This Week at Creek
October 27th
Student Halloween Costume Expectations
Students are permitted to wear costumes on October 31st with the following expectations:
- no masks
- no weapons or look-alike weapons
- costumes must adhere to the established dress code
Bus Route Changes - Bus 1809
Students who ride BUS 1809 home from Tates Creek High at the stops below will be changing to BUS 615 starting Monday 10/28/2024. Stops and drop-off times are below.
Armstrong Mill Rd & Keystone Ct 03:30 PM
Buckhorn Dr & Alva Ct 03:33 PM
Hartston Dr & Featherston Dr 03:35 PM
Featherston Dr & Hunting Hills Dr 03:37 PM
Mt McKinley Way & Catskill Ct 03:44 PM
Mt Foraker Dr & Mt Bison Ct 03:46 PM
Homecoming 2024 - Rescheduled
New Date: Saturday, November 9th, 8:00-11:00 pm in the TCHS Cafe
Ticket Information:
- Previously purchased tickets will be honored on the new date.
- We have 52 tickets remaining that will be available for purchase November 4-8 in B208.
- These tickets may be purchased before school (7:30-8:20), after school until 3:30, or during A4 and B2. Tickets are $25 cash or check only, must be purchased in person (we cannot hold tickets for purchase), and will be sold on a first come, first served basis.
- If you are unable to attend the rescheduled dance and need a refund, you may request the refund from October 8-18 in B201b. You will need to bring your ticket with you to return and you will be issued a check after October 18.
- Refunds are only available before or after school or during A1 and B2.
- Tickets may NOT be transferred to another student.
- If you purchase a ticket, you must have an 85% eOS score from August 14-September 27.
- If you have any out-of-school suspensions up to November 8, you will not be able to attend the dance. This includes if you have already purchased a ticket but are suspended after Fall Break; students who are excluded due to behavior will not be issued a refund. Additionally, administration reserves the right to revoke privileges to the dance on an individual basis.
College Application Week is October 28th - November 1st
Senior Baby Photos
If you would like to feature your student's baby photo with a personal message in the yearbook, please complete THIS form. The deadline for submitting photos is 11/26.
Please feel free to contact Mrs. Suttles with any questions or concerns (
Senior Picture Make-ups
If your Senior student was unable to take their Senior photo, please contact LexPix using the attached information. If you have any issues at all, please contact
NEW Online Absence Note Submission
ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery)
The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) is a multiple-aptitude battery that measures developed abilities and helps predict future academic and occupational success in the military. It is administered annually to more than one million military applicants, high school, and post-secondary students. ASVAB scores are used to determine if you are qualified to enlist in the military and to assign you to an appropriate job in the military.
If any students are interested in taking the ASVAB, please email Mr. Dixon @ We are looking to conduct testing in mid-November.
College and Career Readiness Information/Upcoming Events
IBIT Newsletter
Click HERE to view the IBIT Fall Newsletter.
YSC Newsletter
Click HERE for more information about the TCHS Youth Service Center (YSC).
Support Our eOS Store
As part of our Positive Behavior Support System, students are able to use their eOS points to shop in our eOS store. Please visit our Amazon Wishlist to donate.