CFHS Charge Up!
March 16, 2025
Happy Sunday, CFHS Chargers!
I hope everyone enjoyed a fantastic and relaxing Spring Break. As we return, it's crucial to stay focused on the 2nd semester. On Tuesday, all juniors will be taking the SAT during the school day. Please remember that outside lunches will not be accepted for juniors on that day, as the lunch schedule will be adjusted to accommodate the testers.
We have only 16 more instructional days before our first STAAR EOC exams. To help you prepare, please review the STAAR Tutorial calendar below, which includes sessions on Saturdays and after school. These tutorials are designed to provide you with ample opportunities to excel and ensure you're well-prepared for the exams.
Prom is just around the corner! Remember, ticket prices will increase at the end of this week, so be sure to purchase yours as soon as possible to avoid the price hike.
Tomorrow marks the Green Track Launch for LCISD. To celebrate our newest track, we invite everyone to participate in St. Gators Day by wearing green to school Monday. Let's show our school spirit and support for this exciting addition!
Juniors will take the School Day SAT on Tuesday!
Lastly, good luck to everyone competing this week. Whether it's in academics, sports, or other activities, we believe in your abilities and are cheering you on.
If you have questions AFTER READING THROUGH ALL THIS INFORMATION, please contact your student's Assistant Principal for help! I have included their contact info below to make it easy for you.
CFHS Admin Team Support
Our Admin Team is ready and willing to support! We are available (via email) during business hours and will be promptly getting back with you for assistance.
Please feel free to reach out to your child's Assistant Principal (alpha split by last name) for student specific concerns or assistance.
Associate Principal Support
Kassandra McCann - Associate Principal kmccann@lcisd.org
Assistant Principal Support Team (ALPHA split by LAST NAME)
Quantas Floyd - Assistant Principal (A - COR) qfloyd@lcisd.org
Tracey Williams - Assistant Principal (COS - HOH) tracey.williams@lcisd.org
Allison Groce-Ryans - Assistant Principal (HOI - MOR) allison.groce@lcisd.org
Matthew Tomas- Assistant Principal (MOS-ROW) mtomas@lcisd.org
Carsen Collins- Assistant Principal (ROY - Z) crcollins@lcisd.org
Nick Codutti - Campus Athletic Coordinator
Micah Kowalski - Assistant Campus Coordinator
Counselors, College Career Facilitator, and Registrar Squad!
Our CFHS Counselors, College Career Facilitator, and Registrar are ready and available to support you. The best way to contact them is via email and they will be getting back with you for assistance within 24 business hours. From schedule questions, college questions, transcript requests, to any student concern our CFHS team is here to assist you and your child. Feel free to email them with any questions or concerns.
Counselors Support Team:
CFHS Counselor:(counselors are divided up by last name alpha split)
Kacy Warren (alpha split A-CARR) kacy.warren@lcisd.org
Christy Tucker (alpha split CART-GARW) ctucker@lcisd.org
Tien Davis (alpha split GARZ-LEO) tidavis@lcisd.org
Karla White (LEP-OLZ) karla.white@lcisd.org
Charlene Henderson (alpha split OM-SEZ) charlene.henderson@lcisd.org
Wendy Howe (alpha split SHA-Z) wendy.howe@lcisd.org
Monica Farrell (504, Dual Credit, AP) monica.farrell@lcisd.org
Mary Saville - College Career Facilitator (CCF) masaville@lcisd.org
Jennifer Kipping -Fulshear High School Registrar jkipping@lcisd.org
Green Track Launch
STAAR Tutorial Schedule
📣 US History STAAR Tutorials!
📣 Want to ace the US History STAAR test? Our amazing US History teachers are offering extra tutorials to help you review key concepts and boost your confidence! 💪📚 ✅ Expert guidance ✅ Targeted review ✅ Acing the test = within your reach! 📅 Sign up now using the QR code below! ⬇️ Let’s make history together! ✨ #STAARSuccess #AceTheTest #USHistory
Prom Fundraiser
Key Club News
"Through our month-long drive, we were able to collect enough donations to create 115 hygiene bags for those in need! Each bag includes resources that everyone has a right to, such as toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap, combs, etc. Thank you so much to all the members who donated and helped prepare the bags!"
Summer Dual Credit
This message is for 11th grade students ONLY!
Mark your calendars because March 18th is the CFHS SAT School Day for ALL juniors!! This means you will have the opportunity to take the SAT during the school day for FREE! No need to register, that is all taken care of for you. All you must do is show up and do your best!!!
What is the SAT?
The SAT is a college entrance exam that measures a student’s skills & determines how prepared they are for college, based on what they’ve learned in high school. This exam can be used to determine the English & math courses you will enroll in at the college level.
Why is the SAT important?
- Measures a student’s skills & determines how prepared they are for college & determine the English & math course you will enroll in at the college level.
- Scores can be used as a TSI exemption at Texas public higher education institutions if the student meets the minimum requirement or higher for English and math sections.
- May be required for admission to some colleges.
- May be used to determine scholarship eligibility.
- It may improve your chances for admission.
Save the Date - Prom - April 12th (Junior/Senior)
Academic Decathlon
Charger Yearbook
The yearbook is still available for purchase. To get yours, please use the following link: https://www.jostens.com/apps/store/productBrowse/2912366/Fulshear-High-School/2025-Yearbook/2024081408163516061/CATALOG_SHOP/
The sales page will close on May 1st OR when we sell out, whichever happens first.
Important Updates to Lamar CISD Student Code of Conduct and Handbook
Specifically regarding electronic devices and consequences
*Reminder * - District Communication Eblast - December 20, 2024
We are committed to maintaining a safe and conducive learning environment for all our students. To support this commitment, we have made several important updates to the Lamar CISD Student Code of Conduct, Elementary and Secondary Student Handbooks. These changes are effective immediately and aim to address the appropriate use of technology within our schools.
Please review the PDF at the link below to see the updated Code of Conduct with the changes.
Updates to LCISD Student Code of Conduct and Handbook
For detailed information, please visit the updated documents at https://www.lcisd.org/students-parents/.
*Reminder * - District Communication Eblast - December 20, 2024
We are committed to maintaining a safe and conducive learning environment for all our students. To support this commitment, we have made several important updates to the Lamar CISD Student Code of Conduct, Elementary and Secondary Student Handbooks. These changes are effective immediately and aim to address the appropriate use of technology within our schools.
LCISD Dress Code
CFHS - Get-It-Done Mondays
"Get-It-Done Mondays" will be academic support sessions in the CFHS Library . These sessions will run from 4:00 - 6:00 PM and will give students a chance to work with FHS teachers on classwork and studying for ELA, Math, Science, Social Studies, and English Language Learning. This is a great opportunity for students to catch up on missing assignments and get help if they need it.
Students can sign up using the QR code in the attached flyer. Those who attend will need to arrange transportation home when the sessions finish at 6:00 PM.
Please contact Kevin Carpenter at kevin.carpenter@lcisd.org or Ross Macha at ross.macha@lcisd.org if you have any questions.
EOC Testing Dates
Upcoming SAT dates for CFHS
AP Exam Schedule
2025-2026 Rezoning for Families of Current 5th – 11th Grade Students
The Lamar CISD Board of Trustees approved new secondary campus zones for the 2025-2026 school year, and I am writing to inform you of some important changes that may affect your child’s campus assignment starting in the 2025-2026 academic year if they are currently in grades 5 - 11. To determine if you and your family will be impacted by the rezoning, please follow the steps below.
- Go to the Lamar CISD website – www.lcisd.org
- At the top of the page, click on “Find My School”
- Using the dropdown arrow next to “School Year 2024-25”, select “School Year 2025-26”
- Begin entering your home address in the search bar
- Once you see your address, click on that address
- On the lefthand side of the site, you will see the elementary, middle school, junior high school, and high school that your home is zoned for in Lamar CISD
Families who are impacted by the rezoning will be directly contacted to provide detailed information regarding these changes later this school year.
Should you have any immediate questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the Department of Enrollment Management directly at 832-223-0424. You can also reach out to me if you have any questions as well. Thank you for your continued support and understanding.
Attendance Matters
New Student Info
Cell Phone Policy
Electronics Device Fee
Vape Discipline
Senior Cap and Gown
Senior Trip
CFHS College and Career Updates
CFHS College and Career Updates
Texas A&M Freshman Aggies Spreading Traditions (FAST) Program – April 11th and 13th
Freshman Aggies Spreading Traditions (FAST) TRACK is an opportunity to get a glimpse at what life is like at Texas A&M! It is open to all high school students interested in learning more about what this great university has to offer.
For one weekend out of the year, students will be able to stay on campus with current students and become fully immersed in the day-to-day life of a Texas A&M student! Those who participate will be able to tour the campus, dive into the many special traditions of Texas A&M, learn about leadership and student life from current and former Aggies, and gain valuable knowledge about the Texas A&M admissions process.
Whether you are a first or fourth generation Aggie, curious about college, or plan on attending A&M yourself one day, FAST TRACK is a resource for future college students planning for a successful academic future, all while having fun with other participants your age.
For more information and to register - https://fasttamu.wixsite.com/fast-track?fbclid%253DPAZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAaaP1VPkxjSRhHA4W41EOlJ1-IR-3psVxdU9CeWY7b5pE3FZ_Vw02pRHNeY_aem_qzZv913
SAT School Day and SAT Study Session - Juniors
All juniors will be taking the SAT at school for free on March 26th. All juniors will be signed up to test. More information about the test day will be shared a month before testing.
We will offer an SAT Study Session for our students on 2/22 at Fulshear High School. If you would like to sign up, please sign up using the link below.
SAT Study Session 2/22 Sign-Up - https://forms.office.com/r/bn52KzDiqV
ASVAB Score Interpretation Rescheduled – 2/19 during Advisory in Room 1500
Students that took the ASVAB in December will have an opportunity to meet with recruiters on 2/19 in Room 1500 to review their ASVAB Scores. Please see Mary Saville for an Advisory pass in Room 1500.
Service Cord Information and Deadlines
If you are interested in learning more about Service Cord, please click the link below. You will find the LCISD guidelines, deadlines, and instructions for how to log your hours. Seniors will need 160 hours to earn the Service Cord
The next Service Cord deadline will be April 15th for seniors and May 1st for 9th – 11th graders.
Students are not required to participate in the Service Cord.
Please note - After December 15th, we will no longer be able to accept hours from Lunches of Lunch for decorating bags. All volunteer hours must be completed in person. If you have any questions, please stop by Room 1500 or email Mary Saville at masaville@lcisd.org.
Senior Serve
Monday, March 3 at 6pm - LGI
Support The Class of 2025
Thank you to all the students who participated in senior serve and to all the families and friends who came out to support the class of 2025! Be patient while we go through everything, and we will be posting points earned on the Facebook page.
You can still support your favorite senior by giving them a tip on square, which earns them a point per $1!
Athletics Information
Website for All Fulshear Athletics Information- coaches are updated their teams sites each week. https://gocfhschargers.com/
Chargers Clubs
Sorry, we are FULL - Parking is now closed.
Please contact Samantha Bentley - samantha.bentley@lcisd.org for any questions related to student parking.
Good Things Happening at CFHS
Tomas High School Corner
Welcome to the Gene Tomas High School Updates Corner of CFHS Charge Up. Principal Lilly Rincon will be providing updates for the students and families that will be attending Tomas High School next school year 2025-2026. If you have direct/specific questions, you may use the following contact information to reach out.
Get Connected!
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for various announcements and activity information! Click the photo to be taken directly to our page for your preferred platform!