Wonder Watch
Fenton Area Public Schools - World of Wonder
Happy October!
We are now one month into school! Routines have been established, friendships are beginning to form, and learning through play is happening every day! Our World of Wonder teachers are capturing the development of our students through observation, engaging interactions, and anecdotal notes. Student growth and learning is tracked using our research based assessment tool, Teaching Strategies Gold. Teaching Strategies Gold focuses on specific items through a variety of domains that assess the whole child. Assessment data will be shared with families at our upcoming parent-teacher conferences in mid-November. Looking for more information on TSG? Click the link below.
Meet the Assistant Director
I am a Fenton Tiger Family!! We have two kids, Clare and Phillip who attend AGS and Tomek-Eastern! My husband Paul and I love to do all things nature! We enjoy going on hikes and walking our Dutch Shepherd, Sadie around town. We also are a foodie family and love to try all the local restaurant stops.
I look forward to having a great school year and making connections with all of our WoW families!
Ann will be Acting Director while Marissa Cobleigh is out on maternity leave!
Thanksgiving Basket Sign-Up
Our Next PAW Meeting
World of Wonder Ninja Night
Wednesday, Oct 18, 2023, 05:30 PM
Tri County Ninja & Collectibles, Fenton Road, Fenton, MI, USA
World of Wonder Grant Event
All guests will need to preregister. We are limiting it to two guests per student. They will also need to bring their ID to check into our Visitor Aware system.
October 31st
November Dates
- November 1st - World of Wonder is OPEN! Due to the rest of the district being closed, we will not have School Age Before & After Care
- November 7th - All of World of Wonder is CLOSED! This is due to Ellen St. Campus being used as a polling location for the city. The rest of Fenton Area Public Schools is open. We will not have Before and After Care this day.
Dates to Remember
- Wednesday October 18th: Ninja Night Family Event
- Thursday October 19th: MSU vs UM Spirit Day
- Wednesday October 25th: October PAW Meeting
- Thursday October 26th: Grand Event
- Tuesday October 31st: Pajama Day
- Wednesday November 1st: No School Age Before or After Care
- Thursday November 7th: WoW Closed - All Programs
- Tuesday November 14th & Wednesday November 15th: Picture Days
World of Wonder Illness Policy
Parents are asked to notify WoW if their child is absent for any reason. If a child develops a contagious disease (ex: pink eye, RSV, strep throat, ringworm, chicken pox), parents of all children exposed to the disease will be notified via written notice and email. A child who has had an illness should not return to school until released by the physician and is able to participate in the program as usual.
A child showing symptoms of illness while at WoW will be isolated until he or she can be taken home. Fevers are general indicators of illness. A child with a 99.4 degree Fahrenheit temperature under the arm is expected to go home. Parents or their designees are expected to pick up the child within one hour of the time they are contacted. If the child is sent home ill, a physician’s note authorizing the child’s return to group care may be requested, depending on circumstances. Children are also expected to be fever free for 24 hours, without fever reducing medication, before returning back to WoW. This measure is necessary in order to comply with state law and curtail the spread of infection. World of Wonder reserves the right to refuse care due to illness and from suspicious rashes.
New Visitor Aware System
As an additional effort to improve the safety and security of our buildings, each school will be implementing a visitor management system called "Visitor Aware."
Visitor Aware is a visitor management and screening service designed specifically to help secure our schools. This provides an additional layer of security for your children by validating the identities of anyone entering the premises, determining if they are a potential threat, and keeping accurate records of all school visits. Be sure to have your Driver's License in hand the first time you visit.
Help Support WoW
Help Support WoW's Community Share Room: Donate new or gently used clothing or household goods. Families can also come shop for FREE stuff!
Save Boxtops for Education and donate to WoW
Stay connected! Like our World of Wonder Facebook page and join our PAW facebook group.
Fenton World of Wonder
Email: mcobleigh@fentonschools.org
Website: https://www.fentonschools.org/o/escwowec
Location: 404 West Ellen Street, Fenton, MI, USA
Phone: 810-591-8349
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WoWFAPS