Mills Elementary School
January 13, 2025
A Note From The Principal
Dear Families,
Science Fair Week
We can't wait to see the Science Fair projects our Mountain Lions have worked hard to research and complete; projects are due this week! Each morning this week, we'll be highlighting a scientist during morning announcements. The goal of highlighting both famous and obscure names is to expand students' understanding of the term 'scientist' through a culturally responsive lens. We encourage you to continue the dialogue at home around the dinner table on these scientists and others who've transformed society in so many different ways.
It's School Board Recognition Month
Austin ISD proudly joins our community in celebrating the hard work, dedication, and leadership of our school board members. These individuals play a vital role in shaping the future of our schools and ensuring every student has the opportunity to succeed.
A special shoutout to our trustee, David Kaufman, for his efforts to champion equity and excellence in education at Mills and across our district.
Let’s take a moment this month to express our gratitude for all our trustees who work behind the scenes to create brighter futures for the students of Austin ISD. 🌟
#ThankYouSchoolBoard #AISDProud
Want to learn more about our school board? Visit
Sick Child? The protocol for reporting an absence can be completed through this link:
Still need assistance? Please contact
Join Us for the January Principal Coffee Spotlighting Elementary Mathematics!
Mills Around the World is Coming!
From our Mills Around the World Parent/Teacher representatives:
On February 1st, 2024 from 1:00 - 4:00 pm in the cafeteria, come see why Mills is the best place to go to school!
Mills Around the World is a wonderful family event that spotlights the diversity that makes Mills great. But we can't do it without you! We need families to be ambassadors at the event.
Ambassadors host a table for their country of origin or a country they have traveled to extensively. You can partner with other families or do it alone. We would also like to invite interested parents and kids to perform on stage. Reimbursement for food/decor purchased is available, subject to a limit. Singing, dancing, group performances, instruments, skits, jigs, all welcome!
If you have any questions about being an Ambassador, please don't hesitate to reach out to Ruckmani Ramachandran at, Heidi Connealy at or Ms. Bethany Bond at
Links to sign up for ambassador and cultural performances:
Dates to Remember
1/7- First Day of Spring Semester- Students return to school
January is School Board Recognition Month
1/13- Science Fair Projects Due
1/16- Science Fair Judging and Family Viewing, 3:15pm-5pm
1/20- Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Student/Staff Holiday
1/21- January Campus Advisory Council (CAC) Meeting, 3:30pm Google Meets
1/24- Lunar New Year Dragon Dance (Students Only)
1/29- Student Holiday (No School), Staff Professional Learning Day, Lunar New Year
1/30- January Principal Coffee, 8am Library
February is Black History Month
2/1- Mills Around the World 1pm-4pm; Campus Book Swap (Library) 2pm
2/3- School Counselor Appreciation Week
2/3- February Campus Advisory Council (CAC) Meeting, 3:30pm Google Meets
2/4- STAAR Interim Assessment: 5th Grade Reading
2/5- STAAR Interim Assessment: 5th Grade Science
2/6- STAAR Interim Assessment: 5th Grade Math
2/7- 100th Day of School
2/10- School Fundraiser Kickoff!
2/12- 12- STAAR Interim Assessments: 3rd Grade & 4th Grade Math & Reading
2/17- Spring Parent/Caregiver Conference Day- No School for Students
2/24- Food Services Worker Appreciation Week
3/3- March Campus Advisory Council (CAC) Meeting, 3:30pm Google Meets
3/14- No School for Students- District PLED Day
3/17-3/21- Spring Break
Do You Know How to Access Your AISD Parent Portal?
Families of Austin ISD students can enter the portal to access their student's grades, attendance, bus routes, lunch information, and to access ENROLL AUSTIN yearly registration/application process.
Frontline (Parent) Self Serve-
Update student information, view report cards, and set attendance notifications, etc.
How do you access Self-Serve?
Families must first log into the AISD Portal ( and then select the Parent Self-Serve tile on the dashboard.
Priority Registration for SY 25-26
Enroll Austin Priority Registration opened on November 6, 2024. Families will be able to register for their SY 2025-2026 neighborhood school or to submit an application to another school, including admissions-based programs (i.e. Magnet). Be sure and choose the 2025-2026 school year when registering.
If you have questions or need support, please contact Kristi Thomason at
Campus Recognition
It's always a GREAT day to be a Mountain Lion and we're extremely proud to be recognized as one of the top schools in the state by US News & World Report:
Archived Family Newsletters
January 6-
December 16-
December 2-
November 18-
November 11-
November 4-
October 21-
October 7-
September 30-
September 23-
September 16-
September 9-
September 3-
August 26-
August 19-