J. William Leary Junior High School
Update and Information
Hello everyone,
We had another awesome week here at JW Leary!
Important upcoming dates include
Tuesday 5/25 Return to school for 4 day children (note-an email was sent on Friday 5/14; if you submitted the survey and are wondering please call the office 315-764-3720).
*Last day to register for Fall 2021 Sports*
Wednesday 5/26 Vaccine Clinic HS Gym (see below)
Friday 5/28 No School-Give Back Day
Monday 5/31 No School-Memorial Day
Tuesday 6/8 8th grade science test
Wednesday 6/9 8th grade science test
Renewal House conversation on social media
Friday 6/18 1/2 day
Tuesday 6/22 1/2 day
Wednesday 6/23 1/2 day
NYS Algebra Regents
*****Chromebook Return***** until 6pm
Thursday 6/24 last day 1/2 day
NYS Earth Science Regents
*****Chromebook Return***** until 1pm
In so many ways, this is an amazing time of the year. Somedays it seems we are seeing COVID more and more from the rearview mirror; other days COVID remains all around us. Please continue daily health screenings, physical distancing in the hallways and classrooms, and keeping the mask on while in school.
Also-if your child is not feeling well, please keep them home.
Fall Sports Physical Sign Ups-in the JWL Nurses Office
Good afternoon!
There have been many questions about sign ups for the 2021 Fall Sports Season.
Here is a general facts sheet.
Anticipated fall sports include: soccer, volleyball, cross country, swimming and football.
If your child plans on doing sports they would need to sign up by 5/25. To sign up this completed health form needs to be turned into the JW Leary nurses office. There are printed forms in the JW Leary nurses office and in the HS Entryway.
Physicals will be held on:
- June 2 11:45 am- 2:15 pm for B day children and
- June 3 8 am-2:15 pm for A day, 4 day and remote children.
Please reach out to the main office 315-764-3720 with questions.
Monday is a virtual day. All work will be posted in the Google Classrooms.
Tuesday to Thursday the Junior High School Schedule is:
Normal Class Schedule (links to a printable version)
Homeroom/Advisory 7:20 - 7:40
Period 1 7:40 - 8:22
Period 2 8:27 - 9:09
Period 3 9:14 - 9:56
Period 4 10:01 - 10:43
Period 5 10:48 - 11:30
Period 6A 12:10 - 12:52
Period 6B 11:35 - 12:17
Period 7 12:57 - 1:39
Period 8 1:44 - 2:28
Children at home need to login to their meets at the scheduled class time. Remember-cameras are at the teachers discretion.
COVID Vaccine Clinic
In collaboration with Public Health, the District will be holding a 1st dose COVID-19 vaccination clinic next Wednesday, May 26, 2021 from 8:00 AM to 12:30 PM at the High School Gym for adolescents ages 12-18.
The 2nd dose vaccination clinic will be held on Wednesday, June 16, 2021 from 8:00 AM to 12:30 PM.
Appointments need to be made. To register your child for an appointment, please use this link. This is the consent form that will need to be completed.
To be dismissed from school children will need a note from home and a completed consent form.
Only a few spots left!!!! MCSD Jr. High students of My Brothers Keeper can earn their wings at the JW Leary Jr High Summer Flight Camp
Students will be introduced to the fundamentals of flight while working with a STEM/STEAM based curriculum and using real flight simulators to build skills.
The camp will take place at the Jr. High in room 405.
As social distancing will be enforced, space will be limited. Masks will be required.
Registration is in the Mohawk Club Google Classroom or by emailing breed@mcs.k12.ny.us or here.
Call Mr. Reed with questions at 315-764-3720 ext.3246
Internet Safety Research Opportunity
My name is Peter Johnson and I am a research associate at Clarkson University. My colleagues, Kambiz Ghazinour from SUNY Canton and Tony Betrus from SUNY Potsdam, and I are conducting research funded by the National Science Foundation. This research explores how students in K-12 schools learn concepts of internet safety. We are interested in talking to teachers, principals, superintendents, curriculum directors, counselors, parents, and other school decision makers about their thoughts, experiences, and challenges. The extent of your participation in this research would be a single 15 minute interview over Zoom. Unfortunately, the nature of the study requires us to limit the amount of details shared in advance of the interview in order to avoid influencing your answers.
Thank you for your consideration in helping with this very important issue. If you are able to help, you can use the following link to schedule an appointment: https://calendly.com/johnsonpa/15-minute-chat-about-internet-safety. If you have any questions, please reach out to me by email at pjohnson@clarkson.edu. Feel free to share this information with others you know who might be willing to help as well.
All students attending in person must complete the health screening app.
We have three options:
- Download + fill out the app-->,
- This is also a link to an online version of the app http://bit.ly/JWLScreen,
- Children can get the pink forms from the nurse to bring in each day.
Lunch Pick Up
The packs are at no cost to you and you do not need to call ahead. Pull into the parent loop and let us know how many students you have!
Please follow us on Facebook and our website for up to date information. Thank you for checking out our weekly update. If you have ideas, questions, or concerns please email azullo@mcs.k12.ny.us.
Take care,
Mrs. Zullo, Principal
J. William Leary Junior High School
Email: azullo@mcs.k12.ny.us
Website: https://jwjh.mcs.k12.ny.us/
Location: 1 School Street, Massena, NY, USA
Phone: 315-764-3720
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/812944242085434