen interest the meals that have arrived at school and are thrilled with the examples we have seen so far. This is a wonderful opportunity to expose our students to well- balanced, healthy food with the big plus of saving money as well.
Our students need protein foods for growth and repair, complex carbohydrates for energy and vitamins and minerals are essential for their bodies to function properly. For the students to concentrate in class their blood sugars should remain quite constant. Too much sugar from energy drinks and highly processed snacks will raise blood sugars and often lead to behaviour problems and poor concentration. After such a sugar high they will drop to an unacceptable low and the student will feel lethargic and less willing to learn.
Students here at Stratford High School should be encouraged to eat breakfast and lunch to give them the best opportunity to learn and be to be involved. We want them to create the habit of eating a healthy lunch which will ultimately lead to healthier lives and healthier futures. Some families still want to send lunches and that is fine, but please remove any salt, sugar or fat laden treat foods. Our aim is to become a water only school. Any students with energy or soft drinks will be asked to put them back in their bags or dispose of them.
Please talk to your young people about what they have been eating for lunch and what foods they have enjoyed. They have the opportunity to take extra meals and fruit etc each day from the fridge in the canteen area. This will be really useful when sports practices start after school. No student will ever be forced to eat the lunches, but with encouragement and education we hope they will see the value of these meals now and into the future.
Please continue to update us with any issues that arise.
SHS Food and Nutrition Department.
Expectations of Junior Physical Education Classes
· To take an active part in all lessons and therefore become physically educated.
· When someone is talking to the class, everyone is listening.
· On the sound of the whistle – stop, look and listen.
· Students are required to wear correct PE gear. This includes black shorts and a Stratford High School PE shirt (appropriate shoes are optional). If for some reason this gear is not available students are required to bring a note (from a parent or guardian) explaining the reason for the incorrect gear. In this case it is important that students bring alternative gear, so they can still take part.
· It is our philosophy that if a student is too sick to do physical education then they are too sick to be at school. If students are unable to participate due to injury a note is required from a parent or a guardian. After a student is unable to participate for three consecutive lessons a Doctor’s Certificate is required.
· It is expected that on swimming day’s students bring both swimming togs and PE gear, as the weather dictates what we do.
Denise Kay, HOD Physical Education
NCEA Results 2020
In 2020 we have made excellent progress with our Level 1, 3 and UE results. Our Level 3 results would compete with most schools around the country, and we can be proud of the work from both staff and students. See the table below for the comparisons.
Congratulations to the following students who received an NCEA Endorsement for 2020. All students will be acknowledged at an Assembly on Wednesday 24 February.
NCEA Endorsement at Level 1
Merit endorsements: Kelly Armitstead, Zoe Armitstead, Ryan Bain, Megan Baldock, Jade Cadman-Drummond, Sam Clothier, Aimee Cook, Jordyn Edgcombe, Faith Fouche, Elliot Gernhoefer, Ashton Gibson, Jessica Huston, Brianna Jury, Sereima Lum, Alexandra McGeoch, Te Awa Ngatai Turahui, Bella Peebles Inwood, Kaleb Robinson, Emily Rosendaal, Abbey Sextus, Hailie Shute, Cacia Triggs, Joshua Trowbridge.
Excellence endorsements: Keisya Gunawan, Rebekah Hodge, Korban Johnson, Elysse Kerr, Aidan Renshaw, Isabella Stewart.
NCEA endorsement at Level 2
Merit endorsements: Elaida Alluad, Emma Baldock, Toni Cameron, Harmony Hanover, Jazmine Huston, Caleb Jackson, Nancy Kirk, Tarin Nicholls, Alyssa Simkin, Kim Urbano
Excellence endorsement: Ella Hussey
NCEA Endorsement at Level 3
Merit endorsements: Emily Armitstead, Henry Armond, Simon Clegg, Phoenix Fox, Julia Howatson, Shayla Renshaw, Keren Whareaitu
Excellence endorsements: Annie Li, Samantha Perrett
Stratford High School
Email: mail@stratfordhigh.school.nz
Website: www.stratfordhigh.school.nz
Location: Swansea Road, Stratford, New Zealand
Phone: 06-765 6039
Facebook: facebook.com/SHSTaranaki