Mustang Minute '24-'25
Medway High School's Bi-Weekly Newsletter

September 1, 2024
Principal's Update
Welcome Back!
We're very excited to welcome students back to Medway High School tomorrow! This week's Mustang Minute includes some important information to prepare students for the week ahead and set the foundation for a great year! Please review the items below and reach out with any questions.
John Murray
Cell Phones
Our new Cell Phone Policy begins tomorrow. During first block tomorrow, there will be an informational zoom session for all students to review the plan and our expectations as a school. During each block tomorrow, teachers will share their plans with students for placing cell phones in the phone holders as they enter classes. This expectation will be reiterated daily for students. Please see the slides below for information about the cell phone policy.
We recognize this will be challenging for some and there will be some bumps along the way. We are asking for your support and partnership. We believe that our new cell phone policy will have a beneficial impact on the learning environment for students and for their social and emotional well-being.
Our new schedule begins tomorrow. We will follow a Tuesday schedule which begins with G block. We will distribute printed schedules for all students during G block. Students should attend each block on their schedule. If there is an issue with a class on the schedule, students should make an appointment to see their guidance counselor. If there is a class missing from their schedule, they should report to the guidance office.
Chromebook Device Distribution for 9th Grade Students
All incoming 9th-grade students will receive a new Chromebook to support their digital learning experience. Devices are expected to be carried to and from school daily, be charged, and maintained in the best possible condition for up to four years for each student. All 9th grade students are expected to have a Medway Chromebook to participate in school-based tests and state tests.
If your student did not receive a Chromebook before the start of school, teachers will send them to the library to pick one up. Families must fill out the Online Registration (OLR) to receive a Chromebook. Please see OLR info below.
ACTION REQUIRED: Yearly Online Registration (ALL GRADES)
Medway Public Schools require parents and students to review and sign off on all policies and procedures annually. Failure to complete this by September 15, 2024, may result in loss of access to school-issued accounts and devices.
Steps for Parents:
Step 1: Complete the Online Registration and Annual Review:
- Log in to the Parent Portal.
- Select MORE > New Student Reg and Update > Start (School Year 2024-25).
- Follow the prompts to complete the review and sign off on policies.
- Submit your review. A confirmation and a downloadable copy will be provided.
Optional Device Insurance (Grades 5-12): Insurance for devices is available and closes on September 15th. Visit the portal for more details.
For assistance, including language translation or account setup, please email parent@medwayschools.org.
Dropoff and Dismissal
Student Drop-off
Student drop off for all grades will occur in the main circle.
All students arriving after 8:04 must scan their barcodes outside the main office. Barcodes can be found in the IC app.
Student Dismissal
All students will be dismissed at 2:31
Busses will be in the main circle
Parents will pick up around the back of the building
Early Dismissal
Parents may send in a note to dismiss students early
Dismissals may also be entered in Infinite Campus
Innovation Pathway Open House
REMINDER: Summer Work
Please review the link below for summer reading and summer assignments for students taking honors, AP courses, or those moving up a level in Math.
In case you missed it, please see the slides from the Freshman Orientation event below.
Coming Next Week!
Upcoming Events
September 2 - No School – Labor Day
September 3 - School Reopens/First Day of Classes
September 19 - School Council Meeting, 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m., Library
September 23-24 - Picture Days
September 25 - Senior Post-Secondary Night
September 26 - Tri-M Induction Ceremony (Flex)
September 26 - Back to School Night, 6:00 p.m. - 8:15 p.m.
September 27 - Grade Book Update