SMMS Principal's Weekly Update
For the week of November 27, 2023
This Week's Events
PTSA Holiday Fundraiser
Sunday, November 5 - Wednesday, December 6
Deadline to Complete the CHKS Survey
Monday, November 27
Young & Healthy Parent Workshop @ 6pm (Virtual)
Tuesday, November 28
Pajama Day
Friday, December 1
Please complete the California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS) for Parents
The purpose of this survey is to obtain family/guardian perceptions of student behavior and attitudes, school programs and policies, and the overall school climate as they relate to student well-being and learning.
This online survey ends on 11/27/23
Your participation is voluntary. It is also very important. The information you provide will help guide district and school efforts to promote safety, enhance learning supports, improve student achievement, and reduce health risks that stand as barriers to learning.
This is an anonymous survey. It is designed so that participants cannot be identified from the data. You do not have to respond to any questions that you feel could be used to identify you. Simply skip any such questions.
All questions apply to this school only.
The results are for the use of your district. CDE and WestEd will preserve data confidentiality and refer any data requests to the district.
Young & Healthy Parent Workshop
How to help our children handle stress and anxiety- Stress and anxiety are a normal part of life. Some stress is healthy, it motivates us to learn, helps us to focus, and pushes us to explore outside of our comfort zone. When the stress that we experience becomes greater than our ability to handle that stress or greater than the resources that we have to address our stressors, that is when we are at risk for toxic stress, burnout, and anxiety. Join this discussion to learn to recognize the warning signs and some things that we can do learn how to handle stress and anxiety.
Mental and Physical Health Services at No Cost for all Students!
Pasadena USD is offering additional health services from Hazel Health at no cost to families. With Hazel, students who are not feeling well will be able to speak with a Hazel doctor or schedule a therapy session virtually - right from home.
Mental health services are available at home and include:
Scheduled short-term therapy visits: No waitlist for scheduled therapy sessions for coping with everything from anxiety, depression, and grief to peer and family relationships and bullying
Care management to local resources: Referrals to local providers for continuity of care
To schedule a therapy visit, visit and sign up. Once you’ve finished creating your account, call Hazel’s Customer Support Team at 1-253-215-8700 or 1-800-76-HAZEL to request an appointment.
Physical health services are available at home and include:
Medical treatment: For stomach aches, headaches, sprained ankles, asthma concerns, and everything in between
Medication: Prescriptions written when needed
To access these services go to
Purchase Hawks Merchandise
Contact Us
- Garrett Newsom, Principal (
- Special Education: Grace Herrera, Assistant Principal (
- Main Office: Pat Vidimos, Secretary II (
- Student Records: Lorena Garcia, Registrar (
- Attendance: Felicia Quintero, Attendance Clerk (
- Health Office: Laura Young, Health Clerk (
- School Nurse: Jhona Rupp ( )
- Learning Materials: Jane Ruwe, Librarian (
- School Counselor (7th/8th Grade): Maureen Klauschie (
- School Counselor (6th Grade): Alexandra Gonzales (
- Community Assistant: Maria Medina (
Sierra Madre Middle School
Location: 160 North Cañon Avenue, Sierra Madre, CA, USA
Phone: 6263965910