St Bonaventure's
July Newsletter
Dear Parents and Carers,
I hope that you are all well as we head into our summer break.
The last half term has been very productive and filled with various activities. The public examinations for Years 11 and 13 ran very smoothly and the pupils' attitudes and behaviour were impeccable. We keep them all in our prayers as they await their results.
The summer term has had many highlights with sporting successes, achievements in curriculum-based regional competitions and educational visits. As always the feedback I have received from event organisers and other schools regarding the conduct and attitude of our pupils is exceptional.
The final two weeks of term have allowed us to reflect on our school ethos, heritage and mission.
Our Mission Week enabled us, as a community, to focus on our special Charism as a school with a Franciscan Heritage. Pupils and staff have benefited from refocusing on how our Franciscan faith and the example set by our patron Saint is still relevant in today's world.
In the words of St Francis of Assisi, “We have been called to heal wounds, to unite what has fallen apart and to bring home those who have lost their way”.
The 15th of July was a key date in the life of our school as we celebrated the feast of St Bonaventure, and this year was an extra special anniversary as it marked 750 years since the death of our dear patron. All students received a sweet treat and celebrated Mass in St Antony's parish. We were joined by some alumni in person and some via a live stream video from around the world.
Wishing you all a restful and happy holiday
God Bless
Christopher McCormack
St Bonaventure Feast Day
Saint Bonaventure played an important role in both the medieval Church and the history of the Franciscan Order. Like his model, Saint Francis, Jesus was the centre of everything—his teaching, administration, writing, and life. So much so, that he was given the title “Seraphic Doctor.”
He was born in Italy in 1221, and was baptised as John but received the name Bonaventure when he became a Franciscan at the age of 22. Saint Bonaventure’s teaching career came to a halt when the Friars elected him to serve as their General Minister for 17 years.
Shortly before he ended his service as General Minister, Pope Gregory X created him a Cardinal and appointed him bishop of Albano. But a little over a year later, while participating in the Second Council of Lyon, Saint Bonaventure died suddenly on the 15th of July 1274.
Saint Bonaventure, pray for us
Source: Franciscan Media
Work Experience with HMRC
Our year 12 BTEC students were fortunate to be the first school to be able to gain work experience with HMRC. During the work experience, our students had the opportunity to interact with employees from several departments and share their ideas for how the Stratford office could improve.
Year 11 Mass
We said goodbye and good luck to our Year 11 boys at a special Leavers’ Mass as they started their study leave. The Mass was attended by our dear friends, Margaret and Barry Mizen, who presented the Sparkle Award to Shanley, and certificates to a group of boys who have achieved great things in their time with us.
St Bon's Scholars Programme
Our Year 9 students in the St Bon's Scholars programme have completed their course. Throughout the past year, they attended after-school talks on a variety of subjects beyond the standard curriculum, including Artificial Intelligence, the role of memory, The Iliad, The Golden Age of Piracy, and income and inequality in the UK, among others.
Farewell to our MFL Assistants
We bid our German, Spanish and French Assistants, Javi, Damian and Mendi farewell last term. They made a great contribution to the school this year and have supported, encouraged and inspired students in their language learning.
Bronzer the Bonaventurian Bear
Our BCCS Charity Bear arrived and he's been on a few adventures already. The Anniversary Bears are part of the BCCS 40th anniversary celebrations. Over the years, we’ve raised thousands to support their incredible work for our students.
Catholic Social Teaching
Students and members of staff from St Bonaventure’s joined over 200 young people, teachers, and leaders at the Church of the Holy Apostles, Pimlico. We gathered to celebrate the existing Community Organising work taking place in our schools. The event served to launch a new 'Catholic Social Teaching and Community Organising toolkit for schools and colleges'.
College of Esports
Our Year 12 Media and Computer Science students attended a session at the College of Esports where they had a go at creating their own broadcast at the Esports Studio.
Karate Championships
The talented Jasurbek in Year 7 finished 4th in the JKA England National Championship for Karate. What an incredible achievement, well done!
London Cup Champions
Our Year 10 football team were crowned London Cup Champions after a 4-2 win against Fulham Boys School. We are very proud of all these boys.
Brentwood Catholic Schools Citizenship Awards
We are thrilled to announce that Nevin (Year 8), Mohanant (Year 10), and Manisha (Year 12), have been honoured at the 2024 Brentwood Catholic Schools Citizenship Awards at St Helen’s Cathedral by Bishop Alan Williams, Bishop of Brentwood.
These three exemplary students, from different year groups, have been recognised for their outstanding awareness of good citizenship and invaluable contributions to the community.
Congratulations to Nevin, Mohanant, and Manisha! We are so proud of you!
Catholic Life
The highlight of this month for many was our Mission Week. This was an opportunity for our Year 7-10 students to find out more about our Franciscan heritage, the importance of the contribution of the Franciscans and the history of our school. On top of this, they were given the time and space to experience Eucharistic Adoration - a moment to be in the presence of Jesus during their busy day- this was very impactful for both students and staff. Reconciliation was made available, as well as a drop-in session with a seminarian, speaking about the vocation of priesthood. The days ended aptly with Mass. Days like these are ever so important, as they allow us to reflect and recharge spiritually and grow in our faith.
The accomplishments of our students were recognised through various events.
Several of our students were nominated for the Catholic Schools Citizenship awards, for reasons including but not limited to displaying extraordinary care and kindness, resilience, and courage.
Another event that showcased the fantastic work our students do was the ‘Called to Action: Catholic Social Teaching and Community Organising in Schools and Colleges’ event. This was a day of celebration, reflection and inspiration, with the opportunity to share the community work the students and school have contributed to in recent years. It was an absolute honour to have met Cardinal Vincent Nicols, who introduced the day.
We cannot forget our big Feast Day - St Bonaventure’s. As always our students were treated to a sweet treat and celebrated with a Mass. Some year groups joined the parish, whereas others joined the school Mass. A special thank you to the Franciscan Friars who con-celebrated, and the staff and students who participated in reading and supporting the priests with altar serving. This was a beautiful occasion and a great way to honour our Patron Saint
Of course, we could not have a half-term that did not involve a fundraising event. Staff and students got heavily involved in our Bake Sale (both in contributing and serving), raising over £1000 for Dementia UK. This was another great example of the virtue being lived out.
Q&A with Mrs G Firth - Head of Year 10
I have always loved education and had many positive relationships with my teachers, some of whom pushed me to be the best I could be. My love of education and understanding the importance of those relationships was further cemented when I first started working at St Bon's in 2015. I wanted to be that person for my students that encourages, motivates and supports them to realise their full potential and achieve the best they can.
Describe your teaching style in one sentence.
I aim to make all of my lessons interactive and engaging, allowing all students the opportunity to be successful - I want them to leave each lesson feeling confident and valued.
If you could invite any historical figure to be a guest lecturer in your class, who would it be and why?
From a Psychology perspective: Sigmund Freud. Many of his ideas, theories and concepts would be challenged in today's society, but he was very influential for his time and to gain an insight into his thought process would be incredibly interesting.
What would be your one piece of advice to parents of your students?
Allow them to make mistakes, because everyone does. Give them time and freedom to grow and to find the things that they are passionate about.
Parents Tips
Anyone who's taken exams will remember their results day - the stress and sweaty palms, anxious to receive the news.
As parents and carers, as well as planning results day yourself, you can help your child to prepare for the best and the worst - both emotionally and practically. Click on the below link from the Parents' Toolkit - BBC to discover some tips and advice from other parents and educational psychologist Professor David Putwain.
Volunteer with CARITAS
The Mission of Caritas is to maximise the opportunities for putting faith into action through charitable works, fully conscious of Christ’s commandment to love our neighbour, defined by His words “Whatever you do to the least of my sisters and brothers you do to me.” We seek to serve the marginalised, the poor and the vulnerable by highlighting and developing a broad range of charitable projects in parish partnerships and schools in our Diocese, Nationally and Internationally. In doing this we evangelise through actions as much as words.
The Vision of Caritas Diocese of Brentwood is defined by the truth that no one is beyond the reach of the love of Christ. We aim to help everyone in need of pastoral care to find it, and everyone who wants to volunteer to do it.
Important: GCSE Results Day
We will open at 8:30am for students to collect results. The 6th Form Team will be on hand to support any students who need it.
GCSE Results Day / 6th Form Enrolment Day
8:30am - 11 Atkinson / 11 Colman/ 11 Bell & 11 Wall will collect their results.
9:00am - 11 Gregory / 11 Heath / 11 Forest will be able to collect their results.
Dear God,
As we come to the end of this school year, we thank you for your faithfulness and provision. We thank you for guiding us through the challenges and obstacles we faced, and for helping us to grow in knowledge and character, love and faith. We thank you for the staff and students who have supported and encouraged us along the way.
As we look back on the past year, we recognize our achievements and our failures. We pray that you will help us to learn from our mistakes and to continue to grow in wisdom and understanding. We pray that the lessons we have learned will stay with us and guide us in the future.
As we prepare to move on to the next phase of our academic or personal journey, we ask for your blessings and guidance. We pray that you would help us to discern Your will and to follow your path, trusting in your provision and protection.
We ask for your blessings upon our staff, students and parents of St Bonaventure’s. We pray that you would guide and direct them, protect them and bless them.
In your holy name, we pray, Amen.
St Bonaventure - pray for us
Contact Us
Email: info@stbons.org
Website: https://www.stbons.org/
Location: Boleyn Rd, London E7 9QD, UK
Phone: 020 8472 3844