Weekly Update
Holy Trinity Catholic School November 7th, 2024
Our Mission is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ,
to provide a high-quality education,
and to guide children in living the Catholic faith
God of all seasons, we thank you for Autumn.
We thank you
for the touch of coolness in the air that gives us a new burst of energy,
for the coloring of trees that shows the creativity of the Divine Artist,
for the falling leaves that reveal the strength of the branches,
for the hues of fields that bring peace to our souls,
for the smiles on pumpkins that bring joy to children,
for the fall harvest which that brings us gratitude for the bounty of our land,
for this change of seasons that reveals the circle of life.
God of all seasons, as you transform the earth, transform us by your Spirit.
A Note from Mrs. Longden
In November, we remember many things- the saints, loved ones who died, blessings of the year- and give thanks for them all. Like the end of any time, class, event, or relationship, we use our final days to look back and examine, hoping and learning to make the next one even better.
November 1st was All Saints Day. Who are the saints? Are they just a select group of ancient martyrs, Church leaders and scholars who "made the grade"? All Saints Day reminds us that God calls all people to holiness and invites them to live forever with him in heaven. Through one baptism we are united with the entire Church, those who are alive as well as those who have died. This is the "Communion of Saints" we profess in the Apostles' Creed. As we pray and serve together as families, friends, and parishes, we are transformed by grace and the Holy Spirit.
Thank you for your ongoing support of our school and our staff. We realize that we are asking many things of our families. A Catholic school or any type of private school is dependent on family involvement and support. It is impossible to exist without it.
We open our doors to include volunteers in our building to work with children and teachers or to help with office tasks. However, we need much more. We need people to serve as leaders on some of the critical committees. If you want to truly make a difference, we could use your help on our Home and School committee, be a part of our marketing team, or in helping with fundraisers just to name a few.
Please consider taking on a greater role with our school. This work is needed, appreciated, and challenging at times. But the work will also help you connect with other families, become friends with parents who also send their children to our school, and be more informed about the inner workings that keep Holy Trinity vital, growing, and excellent. Please reach out to us.
Mrs. Longden
Catholic Schools Glow Walk
Thank you to all that came to join us for the GLOW WALK!
It was a great turn out!
We have made a total of: $8,289.50
Money raised is going towards bussing for field trips, an all-school field trip, updating classroom furniture, and possibly a few other things.
If you would still like to donate, you can use the link below.
Monday, November 11th
Students are encouraged to wear red, white, and blue on Monday for Veteran's Day.
It will be an out of dress code day for those wanting to wear red, white, and blue.
Otherwise, please follow our dress code for Monday.
Questions, please contact the school office.
Home and School Information
A HUGE shout out to Allie Nehls and Katie Breuer for organizing our Trunk or Treat event last week. We also want to thank Kettle Moraine Legal for sponsoring the hot chocolate cart, the Kewaskum Fire Department for bringing an engine and crew, and all 13 families who decorated their trunk & shared treats! Despite the wind and weather it was a fun evening and we are already looking forward to next year!
Congratulations to the Gruber family (students Calvin and Camille) on being voted the Best Dressed Trunk this year! Their theme was Wizard of Oz. Stop by the Holy Trinity Families Facebook page to see some pictures from the event.
If you volunteered to be on the Chili Luncheon committee, keep an eye out for an email from Home & School regarding our first meeting. Thank you in advance!
Holy Trinity School will be a stop in the Chamber of Commerce Cookie Hunt again this year. It is Sunday, December 8th from 1:00-4:00. We will be putting together a sign up genius soon looking for families willing to sit in shifts at the table handing out cookies. Be on the lookout!
Our next Home & School meeting is set for Tuesday, January 14th at 6:00pm.
As always, feel free to reach out to our President, Lisa Mueller, with any questions or ideas regarding the Home and School Association. Connect with her at homeandschool@htschool.net.
Have a blessed weekend.
Book Fair
Thank you to all who purchased books from the Book Fair.
We made a profit of $1,503.13.
Please let us know your thoughts on the Blue Ribbon Book Fair. As it was new, we would like to hear what you thought. Please email Mrs. Longden at principal@htschool.net with any feedback. Thank you.
If you need to get in contact with the Home and School Association, please email them at homeandschool@htschool.net
If you would like the advisory commission to discuss anything, please email at advisorycommittee@htschool.net
Girls on the Run
Girls on the Run is a program offered for 3rd-8th grade girls. It inspires girls to be joyful, healthy, and confident using a fun, experience-based curriculum that creatively integrates running. It is an after school program combining physical activity with lesson plans designed to promote positive choices and an active lifestyle.
This program runs for 8 weeks with 16 lessons, designed to have practice 2 times a week. There is coach training, curriculum, and supplies all included.
No running experience is necessary.
Holy Trinity is looking for a couple of parents to help run the program. This would occur in the Spring of 2025. If interested, please reach out to Mrs. Longden at principal@htschool.net for more information.
SCRIP Ordering Dates
The following dates are when SCRIP will be ordered through the school office:
November 18th
December 2nd, 9th, and 16th
If you need Scrip/Raise Right gift cards before Thanksgiving, please place your order by 8:00am on Monday, November 18. We will not be ordering Scrip on November 25.
Scrip gift cards are great for shopping on Black Friday, both online and in stores. We have Amazon and all the major department stores, plus lots of specialty stores. The school office keeps some gift cards in stock, so please call us if you need something on short notice.
If you have not purchased Scrip before, please contact the school office at 262 626-2603 with any questions, and we will help you get started.
Scrip helps reduce tuition costs and support Holy Trinity School!
*We will have some cards on hand in the office for sale as well. Please call the office ahead of time to make sure we have what you would like to order. Thank you for supporting Holy Trinity School through the purchase of SCRIP!
Upcoming Dates
Friday, November 8th - Mass (Grades 5K-8)
Monday, November 11th - Veteran's Day - Mr. Leigel Presenting to 2nd-8th grade on Honor Flight
Wednesday, November 13th - Mass (Grades 3K, 4K, 5-8)
Wednesday, November 13th - 2nd Grade First Reconciliation
Friday, November 15th - Mass (Grades 5K-8)
Wednesday, November 20th - Mass (Grades 4K, 1-4)
Friday, November 22nd - Baptism Mass (Oct./Nov. Baptisms) (Grades 5K-8)
Tuesday, November 26th - End of Trimester 1
Tuesday, November 26th - Prayer Service
November 27th-29th - No School
Monday, December 2nd - Advent Prayer Service
Wednesday, December 4th - Mass (Grades 3K, 4K, 5-8)
Friday, December 6th - Mass (Grades 5K-8)
Monday, December 9th - All School Mass - Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception
Tuesday, December 10th - 5th-8th Grade Field Trip to Junior Achievement BizTown and Finance Park
Wednesday, December 11th - Mass (Grades 4K, 1-4)
Thursday, December 12th - 1st-4th Grade Field Trip to Schauer Arts
Friday, December 13th - Mass (Grades 5K-8)
Monday, December 16th - Christmas Concert (Afternoon and Evening Performance)
Wednesday, December 18th - Mass (Grades 3K, 4K, 5-8)
Friday, December 20th - Mass (Grades 5K-8)
Calendar of Cash
Thursday, October 31 - Estelle Lapinski
Friday, November 1 - Becky Koller
Monday, November 4 - Mary Anderson
Tuesday, November 5 - Dean Kehl
Wednesday, November 6 - Mary Eischen
Parish Events Flyer
Please see attached with information on events in the parish and school.
Winter Wonderland Dance Clinic
The West Bend East Varsity Dance Team will be hosting their annual Dance Clinic on December 15th, 2024. This year’s theme - Winter Wonderland!
The clinic is open to K5-8th graders and will run from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM, with check-in starting at 8:45 AM. At 12:45 PM, there will be a special showcase performance for family and friends to enjoy. Additionally, participants will have the exciting opportunity to perform at the December 17th basketball game!
The registration fee is $30, and lunch will be provided. To guarantee a t-shirt, registrations must be submitted by December 1st.
You can register either through this Google Form, or by completing a paper registration form and mailing it in (address found on the form). Please mail in payment with your completed registration to: West Bend East High School - Attn. East Dance Team. 1305 E Decorah Rd. West Bend, WI. 53095. Please indicate if you completed the registration via Google Form with your payment. You can also find the registration on the East Dance Team's Facebook and Instagram.
Holy Trinity Catholic School
Email: holytrinityschool@htschool.net
Website: http://www.htschool.net
Location: 305 Main St Kewaskum, WI 53040
Phone: (262)626-2603