Leading with Faith
October 29, 2024

The Catholic Schools Department weekly newsletter
Department News
by Chris Riso
ASAP NCEA Updates/Corrections Due to our Office via Google Sheet
ASAP Elementary Schools: Sept. Income Statements due to N. DiBerardino
10/31/24 Deadline to Register for Albany RISE Conference to get Free Hotel Room
11/1/24 Title I Letters Sent to Each Public School District w/Poverty Students
11/15/24 BEDS Report Due to NYSED via Business Portal IRS-Data Exchange
12/1/24 Fire Safety Inspection Must be Completed; Report Due 12/16/2024Update on New Menstrual Products Availability Law: On 1/30/24 I notified schools about a change in public health law that requires nonpublic schools serving students in grades 6 to 12 to provide menstrual (feminine hygiene) products at no cost to students in school restrooms as of 7/1/24. More information and a Q and A can be found here. There is no funding or reimbursement to support this new mandate - schools are responsible for the cost of products, which must be provided at no cost to the students. A 10/25/24 email to the Nonpublic Schools Listserv included the information below:
The New York State Education Department would like to inform schools of an amendment to Public Health Law §267 that went into effect July 1, 2024.
It requires all elementary and secondary public and non-public schools serving students in any grade from six through twelve to provide menstrual products at no cost to students in school restrooms. This revised law replaces the term feminine hygiene products with menstrual products. Feminine hygiene products and menstrual products mean the same personal care products, including but not limited to menstrual pads and tampons.
Schools should determine the types of products to have available to students in consultation with a school nurse, director of school health services (a.k.a. medical director), or other health care professional.
Products are required to be available in a manner to ensure the privacy of any student seeking them, including within gender-neutral restrooms.
Additionally, the law permits only a non-public school to be granted an exemption by the Commissioner of Education if it is demonstrated that the school does not serve students who need such products, and the school has menstrual products in any gender-neutral restroom and other locations in the school in a manner that ensures the privacy of a student needing such product. A non-public school interested in the exemption option must complete an e-mail attestation available on the Office of Religious and Independent School Support’s (ORISS) website. Non-public schools will be notified after the form is reviewed and approved.
Please let me know if you have any questions about this new requirement.
by Julie Gajewski
Building a Safe and Faith-Filled Community: A Commitment to Protecting God's Children: Student Enrichment
As a community dedicated to faith and education, we prioritize the safety and well-being of our children. To ensure a safe and nurturing environment, we have implemented a comprehensive child protection program called VIRTUS®.
VIRTUS® is a three-pronged approach designed to safeguard our children:
Empowering God's Children® Classes and Lessons: This year, our lessons will focus on Safe Friendships: promoting healthy relationships and recognizing warning signs. Through interactive activities and engaging discussions, children will learn to:
Identify qualities of a good friend.
Recognize the difference between healthy and unhealthy friendships.
Understand how to respond to peer pressure.
Know how to seek help if they feel unsafe or uncomfortable.
Empowering God's Children Lesson 5
Deadline: November 15th
To ensure the safety of our children, please complete Lesson 5 of the Empowering God's Children program by November 15th.
Here's how to complete the lesson and submit your information:
Log into VIRTUS Online:
Your school's Principal or Safe Environment Coordinator should log in.
Access Educator's Tab:
Click on the "Educator's Tab" to access the lessons and videos.
Complete Lesson 5:
Review the materials and complete the required activities.
Record Training:
Click on "Step 5: Record Training" on the Educator's Tab.
Add a new training record.
Record the lesson as “Lesson 5 – Being a Safe Friend”
Fill in the required information and follow the on-screen instructions.
Parish/School Type should be either:
Catholic School – Elementary
Catholic School – High School
A single record should be entered for each grade group: k-2, 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12
If training was held at separate times for the same grade group, we suggest consolidating into one record per grade group. Explanations can be made in the “Notes” for each record. Individuals entering data will need to respond to the two instances of the prompt to “Record Training” before the data is actually saved.If corrections may need to be made, contact Local Safe Environment Coordinators and should be able to edit/change Empowering God’s Children Training Records.
VIRTUS® Training for Adults: All adults working with children undergo mandatory training to learn how to recognize and respond to child abuse, and to create safe environments.
Background Checks: Regular background checks are conducted for all adults who work with children to ensure their suitability.
A Focus on Safety
In addition to the VIRTUS® program, we have implemented several initiatives to promote safety and well-being:
Emergency Drills: Regular practice of emergency procedures to prepare students for potential emergencies.NYS Educational Law requires emergency evacuation drills to include the following:
The statute requires twelve drills be conducted each school year, four of which must be lock-down drills, the remaining eight are required to be evacuation drills.
Eight of the required twelve drills must be completed before December 31st.
Red Ribbon Week: A national campaign promoting drug-free lifestyles and healthy choices.
Red Ribbon Week takes place each year from October 23 through 31st.
Bullying Prevention Programs: Initiatives to address bullying and promote a positive school climate.
Weekly Virtual Principal Meetings
Meeting Details:
Day and Time: Wednesdays, 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM
Platform: Microsoft Teams (link sent by Laurie)
Next Meeting: Wednesday, November 6, 2024
by Laurie Wojtaszczyk
Starting immediately, there is a new process for job postings for the Diocese and our Catholic Schools. Please use the same job posting form you have been using, but now please email it to Lindsay Gibson. She will be posting it on the Diocesean Job Board. All jobs are now centralized on the Diocesan page. There is a wonderful search bar for interested candidates to search for exactly what they are looking for. Our Catholic School employment page will direct everyone looking for a job to the Diocesan Job Board as well. I will be forwarding any requests I receive on to Lindsay so nothing gets missed in this transitional process.
Wednesday is the last day to sign up for the Math competition. I know many of you are interested, but only 2 schools have signed up so far. Please sign up this week, even if you do not have the names of your students all set yet. We can do that closer to the competition. I will ONLY be emailing the Sprint Round out on Thursday to those schools who have registered teams by Wednesday.
by Mary Jo Aiken
The Power of Team Meetings: Collaboration and Growth
Feeling too stressed and bogged down with a lengthy “to do” list? Don’t underestimate the importance of taking the time to gather with your colleagues. Team meetings serve as more than just a gathering of individuals; they are essential platforms for collaboration, professional growth, and overall organizational success. By consistently attending and actively participating in team meetings, individuals can foster a sense of unity, share knowledge, and develop crucial skills.
Key Benefits of Attending Team Meetings
Enhanced Collaboration:
Shared Vision: Meetings provide a space to align team members around common goals and objectives, ensuring everyone is working towards the same purpose.
Idea Exchange: Open discussions encourage the exchange of ideas and perspectives, leading to innovative solutions and improved decision-making.
Problem-Solving: By collectively addressing challenges, team members can leverage their diverse strengths and find effective solutions.
Professional Growth:
Learning Opportunities: Exposure to different viewpoints and experiences can broaden individual knowledge and skills.
Skill Development: Active participation in meetings can enhance communication, presentation, and critical thinking abilities.
Networking: Building relationships with colleagues can foster a supportive work environment and open doors to future opportunities.
Organizational Success:
Improved Efficiency: Effective communication and collaboration streamline workflows, leading to increased productivity.
Enhanced Morale: A sense of belonging and shared purpose can boost employee morale and job satisfaction.
Better Decision-Making: Collective input and diverse perspectives contribute to more informed and well-rounded decisions.
Tips for Effective Team Meetings
Be Prepared: Review meeting agendas in advance and come prepared with relevant information.
Active Participation: Share your thoughts, ask questions, and contribute to discussions.
Respectful Communication: Listen attentively to others and avoid interrupting.
Follow Up: Implement agreed-upon actions and provide updates at subsequent meetings.
By valuing the importance of team meetings and actively participating in them, individuals can contribute significantly to their own professional development and the overall success of their schools.
Have a blessed and safe week! Enjoy Halloween with the kiddos!!!by Nancy DiBerardino
Our Bowling Championship Tournament took place on Saturday, October 26th at Classic Lanes. A total of 25 bowlers participated from various elementary schools across the diocese. 17 bowlers in Grades 5/6 and 8 bowlers in Grades 7/8 took over Classic Lanes.
Congratulations to the 2024 winners:
5/6 Boy - Brody P. – Ss. Peter & Paul, Hamburg 318
5/6 Girl -Julie P. – St. John the Baptist, Kenmore 247
7/8 Boy- Alex G. – St. John Vianney, Orchard Park 318
7/8 Girl – Lovella D. – Catholic Academy of Niagara Falls 264
Catholic Center Print Shop
Two weeks ago, we lost our in-house printer Patti Dobson. Her position at the Catholic Center will not be filled. As we move forward with ordering school supplies - which also includes our 8th grade diplomas - I will now have to go through Diocesan Purchasing for printing. I will keep you posted with information regarding pricing and turnaround times.
We were all spoiled by Patti. You’d give her a job in the morning, and it was done by the end of the day.
Reminder: Today’s Principals Meeting will be held at the Catholic Center, 795 Main Street, Buffalo, NY. (8:30AM -3:00PM)
by Lisa Benzer
It was my great pleasure to be with all of you for the Teach, Serve and Evangelize Conference on October 11th at St. Mary’s High School in Lancaster. A huge shout out and thank you to St. Mary’s High School in Lancaster for their radical hospitality in hosting this event! The generosity and professionalism demonstrated by Mr. Kevin Kelleher, Head of School, and the SMHS staff and personnel was particularly exceptional and deeply appreciated!
You are the “Salt of the earth and the light of the world.” ~Matthew 5:13
As you may recall, we discussed simple faith- based strategies that teachers can employ in their classrooms and principals can utilize in the schools to enhance Catholic Identity and ultimately form Saints in our educational institutions!
We are hearing time and again about the energy, enthusiasm and excitement that Principals and Directors of Religious Education are experiencing through their collaborative and synergistic efforts to promote the Faith in classrooms, schools and parish communities.
Developing Saints in your classrooms starts with a genuine Christian relationship with your students, demonstrating consistent virtue and leadership, as well as developing trust. Your blossoming saints will also appreciate those experiences that you are building into your curriculum, for example, frequent trips to your parish - allowing students the opportunity to be comfortable in the God’s house and to experience the quiet of interior prayer, field trips to historical Catholic landmarks, hosting Saint plays at your school and inviting parents too! Families are busy, so how can we empower parents to know more about the Faith? Think about simple faith-based conversations, activities and practices that they can do in the home. Parents need to feel empowered to transmit the Faith to their children and when they do, they will view it as the most rewarding component of parenting!
This year, the first Sunday of Advent will fall on December 1st, in preparation for the birth of Jesus Christ. The Word made Flesh! At that time, we will be moving from YEAR B to YEAR C. The daily and weekend Mass readings will also change (more on this topic soon).
In the month of November, there are many feast days and Solemnities that will be taking place. All Saints Day is celebrated on Nov 1st, which is a Holy Day of Obligation. What can your school do to teach your students and families about this important Solemnity? Consider having the younger students dress up as their favorite Saint for the day and have them bring in non- perishable food items ( local food pantry) that the students can bring up as part of Offertory at the Mass. Think about the ways to involve the older students too. You may consider involving the 4-8th Grade students by having them think about the virtues and attributes that they admire in other people, and then have them write a summary or do a presentation about a Saint who exemplifies these virtues. There is more information about All Saint’s Day and ways to celebrate here.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church defines a Saint as, “The ‘holy one’ who leads a life in union with God through the grace of Christ and receives the reward of eternal life. The Church is called the communion of saints, of the holy ones.”
All Souls’ Day is celebrated on November 2nd. Although it’s not a Holy Day, there are many opportunities to speak to your students about the souls in Purgatory. Do you know that the souls in Purgatory cannot pray for themselves? We can, however, pray for them; and ask them to intercede for us! Consider sharing these prayers (below) with the students and families in your school, so that they may pray for the holy souls who need prayer. Praying these prayers: St Gertrude the great prayer and/or the St. Gertrude Chaplet will help to console and assist in bringing more poor souls to Heaven! How can we remind school families to pray for their friends and relatives who have passed before them? Consider having your school families make a list of deceased family members and friends who have passed. Have the students keep track of the number of times they have prayed the St. Gertrude prayers during the month of November. It is said that reciting one St. Gertrude the Great prayer frees 1,000 souls from Purgatory. When families look back at the numerous prayers they have offered during the month, they will hopefully feel a sense of satisfaction knowing that they have assisted souls who cannot pray for themselves. These activities will be a way for parents and students to demonstrate charity and take an active role in the Spiritual Works of Mercy!
St Gertrude Prayer : Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Most Precious Blood of Thy Divine Son, Jesus, in union with the masses said throughout the world today, for all the holy souls in purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the universal church, those in my own home and within my family. Amen.
Fr. Mike Schmitz shares: What You Should Know About Purgatory
Tim Staples, Catholic Answers, gives an explanation about Purgatory.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church defines purgatory as a “purification, so as to achieve the holiness necessary to enter the joy of heaven,” which is experienced by those “who die in God’s grace and friendship, but still imperfectly purified” (CCC 1030). It notes that “this final purification of the elect . . . is entirely different from the punishment of the damned” (CCC 1031).
Please know that we are walking beside you and praying for you in this mission to form Saints in your schools!
God Bless you!
Important Dates
Important Dates
Oct. 29 - Principal's Meeting, 8:30am, Catholic Center Formation Center (1st Floor)
Nov. 22 - Math Competition, Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, 3144 Abbott Rd., Orchard Park
Links for Registrations or Forms
Pastor/School Chaplain Nomination Form by 10/29
Math Competition Registration by 10/30
Virtue/Character Award Nominations October: Honesty/Sportsmanship by 11/8
NYS Testing Survey 24-25 by 11/25
BPO Registration by 1/8
Spelling Bee Registration by 1/17