Oak Leaf Weekly Update
River Oak Charter School
River Oak's Mission
As we enter into the winter season, I wanted to share the mission, vision and goals of River Oak, as these words were inspired by dedicated individuals that started the charter over 20 years ago! Many of our staff that started the school are still here, developing River Oak, and believing in our school!
River Oak Charter School strives as a dynamic community of teachers, parents, and students, to inspire in the child a love of life, and learning, beginning with one’s own heart, head, and hands, working towards making a contribution to the community.
Vision: River Oak Charter School is a Steiner-methods public school with a consistent philosophy, curriculum, and teaching method that embraces the developmental model of the growing child and awakens each child’s full and unique potential. Steiner-methods education nurtures a sense of wonder, and delight, and fosters the reverence for nature, and humanity inherent in the young child. Steiner-methods curriculum develops the child’s active will, creative imagination, and clear, independent thinking. Children emerge as young adults with the self-confidence to impart direction, and purpose to their lives, and leadership to their community.
Goals: River Oak Charter School respects, and appreciates all children for their unique ethnic and cultural backgrounds, and affords the opportunity to develop an understanding of all of the traditions, and cultures represented in the student population. Children emerge with academic excellence, a commitment to the enhancement of their community, and the ability to succeed today, and tomorrow.
Our team is so grateful for our school's strong foundation, and thanks to all past and present communities, River Oak is one of the best choices in Ukiah for elementary school. As we reflect this season, please consider how fortunate we are to be a part of River Oak's history and growth!
Parent Teacher Conferences 11/15-11/19 Students are dismissed by 1:05pm each dayThanksgiving Week 11/22-11/26 No School
Winter Break 12/20-12/31
Lost and Found- Many students leave their water bottles, jackets, sweatshirts and other clothing items on the playground. Please check the lost and found clothing rack in the hallway near the small commons for your child's belongings, thank you!
This week: Local Children's Author Visiting 11/19
If your child's class is participating in this event and you would like to purchase a signed copy please view the file below. We are excited to welcome Ms. Yim and we know our students will enjoy this experience!
Doll Crafting this Week
Lantern Making in Kindergarten
Kindergarteners made homemade lanterns in class this week!
If you wish to organize your own Lantern Walk with your family follow this simple craft instruction to make a lantern out of a balloon:
Materials: Balloon, string, tissue paper, paint brush, pressed leaves or flowers, hole punch
1. Blow up balloon and set in a bowl to keep it steady.
2. Use a paintbrush to paint mixture of half white glue, half water on the balloon
3. Once the balloon is covered with the mixture, stick on many layers of colorful tissue paper. (you can cut it in shapes, or tear it) Take your time and add lots of layers, being careful not to leave any thin spots. Also, you can keep adding mixture to be sure it is all sticking on the balloon
4. Or- add pressed leaves or flowers- this shows through well with white tissue paper
5. Hang your balloon in a dry spot by the string and let it dry overnight. Add newspaper on the ground where it hangs as the glue could drip down.
6. Once it is dry, pop the balloons and slowly pull them out
3. Use a hole punch to make two holes and fashion a handle from string or pipe cleaners
Class 1 walking field trip to Grace Hudson Museum
Our students learned about the importance of acorns as a major food source and made acorn mush, as well as how to identify edible plants and how to use traditional Pomo tools. Included in the trip was a tour of the art museum that currently houses three local artists.
Check out more information about the museum here: https://www.gracehudsonmuseum.org/
ROCS Basketball News
ROCS Basketball is starting soon, and the Team Shop is Now Open!
The basketball team shop has a number of items that parents, faculty, and staff can purchase to show River Oak Firebirds basketball team spirit.
The team shop is open until November 15th ONLY!
Here is the link to access it:
Please note: Items have a estimated 6 week shipping time.
Game Schedule below
Class 8-Pizza Fundraiser!!
Tradition continues with the eighth-grade pizza fundraiser!
Starting November 10th, a slice of Slam Dunk pepperoni or cheese pizza will be available on Fridays, with a side of fruit or veggies.
Pizza is $5.00 a slice and can be paid for by cash or check to River Oak Charter School.
Class 2- Keychain Fundraiser
- Orders will be accepted through Friday, November 19th.
- Keychains will be delivered by December 17th.
- Keychains are $10 each
- Order form is below or located in the front office
- Payment by cash or check to River Oak Charter School.
For more information please reach out to the class parent, Anita: anitajx4@gmail.com.
Reminder: Check Your Venmo Fees
Thank you!
COVID Coordinator Reminder:
Dear ROCS community,
In an attempt to keep our children and staff safe, we will be testing all staff and students for COVID-19 following Thanksgiving and Winter break. Also, as a friendly reminder, if your child is experiencing any COVID-related symptoms (fever/chills, cough, shortness of breath/difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle/body aches, headache, new loss of taste/smell, sore throat, congestion/runny nose, nausea/vomiting, diarrhea) please keep them home, have them tested at a PCR testing site and wait for the negative test result before returning to school.
Should you have any questions, I am available Tuesday-Thursday from 8:30 to 1pm.
Thank you for your cooperation in keeping our school community (and beyond) safe!
—Jessica Beckstrom
Class 3 Handwork Artists and their Teacher, Ms. Stubben, wearing their crocheted hats!
COVID Vaccine Clinic- Open to all students!
First 5 Mendocino- Parenting, Mental Health and Family Services
Here is a local resource for families!
Triple P Mendocino is a program of FIRST 5 Mendocino that focuses on supporting families of young children struggling with child behavior and/or mental health issues
- Triple P Mendocino partners take Medi-Cal and other forms of insurance.
- They offer options for families who are un- or under-insured.
- También, se habla español.
For more information visit: http://www.mendochildren.org/family-support/triple-p-mendocino/
River Oak Charter School
Email: kmccullough@riveroakcharterschool.org
Website: www.riveroakcharterschool.org
Location: 555 Leslie Street, Ukiah, CA, USA
Phone: 7074671855
Facebook: www.facebook.com/riveroakcharter