AHS Newsletter - October 1, 2024

November 5, 2024
Dear Families,
As we enter November, I want to take a moment to express my love for this time of year. The crisp air, the beautiful leaves, the delicious seasonal foods, and the upcoming holidays have always been a favorite of mine.
Attendance is a critical factor in academic success. Data shows that students who attend less than 70% of their classes have an average GPA of just 0.85, while those who attend 90% of the time achieve an average GPA of 3.0. I urge you to emphasize the importance of regular attendance with your child, as it plays a vital role in their education.
One way to get involved in our school which also leads to better success in the classroom is to join an extracurricular activity. With fall activities now concluded, we are excited to welcome winter activities. Did you know that students involved in these activities are 28% less likely to have an unexcused absence? Encouraging your child to participate can truly enhance their school experience.
As we wrap up the first quarter, progress grades have been posted. I encourage you to have conversations with your child about their performance and any academic challenges they may be facing. Our counseling department and teachers are here to provide support and resources for those who need extra help. Please do not hesitate to reach out for assistance.
Thank you for your continued partnership in supporting our students. Together, we can ensure that we inspire, empower and accelerate our students so they can make a positive difference in the world.
Strategic Priorities Update
1. Support and resources to ensure a safe and welcoming learning environment.
- On October 10th, AHS had a College Fair. This opportunity provided a chance for our students to speak informally with representatives from a variety of colleges.
- On October 11th, we welcomed guest speaker Justice Anne McKeig. She talked with our students about her upbringing on the Leech Lake Reservation in Federal Dam, family history, educational background, and work experience in the legal sector as a former prosecutor, family law judge, and her current role: Associate Justice on the Minnesota Supreme Court.
- ALC students had the chance to explore the AHS Maker Space this month, thanks to BARR's support for students on track in their coursework.
2. Packer Profile for all learners
This week, four students from Austin High School served as delegates at the Global Youth Institute where they presented their research on global food security challenges. They received mentorship from Hormel Foods team members and are among a group of 175 delegates, experts, researchers and leaders within the space. Congratulations Chloe, Makayla, Sabreen and Bella!
3. District-wide multi-tiered systems of support.
- Our Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) strategies are actively fostering greater student engagement and growth. By implementing universal (Tier 1) strategies—such as structured group activities, interactive participation techniques, and diverse instructional approaches—we are seeing encouraging progress in student involvement during discussions and activities. These strategies are designed to help students feel more comfortable asking questions, grasping concepts, and building meaningful connections with each other. Through regular feedback, we are continuously adapting our methods to align better with student interests, which is already contributing to improved motivation and focus across classrooms.
- Check this out! Austin Online Academy was featured in the Austin Daily Herald: https://www.austindailyherald.com/2024/10/connective-education-austin-online-academy-seeing-growth-rising-gpas/
4. Excellence in resource management.
- An ELL curriculum review/PLC was completed, providing valuable insights into the current curriculum's effectiveness and identifying areas for improvement to better support language acquisition, alignment with state standards, and the diverse needs of our students.
- The Special Education teachers are working tirelessly on their OLLA training, a rigorous process initiated by the state’s recent adoption of the READ Act. Their dedication reflects a strong commitment to not only meeting new literacy requirements but also providing high-quality, individualized support that addresses each student’s unique learning needs. Through this intensive training, they are enhancing their skills to make a meaningful impact on student achievement and literacy growth.
- October alone, students recovered 69.5 credits, significantly aiding their path to graduation. If your child is in need of credit recovery please reach out to your counselor for more information.
To learn more about the Packer Profile and the district’s long-term strategic plan, please visit AccelerateAustin.org.
November 5, 2024: No School - Professional Development
November 27, 2024 - November 29, 2024: No School Holiday Break
December 11, 2024 - Packer Profile Day
December 17, 2024 - Accuplacer Testing
December 23 - January 1 - Holiday Break
Attendance Drives Success
We want to highlight a key factor in student success: attendance!
The Impact
Students with 90%+ attendance at AHS have a GPA of 3.037 vs. 0.827 for those below 70%
Those attending 90%+ earn 6.45 credits on average; those under 80% earn only 3.02 credits
11th graders with 90%+ attendance score 4 points higher on the ACT than those below 80%
3rd graders attending 90%+ score 12 points higher on MCA Reading than those under 80%
8th graders attending 90%+ score 11 points higher on MCA Math than those under 80%
The Challenge 32.9% of APS students were chronically absent in 2022-2023. Missing 10% or more of school days can derail academic progress.
Our Response We're working with families to create attendance plans addressing barriers like transportation, housing, and health. Our community partnerships offer added support.
The Progress Our consistent attendance rate rose from 61.5% to 67.1%. This is progress, but there's more to do.
Bottom Line Showing up matters. When students attend, they engage, build connections, and succeed. Together, we can boost attendance and help every student thrive. To learn more, click here.
Packer Profile Newsletter
We are excited to introduce our new college and career readiness platform, SchooLinks! All of the SchooLinks features are designed with students in mind to help them become career, college, and life ready. As a guardian, you will have the opportunity to join your student in their career and college exploration process and have conversations with them about their future. You will have access to SchooLinks through your own account. To create your SchooLinks Guardian Account, watch this video. Students completed their SchooLinks onboarding during the first Packer Profile Day of the year on October 23.
SchooLinks allows you to:
· View the results of your student’s career interest, strength, and mindset assessments to learn more about their interests and what careers might be right for them
· View their progress in the College and Career Readiness Curriculum as part of the Packer Profile
· View their Packer Portfolio (starting with current 9th & 10th graders)
· See what colleges and careers your student has favorited and set as goals
· Check your personalized dashboard for upcoming events as well as important reminders and to-dos for your student
· Complete your own research on colleges, careers, and more to help you have informed conversations with your student
· Compare college costs and explore expected financial aid, scholarships, and out of pocket expenses. This is where students will be searching for scholarships, including our local scholarships.
· SchooLinks is a tool that gives you access to the bigger picture of your students’ future and potential Career Pathway. To translate SchooLinks into different languages, simply click the gear icon on the top right side of the SchooLinks screen. This is also where the calendar of college rep visits and college and career field trips will be posted.
· For questions about SchooLinks, contact Jane Carlson in the Career Center.
Senior Corner
Parents of Seniors - did you know there's a special place on the AHS website just for you? It's called the Senior Corner. Stop by periodically to find out about important senior information.
Senior Yearbook Photos are due November 25, 2024. Please email a childhood and senior photo to jane.carlson@austin.k12.mn.us. For details about photo requirements or to order a yearbook, please visit www.austinyearbook.com.
PSAT/NMSQT Scores: Students who provided their mobile number during digital exam setup will receive a text message when their scores are available on the BigFuture School Mobile App. If they did not register for the app, they can stop by the Career Center for a score report. In addition to their scores, the app provides a sample list of growing careers in their state that connect to the math, reading, and writing skills they demonstrated on the PSAT/NMSQT. For more information about understanding your score, please click this link.
Scholarships: During the month of December, the Career Center will be hosting a series of scholarship events including How to Search for a Scholarship, How to Write a Scholarship Essay, and Qualifying for the Austin Assurance Scholarship. Students will be using their SchooLinks accounts to search for scholarships. Specific dates of the events will be available soon.
AP Exam Orders: If your student is planning to take any of the AP Exams in spring 2025, orders are due November 8. Students can pick up an order form from their AP teacher or from Ms. Carlson in the Career Center. AP Testing will take place May 5 - 16, 2025.
It is important to be at school every day. If your child is going to be absent, please notify our attendance office.