Cardinal Connections
March 2024
Greetings Clinton Valley Families
Wow, March snuck up on us this year! I cannot believe we are already approaching spring conferences. February went by so fast but we had a lot of great things to celebrate. First, we closed out Black History Month with a wonderful assembly full of music, dancing and learning. Students learned about advocacy, innovation, goal setting and perseverance. All things to celebrate during this impactful month. Below are photos of us learning with "Mr. E".
We also celebrated our Reader Leaders of the month. Students were chosen by teachers and paras based on their efforts in literacy. We are in the final stretch of the school year and time goes FAST. Students are focused on reaching goals and have been working hard towards them. You can help by reading with them each night and encouraging them to complete homework.
This past weekend, our Science Olympiad team competed at the district level and did a FANTASTIC job. They medaled in four events. Congratulations to each of them for their efforts. Hard work and perseverance really paid off this year and I am so proud of the team! Thank you so much to Ms. Laichalk for heading this and for all of your hard work and dedication to the kids. Thank you to all of the parents for working with your kids and ensuring they were ready for the competition. It is a huge undertaking, and we appreciate you so much! Your kids did amazing things.
Coming up we have our LEGO Robotics competition. Last year we took 2nd in the district! The kids have been working really hard each week at practice BEFORE school and I know their efforts will pay off. If you are interested in the club, come check out the competition Friday at 5:30 pm at CVHS. Thank you to Mr. Drouillard for coaching. We all appreciate how much time and effort you have put into this group of kids. They are also having a ton of fun!
This next month is a special one and one of my favorites. This month we celebrate reading month! Below is a calendar for your reference so that you have an idea of what we are up to this month. Our theme is literacy genres. Each week we will focus on a different genre and students will learn about them and be immersed in literature. To kick things off, we have our Book Bingo event on Tuesday, March 4th. Information went home in February, and we are excited to say that we have a packed house. Thank you to all of you who RSVP'd and to the PTO for planning such a wonderful event. We are ready with food, basket raffles, and LOTS of books to give away!
We also have parent teacher conferences on March 12th (virtual) and March 13 (in-person). Conferences are by invitation, however, if a meeting is not needed, you may still request one. The letters and link to sign up for conferences will be sent home on Tuesday. Report cards will be available in Parent Portal on Wednesday the 12th. We will also be sending home a family report for updates on winter benchmark testing. The report will be referenced during conferences. If you do not attend conferences, your child will receive this report by Friday the 14th. We look forward to meeting with you to discuss your child's progress.
We have combined our PBIS Leader of the month for February and March due to the breaks. We will honor students at the end of March. We have a Storyteller assembly on the half day before spring break and will host our PBIS assembly which will also include a staff vs. student game that week. So much fun to be had! Keep working hard CVE! We see you!
Thank you for all that you do and for allowing us to educate and care for your children each day. If you ever have any questions, needs, or want to chat, do not hesitate to reach out! Have a wonderful month!
Kristin Doyle
Ms. Erika💜
Ms. Erika has been part of the fabric of CVE for a long time. She has touched the lives of so many of us. She has made the decision to further her career in education, which we cannot be happier for her. Her love for the families and staff runs deep and she plans to return one day when she is finished with her degrees. She will be welcomed back with open arms. There were many tears on Friday and she will be deeply missed. Good luck, Ms. Erika! You always have a place at CVE!
Black History Month Celebration 💓
Science Olympiad 🔬
Taryn Travis and Marcus Stieber
2nd place in Bridging the Gap and Starry Starry Night
Sophia Bastuba and Kinley Fritz
3rd place in Precision Ping-Pong Propulsion
Crosby and Veda Redoutey
4th place in Crash Car Eggspert
Spring Pictures
Reader Leaders of the Month📕
- Cameron Schwamb
- Hailieann Tombs
- Kayla Pace
- Andrew Taylor
- Asiya Dzaferagic
- Mia M.
- Khloe W.
- Elliott Q.
- Elle Niewolak
- Kendan Morgan-Tarleton
- Savannah Summers
- Shelby Lefevre
- Oliver Owens
- GraceLynn Breeding
- Samantha Martin
- Tessa Lehman
- Anela Shabani
- Kylie Nitz
- Jakayla Ambers
- Carson Ritz
- Damian Hood
- Sophia Bastuba
- Kemoni Williams
- Teegan Covington
- Jameson Schwamb
- Mason Losicki
- Riley Adams
- Loren Gardner
- Bailee Clark
- Jaxon Sweitzer
- Amelia Bussey
Dismissal Procedures: Update ❗
If your child's dismissal arrangements have changed, this must be communicated to the front office at 586-723-5200. We cannot accept changes through Class Dojo or an email to the teacher because teachers are not always able to check their messages throughout the day. Plus, if there is a substitute teacher, they will not be notified of the change. To keep things safe and secure, and to eliminate variables, we only allow parents/guardians and emergency contacts to pick up students. If you need to make different arrangements, like asking another parent to take your child home, this must be communicated to the office (586-723-5200) prior to 2:30 PM so that we can ensure every child accounted for. Teachers are also aware of this procedure.
December Leaders of the Month: Kindness 🥇
Students were recognized for being kind
Tayon Cooks-Wright
Austin Taylor
Crane Newsome
Misty Sitek
Jakayla Ambers
Evelynn Lorentzen
Destiny Behenna
Charlotte McDonald
Xavier Vines
Norah Redoutey
Tessa Lehman
Madison Davidson
Emily Van
Loren Gardner
Niyah Rockingham
Aaliyah Taylor
Zola West
Mason Duke
Crane Newsome
Lauren Cunningham
Anabelle Boettcher
Autumn Davis
January Leaders of the Month: Perseverance
Students were recognized for persevering and giving their best effort even through challenging circumstances
Frank Hellebuyck
Makayla Daly
Shalese S
Brace Greer
Destiny Behenna
London White
Cameron Kelsey
Max Terrell
Leo Lorentzen
Shelby Lefevre
Blair Pounds
Armani Fisher
Sophia Kola
Bryan Edwards
Derrick Trice
Londyn Alexander
J'ermany Hatten
Easton Pascany
Hailee Henderson
Dexter Terrell
Kinsley Duke
Reader Leaders of the Month
December/January VIP Ticket Winners 🥇
Congratulations to Mrs. Chimenti's and Mrs. Fistler's classes for winning the VIP party!
Yearbooks on Sale: Due March 21st 📖
Communication 💬
This year, CVE will have many different platforms to keep you connected! We will use our Facebook pages more frequently, as well as newsletters, and School Messenger to fan out important dates and reminders.
Additionally, Mrs. Doyle and a team of students will be sending weekly updates in a video format so that information is easily accessible for those with a busy schedule! The videos will be housed in our school's YouTube page. Stay tuned!
We will also be using Class Dojo at the classroom level instead of PBIS Rewards app. Our school is still a PBIS school, but we have chosen a different company to use for messaging and updates from the classroom. Please download the Class Dojo app so that you are ready to connect at Sneak Peek.
2024-2025 Information 📄
Below is general information pertaining to the 2024-2025 school year
Arrival and Dismissal Information
For safety and security reasons, no adults are allowed into the building during arrival or dismissal. PLEASE park and walk your child to their designated door if you are dropping off. Do not leave your child unattended prior to the bell ringing, as there are no staff at this time for supervision. If you must speak to someone, please come to the front door and our secretaries will buzz you inside. Thank you for your cooperation, safety is our top priority.
Parking Lots
Parking Lots
Parent Portal
Parent Portal
Supply List 2024-2025
Parent Involvement
Attendance Policy
Chippewa Valley Schools has developed an Attendance Policy that all buildings must follow:
· Students who arrive at school after 9:00 AM will be marked tardy.
· Students who arrive 90 minutes after the start time will be marked absent for 1/2 day.
· Students who leave school 90 minutes prior to dismissal will be marked absent for 1/2 day.
· Students who leave prior to dismissal (3:39) will be marked as leave early.
Any student who is absent for 10 school days will receive a letter. A doctor’s note is required between the 10th and 15th absence. If no doctor’s note is provided after the 15th absence, the county truancy officer will be contacted.
As a general rule of thumb, if your child sees a doctor (dentist, orthodontist, or other medical professional) please request a doctor's note and submit that to the office, even before your child reaches 10 absences.
If you are struggling with something that is making it difficult to get your child to school, please give us a call and we can work to support you.
If your child was sick and you obtained a doctor's note, it must be turned into the office within 48 hours of the student's return. Thank you!
Morning Routines
Starting our school day with routine is crucial in setting the tone for a structured learning environment. Teachers are expected to greet students and welcome them as they enter the classroom. Teachers will assist students in getting backpacks and materials where they belong in the classroom. This is not the time for teachers to have conversations with parents. Please help us allow the teachers and students to begin each day the best way possible by not walking your child to the classroom. If you need to speak to your child’s teacher, please call, email, or message them to set up an appointment. Staff is available daily to help students find their way to class. Even on the first day of school, we ask that you do not walk to class with your child. Starting the first day the way we begin every day will set up the appropriate expectations for our students and prevent disappointment later.
Thank you for your help and cooperation.
School Age Child Care
SACC (School Age Child Care)
PTO (Parent Teacher Organization)
Clinton Valley's PTO is a parent group, and we need YOU! PTO helps our school fundraise so that we are able to hold many fun-filled events for the students and their families throughout the school year. As a member of our PTO, you can help be part of the decision-making process to plan events, what fundraisers to do, and more. It’s a great way to meet other parents and network with one another.
Meetings will be held at 6:30 pm in Clinton Valley's cafeteria. Please consider coming to the meeting so that we can continue to have fun experiences for your family here at school.
Thank you!
Breakfast and Lunch
Lunch and Breakfast
Breakfast begins on the FIRST day of school!