Spartan Weekly Update 9/30-10/5

Week at a Glance
See What's Happening This Week
Monday, September 30
Regular Monday
Tuesday, October 1
Wednesday, October 2
ELAC Meeting @ 9:30 am in the Teacher Lounge
Villa Cafe Performance 7 pm-PAC
Thursday, October 3
E-Bike Safety Presentation for Students @ Lunch in the Library
Friday, October 4
Saturday, October 5
Saturday School 8am - 12pm, Room 205 (Current Detention & Saturday School Roster)
Administration Updates
October E-Bike Safety Lunch Presentations
The VPHS E-Bike Permit Program is starting in November and requires all E-Bike riders to attend a safety presentation before receiving a parking permit. This month (October), VPHS is hosting two lunch presentations in the LIBRARY from OC Sheriffs. Students in attendance will fulfill the safety requirement for their E-Bike permit.
(Students who attended the September 11 E-Bike presentation have already met the safety requirement)
View the DETENTION LIST for students who have earned at least 1 Detention. Detentions must be served by students to avoid being placed on the LOSS OF ACTIVITIES LIST.
Students are assigned detention based on:
Marked late (TARDY) to class
Skipping class (Ditching)
Discipline consequences
You can serve detentions by:
- SERVING LUNCH DETENTION - M/W/F - Room 205, T/Th - Room 216
- ATTENDING MATH TUTORING Double Zero Period (Room 213) or Zero Period (Room 206)
Questions? See Mrs. Zlaket in the Counseling Office
Short Day / Athletic Periods - Must Have Student ID
For increased safety of our students on campus, VPHS Admin and Security Team are beginning to scan student ID cards as they leave campus on a "short day" or "athletic" period. Student ID numbers are scanned and our 5-star system keeps a log of exit times each day.
Students found without their ID will be subject to the following consequences for multiple ID violations.
- Call to Parents
- Lunch Detention Assigned
Student Conduct Guidance 24-25
- Student Attendance: Students who arrive late to class after the bell rings for each period are tardy. There is a 6-minute passing period to move from class to class. Students who earn 4 tardies will be assigned a lunch detention. We appreciate parent support in encouraging students to be prompt and show up to classes on time!
- Student Conduct Guidelines 24-25: Outline of student behavior and consequences administered by Student Services (Discipline). Please take a moment to review school policies on the following topics:
- Attendance Policy
- Saturday School & Loss of Activities
- Lunch Detention
- Campus Deliveries
- Dress Code
- Student Parking
Click Here to Review Student Conduct Guidelines 24-25
- Attendance: Parents must call or deliver a note to the Attendance Office within 72 hours to clear a student's absence. Students will be held accountable for their attendance through lunch detentions or Saturday School for unexcused absences. If a student is absent from school, they must provide an excuse for an absence (Illness, Personal, Medical Appointment, etc.). Calls to attendance can be made to (714) 532-8020.
For the 2025 AP exams, students at Villa Park High School will be registering online. Online Exam registration will begin on Tue, Sep 10, 2024 at 8:00 AM and end on Tuesday, November 12, 2024 at 11:59 PM. The AP exam registration process is two steps, but both can be completed in one sitting when the student and parent/guardian do this together. Even if you do not plan to take the AP exam, you need to complete both steps to access the
College Board’s AP resources. Both steps must be completed in order to have AP exams ordered:
- Step 1: Begin the process by registering at www.TotalRegistration.net/AP/052279. Here you will indicate both the AP courses you are taking this year and the exams you wish to take. You will receive your join codes and directions to complete the second required step. Any exam fees will be paid online so be sure to have a debit card or credit card available before beginning registration. Paying online is a great way to make sure that payment has been made while avoiding mailing payment.
- Step 2: Use the join codes provided at the completion of step one to enroll the student's AP courses and exams in the College Board's system.
5-Star - Schoolwide App for Students
This year we will be using the 5-Star Students program at VP to maintain safety on campus and to help students increase their involvement on campus. Students can earn points for attending events and participating in activities.
Club Rush Recap
Written by: Alexander Tran
This week VPHS held their annual club rush on Tuesday and Wednesday. Those in club leadership promoted their student organization by making posters describing their club and meeting times in detail. Others were also giving out sweets. Clubs such as Interact were passing out lollipops and having others take photos holding a poster to reach a bigger audience. There were over 48 clubs, such as Best Buddies, BSU, Speech and Debate, Spanish, and Key Club, etc. Students were pleased to be involved in their student organizations and other campus activities. Thank you to the clubs for participating and those who signed up!
Homecoming Dance -October 12th
HOCO Tickets On Sale Now
Homecoming Tickets are on sale now! You can purchase tickets online through the webstore or in the Principal's or Activities Office. Make sure you completed your Dance Contract (QR code above). If you are bringing a non-VP student, you need to complete a Guest Contract (QR Code above) by October 8th.
Spanish Club Commemorates Hispanic Heritage Month
September 15th was the start of Hispanic Heritage Month, and because of this, the board members of Spanish Club, including Isabella Puccio, Gabriela Velasco, Emma Castaneda, Adamaris Parra, Jasmine Huynh, and Magan Phan, reached out to the Spanish teachers to pick a Spanish speaking country. On each of these teachers' doors, a different country is represented, with its flag, facts, notable people, historic landmarks, and traditional food from their chosen country. We hope that our Hispanic student population will be proud to see their heritage represented. We also hope that students will take the time to read them and learn something new.
Register to Vote
The Student Voter Registration was created to ensure every school in California provides eligible students with a meaningful opportunity to register, or pre-register, to vote. The Secretary of State's office contacts schools annually to gather contact information as required by Elections Code and to provide voter registration cards, when requested.
Pre-Registration is available to CA students ages 16-17 who want to be future voters.
Meet Our Spartan Staff
Sarah Atwood-Social Science Teacher
Written by: Alexander Tran
For 19 years, Mrs. Atwood has been a social sciences teacher here at Villa Park High School. Majoring in the social sciences at Biola University, Mrs. Atwood played D2 college softball, an avocation she continued from high school. Mrs. Atwood is a seasoned softball player, having gone to the CIF Championships three times while attending Calvary Chapel High School. In her free time, she enjoys coaching her daughter, Sady, in softball. As a history teacher, Mrs. Atwood currently teaches AP US History and AP Human Geography, with the former being offered to juniors and the latter to freshmen. Throughout her two-decade tenure, Mrs. Atwood’s favorite part of her job has been interacting with her students and educating them on real-life experiences. Mrs. Atwood’s favorite memory here at Villa Park would be "Dancing With the Teachers” in 2015, winning 3rd place and skateboarding across the stage. In addition, Mrs. Atwood is a mother to three kids: Austin, Elliot, and Sady. She’s a self-proclaimed sports mom, with the Los Angeles Angels being her favorite baseball team.
Michael White-Campus Security
Written By: Alexander Tran
Joining our Spartan family a year and a half ago, Mr. White has ingrained himself in the Villa Park High School community as a Campus Security Officer. First graduating from North View High School in 1981, Mr. White would go on to attend Mt. San Antonio College, then transfer to the University of La Verne where he majored in Business Administration and played D3 basketball. Mr. White’s passion for basketball would be international, where he played in Mexico, Turkey, and France. Tying into his love for the sport, Mr. White previously worked as a basketball official for a sporting organization. Before working at Villa Park High School, Mr. White worked in loss prevention for distribution companies, including Target and Amazon. Throughout his time here at Villa Park High School, he has always believed that the students and their bright personalities are what he loves most about his job. In addition to refereeing basketball, volleyball, and football, Mr. White also enjoys playing golf.
Counselors' Corner
VPHS Class of 2027,
The Simon Scholars Program is a unique first-generation scholarship program that begins at the end of a student’s sophomore year in High School and continues through the completion of college and into the workforce.
The Simon Scholars Program will be hosting virtual informational sessions on zoom on October 23rd from 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm.
Interested in learning more about the Simon Scholars Program? Invite your Parents, Guardians, and or Trusted Adults to one of our Virtual Information Sessions!
Register for a virtual, over zoom, “Program Information Session” using the links below:
October 23rd, 2024, 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
For more information regarding the Simon Scholars Program and eligibility requirements, please visit https://simonscholars.org or contact recruitment@simonscholars.org
Thank You,
The Simon Scholars Program & VPHS Counseling Dept.
Math Tutoring Available
Need help with Math? We encourage students to attend our Morning Math Tutoring, led by our very own Math teachers Ms. Petrella and Ms. Capriles.
- Double Zero Period (7:35 - 8:24) - Room 213 - Ms. Petrella
- Zero Period (8:30 - 9:20) - Room 206 - Ms. Capriles
These tutoring options are available for ALL STUDENTS.
Did you know that Villa Park High School offers the AP Capstone Diploma Program?
At VPHS, students with a passion for academic excellence and a drive for success can delve into the AP Capstone Diploma Program, a rigorous two-year course of study. Designed to hone the critical skills essential for college-bound AP/Honors students, this program offers two distinct AP Capstone awards: AP Seminar and AP Research.
College Planning Checklist
Parent vs. Student Responsibilities
Which College Admission Process best suits you?
Counselor Assignments & Contacts 2024-2025
A - C - Lauren Bartelli
D - H - Jeremy Bulrice
I - M - Jason Pham
N - R - Shasta Campbell
S - Z - Doreen Valentin
Spartan Wellspace - Agnes Cimino
This Week In Sports
Girls Volleyball
Monday the girls volleyball team played Yorba Linda High School and lost. Thursday's game against Brea Olinda High School fought hard and while freshman and Varsity won a set all teams lost.
Flag Football
El Modena High School celebrated their Senior Night at Fred Kelly Stadium where they played El Modena High School. Unfortunately the game resulted in a loss with the score of 0 to 12. The JV team also lost to El Modena with a score of 0-18. Wednesday both levels lost to Canyon; JV with a score of 13-33 and Varsity with a score of 12-13.
Girls Golf
Girls golf traveled to Anaheim Hills Golf Club to play Canyon High School that ended with the score of 281-190 for the varsity team. Junior varsity ended their match with a loss of 269-208. Wednesday Girls Gold lost to Brea Olinda; Varsity with a score of 282-215 and JV with a score of 297-280. JV Girls golf played Canyon for a second time on Thursday and lost with a score of 322-244.
Boys Water Polo
Tuesday Boys Water Polo beat Pacifica. The varsity score was 9-7 and the JV score was 13-5. Boys Water Polo played Northwood on Wednesday and Freshman won 12-3 while JV and Varsity lost 8-14 and 6-12 respectively. Our junior varsity team will be playing in the Western Tournament this weekend. Good Luck!
Girls Tennis
Girls Tennis lost to Troy on Tuesday with a score of 4-14.
Our Football program was very successful this week as we took on Mira Costa. Junior Varsity football played away at Mira Costa beating them 28 to 14. Our freshmen team played at home winning with a score of 50 to 0. Congratulations! On Friday night Varsity took on Mira Costa at Fred Kelly and beat them 18-0. Way to go football!
Support VPHS Cheer
Interested in Joining a Sport?
Contact our Athletic Director, Tom Fox tfox@orangeusd.org
Follow VPHS Teams on Social Media!
Please check out the VP Sports schedule for the latest game schedule, results, and events.
If you are on Instagram, follow our teams to stay updated on game results, schedules, and other team-related events:
- VPHS Boys Basketball
- VPHS Girls Basketball
- VPHS Hockey
- VPHS Rugby (NEW)
- VPHS Boys Soccer
- VPHS Girls Soccer
- VPHS Wrestling
- VPHS Aquatics - Water Polo Boys (Fall) Girls (Winter) Swimming (Spring)
- VPHS Cheer & Stunt
- VPHS Cross Country (Fall)
- VPHS esports
- VPHS Football (Fall)
- VPHS Flag Football (Fall)
- VPHS Girls Golf (Fall)
- VPHS Girls Tennis (Fall)
- VPHS Girls Volleyball (Fall)
- VPHS Baseball (Spring)
- VPHS Boys Golf (Spring)
- VPHS Boys Volleyball (Spring)
- VPHS Softball (Spring)
- VPHS Boys Tennis (Spring)
- VPHS Track & Field (Spring)
Upcoming Events
October 7th: HOCO Assembly
October 11-12: Homecoming Game & Dance
Oct. 16: End of 1st Quarter - Minimum Day 0-6
Oct. 28-Nov 1: Red Ribbon Week
Nov. 5: Non-Student Day
Nov. 11: Veterans' Day
Nov. 25-29: Thanksgiving Break
VPHS Fundrasing Opportunities
We’re happy to announce that a new webpage has been created, in response to parent feedback, to collect all fundraiser events that occur throughout the school year. VPHS Fundraiser Events is now open for all sports teams and boosters, clubs, classes, and VPHS-affiliated organizations who wish to promote their upcoming fundraisers.
Should you wish you promote your event, please contact Mr. Pongco at jpongco@orangeusd.org. We are able to feature events on our newsletter, this new webpage, and in school email broadcasts to our parents and students.
Free and Public Education Notice
Section 5 of Article IX of the state of California constitution guarantees students a "free public education". Any requests financial requests from coaches or teachers shall be donations and therefore not required to participate.
Villa Park is a public school, which means we offer a free public education. Any fees attached to events, such as field trips, are requested as a donation from families. Your child will not be excluded from the event if you are unable to donate for a school day field trip or program.
OUSD Annual Notice of Nondiscrimination (UCP)
Orange Unified School District annually notifies its students, employees, parents or guardians of its students, the district advisory committee, school advisory committees, appropriate private school officials, and other interested parties of the Uniform Complaint Procedures (UCP) process.
The UCP Annual Notice is available on the district's website.
The Orange Unified School District is primarily responsible for compliance with federal and state laws and regulations, including those related to unlawful discrimination, harassment, intimidation or bullying against any protected group, and all programs and activities that are subject to the UCP.
Villa Park High School Assistant Principal | Curriculum & Instruction