What's Next? Put Dreams into Action
Smore 3 of our Strong Start System
Big WELCOME again to the team!!
Now that you’ve had a little time to go through the Strong Start steps, it’s time to set your goals!
Arbonne can be a lot of different things to different people, and we want to help you get all that you want out of this experience and so much more!
If you put in the time, the effort and focus, you can reach your goals that you shared in your WHY story. Time to put the plans together to achieve it!
A goal without a plan is just a dream, let’s make it real!
Set Up
Set up a call with your Mentor to walk through Goal Slicing and how we track our goals!
Take your goal for the month, divide that by the number of weeks in the month and you have your end of the week goals!
Notes/Google Keeps
You will need the Note App on your iPhone, or Google Keep if you have an Android.
This Goal Slicing note will be shared between you and your sponsor so you both can view and edit your goals.
Listen First
You've Launched...Now what?
Ok so now you’ve done your Launch Events. Congrats!
Consider creating a Private Group for your PCS who are on Facebook.
It’s now time to share what you love about Arbonne products and showcast your Healthy Living Life! Post Recipes, product review, fitness tips, inspirational quotes.
Below are a few examples of FB Groups that consultants have created for their Preferred Clients, friends, and any new prospects that continue to be added to the group!
Have fun with this space and show off how fun it is to be with Arbonne!
***You may also join your RVPs or Area Manager's VIP FB Group as an option***
Crystal's Health & Wellness Group
Here is an example of a group that is mainly focused on the nutrition side of our products. This community keeps people engaged and accountable with their 30 Days to Healthy Living journey. click here for the FB page
Anything is Popsicle
This is a FUN group that focuses on overall healthy living, incorporating the products with healthy mindsets. Several consultants share their love and tips on all our many products; beauty, skincare, and nutrition.
click here for the FB page
Flourishing with Friends; Food and Fun
This is another awesome page that will give you tons of examples on how to balance product posts, healthy living posts, and even just promoting the lifestyle and community Arbonne has to offer!
This page is run by RVP Jessica Stephens
click here for the FB page
Let's Talk Business
Leading with the business is going to help you grow! Don’t hold back in asking people to hear this amazing business opportunity
The business is our best product!
The products help us feel and look good from the inside out
but it's the business that can change people's lives!!
Until you are able to share the Discover Arbonne (DA) on your own, get the help of your mentor/sponsor to do these sessions with you! Your only job is to ask people if they are open to hearing about what you’re doing with Arbonne and the opportunity, and then book a call with them to get them in front of your Mentor/ Upline / RVP /NVP to hear this amazing business!!
Click here for some Prospecting Language to Help you ASK
They SAID YES to Hearing More... Now What?
First: Book a Zoom Call with your Mentor
This is what we call a 1-on-1 Discover Arbonne.
Typically this is done with your mentor and maybe even with your direct Area Manager or RVP too.
Message your sponsor immediately to find out what times work for everyone involved over the next couple days. Once someone says yes, try not to wait longer than two days to book in the call. Creating excitement and a little urgency is the name of this game!
These are great personal meetings that really help you get to know the person to see if this business is in fact a fit for them.
Or: Invite them to join a Group Discover Arbonne
If for whatever reason, they cannot get on a 1-on-1 then invite them to a group Discover Arbonne that are pre-scheduled.
Check with your mentor for the schedule of upcoming DAs
Last resort: Send them a Discover Arbonne video
For some people hoping on a call can be intimidating and sometimes we need to give them a little teaser first.
You may send them a quick video that may intrigue them to come back to you to want to hear more.
Check with your mentor for some videos you can use!
Here are 2 videos you can choose from to send as well
password: arbonne
Track your monthly activity with how many people you connect with in a month. Put the names of the people you have connected with in each of the hearts. Fill up the hearts and you'll know your business is growing and on the right track!
Lead from your heart and you’ll touch lives along the way!
Speak with your mentor for more details!